Chapter 8: Training Delivery Flashcards
What is a lesson plan in the context of training programs?
A lesson plan is a blueprint that outlines the sequence of activities that will take place in the training program, providing a step-by-step breakdown for conducting a training program.
How many lesson plans should be developed for a training program?
A lesson plan should be developed for each lesson in a program
8.1: Training Delivery Activities
What is the purpose of a lesson plan in training programs?
A lesson plan is a guide for the trainer that provides a step-by-step breakdown for conducting a training program, outlining the sequence of activities that will take place during each lesson.
What are some of the things that should be listed on the first page or cover of a lesson plan?
The training objectives, the trainees, the trainer, time allocation, location, classroom requirements, seating, training materials and equipment, and supplies and handouts should be listed on the first page or cover of a lesson plan.
What is sequencing or ordering of content, and why is it important in lesson planning?
Sequencing or ordering of content refers to the arrangement of training content in a specific order, and it is important in lesson planning because it can affect the ease of learning and trainee self-efficacy.
Guidelines for Developing a Lesson Plan (8 steps)
Who is responsible for deciding who the trainer will be in a training program?
In many cases, the answer to this question depends on a number of factors. While it may be the job of the human resources department or the training and development staff, there are other factors that may come into play.
What is the role of a good trainer in a training program?
Regardless of how well a training program is designed, the success of a program rests in large part on the trainer. In other words, no matter how good the training program, if the trainer is ineffective the program will suffer.
What are some qualities of a good trainer?
A good trainer should be knowledgeable about the course material and have subject-matter expertise. Other qualities might include effective communication skills, the ability to engage and motivate learners, and a passion for teaching and learning.
What is a subject-matter expert (SME)?
A subject-matter expert is someone who is familiar with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a task or a job and has subject-matter expertise. SMEs are important in determining the content of a training program.
Why is it important for a trainer to be a subject-matter expert?
A trainer who is a subject-matter expert can provide accurate and up-to-date information to learners, as well as answer their questions and address any concerns. This can help build credibility and trust with learners, and ultimately contribute to the success of the training program.
Why should a trainer be an expert on the topic or content area being taught?
A trainer who is an expert on the topic or content area being taught can provide more accurate and up-to-date information to learners, and is generally perceived as more credible.
Why is it important for a trainer to make the material interesting?
An effective trainer should be enthusiastic and excited about the training material and capable of motivating and arousing the interest of trainees. This can increase trainee engagement and retention of the material.
What is trainer expressiveness?
Trainer expressiveness refers to the degree to which a trainer uses linguistic devices and is physically animated during the delivery of a training program.
Expressive trainers are physically animated and use linguistic devices such as an animated and enthusiastic voice to engage trainees.
How can trainer expressiveness increase trainee motivation?
Expressive trainers are more engaging and can generate interest and motivation in trainees by using physical gestures, eye contact, and an enthusiastic tone of voice.
This can help keep trainees focused and interested in the material being presented.
What are some other qualities of an effective trainer?
Other qualities of an effective trainer may include strong communication skills, the ability to adapt to different learning styles, empathy and patience, a willingness to receive feedback, and a passion for teaching and learning.
How does a trainer’s expressiveness impact trainee recall of training content?
Research has found that trainees recall a greater amount of the training content when a trainer is more expressive. Trainer expressiveness can enhance trainees’ training motivation and self-efficacy.
Why is it important for a trainer to be engaging?
A good trainer should be able to draw trainees into the training program and keep them interested, focused, and engaged in learning. When a trainer is engaging, trainees are more likely to be motivated to learn and absorb the training content.
How does an engaging trainer impact learner engagement?
Learner engagement is influenced by the trainer. When a trainer is engaging, trainees are more likely to be motivated to learn, and they are attentive and absorbed in the learning process.
What are some ways a trainer can be engaging?
A trainer can be engaging by using a variety of teaching techniques, such as group discussions, case studies, role-playing, and simulations. They can also use humor, storytelling, and real-life examples to make the training content more relevant and interesting to trainees.
How can an engaging trainer contribute to the success of a training program?
An engaging trainer can help build trainee motivation and engagement, which can contribute to the success of a training program. Trainees are more likely to retain the training content and apply it to their job if they are engaged and interested in the learning process.
What are seductive details?
