Lesson 10: Technology-based Training Methods Flashcards
What is technology-based training?
Technology-based training is training that involves the use of technology to deliver training programs, such as Web-based training, computerized self-study, satellite or broadcast TV, and video-, audio-, or tele-conferencing.
What are some examples of technology-based training?
Some examples of technology-based training include Web-based training, computerized self-study, satellite or broadcast TV, and video-, audio-, or tele-conferencing.
What is traditional training?
Traditional training is training that