Seductive details consist of entertaining and interesting information (such as cartoons, stories, and jokes) that is irrelevant or only tangentially related to the training material and not necessary for achieving the training objective.
What is the seductive details effect?
The seductive details effect refers to the impaired learning and retention that can result from the use of seductive details in training.
How can trainers use seductive details to make training material more entertaining and engaging?
Trainers can use seductive details to make training material more entertaining and engaging, but should use them sparingly to avoid impairing learning and retention.
What are some factors that affect the seductive details effect?
The seductive details effect is affected by factors such as the kind of seductive detail, the presence of time limits for completing training, and the pre-training knowledge of the trainees.
Tips for Getting Trainees Engaged
What is one of the difficulties of finding a good trainer?
One of the difficulties of finding a good trainer is that individuals who are skilled trainers often do not have the subject-matter expertise to deliver a training program in their organization, while individuals who have subject-matter expertise often are not experienced trainers.
What skills are required to be an effective trainer?
Good trainers must have good verbal and communication skills, interpersonal skills, and organizing and planning skills.
They must be able to deliver the training material in a manner that is understandable to trainees and present the material in a structured manner that is easy to follow and understan
What is a train-the-trainer program?
A train-the-trainer program is designed to teach subject-matter experts how to be effective trainers. These programs focus on the skills that are required to be an effective trainer.
What is the purpose of a train-the-trainer program?
The purpose of a train-the-trainer program is to develop the skills of subject-matter experts and enable them to deliver effective training programs. This can help organizations to develop internal training resources and ensure that training is delivered effectively.
How does the CBC develop staff instructors?
The CBC uses train-the-trainer programs to develop staff instructors. These programs focus on teaching subject-matter experts the skills that are required to be effective trainers.
Why might subject-matter experts require training on how to be an effective trainer?
Subject-matter experts may require training on how to be an effective trainer because they may not have experience as a trainer, even though they have unique knowledge that is required for a specific training program.
What are some things to consider when training subject-matter experts to be trainers?
When training subject-matter experts to be trainers, it is important to explain the specific reasons for their selection, review training materials with them, coach them on facilitation skills, provide information about participants, and teach them how to engage adult learners with interactive activities.
How can trainers help subject-matter experts understand adult learners’ needs and learning styles?
Trainers can help subject-matter experts understand adult learners’ needs and learning styles by discussing the different types of learning styles, incorporating tips such as using interactive activities, and encouraging the use of charts, illustrations, and other visuals.
What are some ways trainers can support subject-matter experts during a training program?
Trainers can support subject-matter experts during a training program by providing assistance with flipcharts or distributing materials, offering feedback during practice sessions, and providing access to experienced instructional designers and content reviewers.
What are the four questions to ask when selecting participants for a training program, according to Donald Kirkpatrick?
Who can benefit from the training?
What programs are required by law or by government edict?
Should the training be voluntary or compulsory?
Should the participants be segregated by level in the organization, or should two or more levels be included in the same class?
Why is it important to select the right trainees for a training program?
Selecting the right trainees is important because money and time can be wasted, and performance problems are likely to continue if the wrong people attend training and those who require training do not attend.
In which situations are training programs required by law?
Training programs are required by law in situations such as health and safety programs for employees who work with hazardous materials.
Why does Kirkpatrick suggest that some training programs should be compulsory?
Kirkpatrick suggests that some training programs should be compulsory because otherwise, some employees who will benefit from the training might not attend.
How should the decision to segregate participants by organizational level or include them in the same training session be made?
The decision depends on the culture of the organization and the rapport that exists between different levels. The main issue is whether employees will feel comfortable enough to speak and participate if their supervisors are present.
What is one issue to consider when placing trainees from different generations together in a training program?
One issue to consider is the extent to which the trainees belong to different generations and whether they can effectively learn and collaborate in a training program together
What are the four distinct generations in the Canadian workforce?
Traditionalists (born between 1945 and 1949)
Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964)
Generation X (1965–1981)
Millennials (1982–1990)
By 2020, which generation will be the dominant group in the workforce?
Millennials will be the dominant group in the workforce by 2020.
How does the era in which we are born influence our work behavior?
The era in which we are born shapes our tastes, beliefs, and work ethic, as we are largely a product of our times. Each generation shares a place in history, and its members tend to develop personalities based on that common experience.
What are the work characteristics of each of the different generations of workers?
Traditionalists value hard work, order, and respect for authority.
Baby Boomers tend to be competitive and think workers should pay their dues.
Generation X members are more likely to be skeptical and independent-minded.
Millennials like teamwork, feedback, and technology.
What type of learning materials do Millennials generally prefer?
Millennials tend not to like reading long, detailed case studies; they prefer short, timely examples.
What do Baby Boomers generally value in their learning?
Baby Boomers like relevancy in their learning. They prefer examples that are relevant to the workplace and result in actions or knowledge that can be applied to their jobs.
Which generations appreciate feedback in a training session?
Generation Xers and Millennials appreciate feedback during a training session.
What is the general work preference of Gen Xers in comparison to Millennials regarding teamwork?
Gen Xers tend to prefer working independently, while Millennials like to work in teams.
Besides generational differences, what other facets should a trainer consider when designing and delivering training?
A trainer should also consider culture, personality, life experiences, and education when designing and delivering training.
How can considering multiple facets of a person ensure effective training?
Considering multiple facets of a person helps ensure the delivery of the most valuable training that caters to diverse individual needs, helping all employees develop and succeed.
What is a trainability test?
A trainability test is a test that measures an individual’s ability to learn and perform training tasks in order to predict whether an individual will successfully complete a training program.
How are trainability tests typically conducted?
Trainability tests are typically conducted by having individuals take a mini-course or learn a sample of the training that is representative of the content of a training program, and then take a test that measures their learning and performance of the tasks.
In which types of jobs have trainability tests been shown to be effective in predicting training success and job performance?
Trainability tests have been effective in predicting training success and job performance in many jobs, such as carpentry, welding, dentistry, and forklift operating
What other purposes can training pre-tests serve?
Training pre-tests can be used to determine what kind of remedial training an individual might require to prepare them for a training program, or to tailor a training program to one’s needs.
How can managers maximize trainee learning?
Managers can maximize trainee learning by assessing employees’ readiness to learn and trainability prior to training.
What are some examples of training materials?
Examples of training materials include expendable items such as note pads, pens, markers, and tape.
What are some examples of common supplies used in training programs?
Common supplies used in training programs include computer equipment, projectors, and workbooks or manuals
What is the difference between training materials and equipment?
Training materials are expendable items that have limited use, while equipment refers to items that have a life beyond a single use, such as projectors, computers, and DVD players.
What are some examples of handouts that can be prepared in advance for a training program?
Handouts for a training program can include course outlines, training objectives, schedules of training activities, articles, and copies of the trainer’s slides.
Why is it important to determine the materials and equipment needed for a training program?
Determining the materials and equipment needed for a training program helps in estimating the cost of training and ensures that the actual training session runs smoothly.
What is a training site?
A training site is the facility or room where the training will take place, such as an organization’s learning center, headquarters, or a rented facility like a hotel or conference center.
What factors should be considered to ensure a training program runs smoothly?
Factors to consider for a smooth training program include: a comfortable learning environment (space, lighting, and temperature), a noise-free setting with minimal distractions, and an appropriate setup for the training program (seating arrangement, visibility, and interaction possibilities).
Why is it important to inspect and prepare the training room in advance?
Inspecting and preparing the training room in advance ensures that it is conducive to learning, the room is properly set up, and the required equipment has arrived and is functioning. This ultimately contributes to trainee motivation and learning.
What are some concerns when choosing an off-the-job training site?
Concerns when choosing an off-the-job training site include travel time for trainees, transportation, and accommodations and meals if trainees need to stay overnight. These factors can impact the training budget and the time employees spend away from work.
Why might it be preferable to conduct a training program away from the organization?
Conducting a training program away from the organization can minimize distractions and prevent trainees from stepping out of the session to take care of business, which can interfere with learning.
8.1: Seating Arrangements
Why is the seating arrangement important in a training session?
The seating arrangement is important because it can facilitate or limit trainee involvement and participation, energize or inhibit trainees, and communicate the trainer’s style.
What does the low-involvement seating arrangement represent?
The low-involvement seating arrangement represents a traditional classroom setup, with the instructor in control at the front of the room. Communication is one-way, flowing from the instructor to the trainees, and communication among trainees is not possible. This arrangement is commonly used for the lecture method.
How does the moderate-involvement seating arrangement facilitate trainee interaction?
In the moderate-involvement seating arrangement, the instructor remains at the front of the room, but trainees are seated around a table.
This setup allows trainees to interact and exchange ideas with one another while still having the instructor in control and one-way communication dominating.
What characterizes a high-involvement seating arrangement?
In a high-involvement seating arrangement, small groups of trainees are seated together around small tables, enabling group members to interact and work together on projects.
The instructor’s role is more of a resource person or facilitator, allowing them to present material, engage the class in discussions, move around the room, and provide help to each group while they work on projects and solve problems.
Why should a trainer carefully choose a seating arrangement for a training program?
A trainer should carefully choose a seating arrangement because it has important implications for both the trainer and trainees.
The seating arrangement should be determined by the objectives of the training program and the desired level of trainee involvement and interaction. It can significantly affect the effectiveness of the methods, activities, and exercises used during the training session.
What are the factors to consider when scheduling a training program?
Availability of participants: Determine the best day of the week, time of day, and time of year for employees to attend the training program, taking into account the organization’s busy periods or seasons.
Preferences of employees and supervisors: Consult employees and their supervisors to determine the best time for them to attend the training program, whether during office hours or after hours, such as evenings or weekends.
Availability of the trainer: Consider the trainer’s responsibilities and availability, whether they are from within the organization or external.
Availability of the training site, equipment, and materials: Schedule the training program well in advance if the training site and facilities are frequently used, and ensure materials are designed or purchased in time for the training.
Massed versus distributed practice: Decide whether to offer the training all at once or spread it out over a longer period of time, taking into account resources and logistics.
What is ethics in the context of training and development?
Ethics involves the use of systematic thinking about the moral consequences of one’s actions and decisions for various stakeholders in the design, delivery, and evaluation of training and development programs.
What are stakeholders?
Stakeholders are people inside or outside the organization who might be affected by the organization’s actions and decisions
What is the role of training professionals in terms of ethics?
Training professionals must adhere to a set of ethical principles that guide their behavior and serve as role models of proper ethical conduct to the rest of the organization.
What is one ethical issue of concern in training and development?
One ethical issue of concern is refusing to allow some employees to attend a training program, which can result in workplace discrimination and human rights complaints.
What laws govern human rights issues such as an employee being denied training in Canada?
The federal Canadian Human Rights Act and the provincial human rights codes govern human rights issues related to employee training.
What are the four elements involved in creating a conducive learning climate?
The four elements are pre-arrival factors, greeting participants, the learning facility/environment, and the trainer’s style and behavior.
What are some examples of pre-arrival factors in creating a learning climate?
Pre-arrival factors include contacting trainees with a welcome message, providing information about the program, pre-work readings or assignments, and pre-session get-togethers.
What aspects of the learning facility/environment should be considered for creating a positive learning climate?
Factors to consider include lighting, noise, space, room temperature, cleanliness, and timely provision of drinks, refreshments, and meals.
What are some ways a trainer can interact with trainees to create a positive learning climate?
A trainer can circulate throughout the room, sit with trainees, mingle during breaks, join them at meals, and make themselves accessible for questions.
What are some elements of a trainer’s style that contribute to a positive learning climate?
Elements include listening with empathy, accepting different ideas, showing sensitivity to communication, supporting risk-takers, providing a fun atmosphere, emphasizing opportunities for discovery, making learning gradual, and asking for feedback.
What is the purpose of Gagné’s nine events of instruction?
The purpose is to stimulate and activate trainees’ internal learning processes, leading to effective learning.
What are Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction?
Gain Attention - Capture trainees’ interest and motivate them for the training program.
Describe the Objectives - Clearly communicate the training objectives, expectations, and desired outcomes.
Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge - Help trainees connect their existing knowledge and experience with the new training material.
Present the Material to be Learned - Organize and present the training content in a logical and consistent manner.
Provide Guidance for Learning - Offer examples, ask questions, and facilitate discussions to guide trainees through the learning process.
Elicit Performance Practice - Give trainees opportunities to actively practice and apply the training material.
Provide Informative Feedback - Ensure trainees understand their performance and how to improve.
Assess Performance - Test trainees on their learning during and after the training program.
Enhance Retention and Transfer - Help trainees understand how to apply the training material on the job and discuss real-life work situations.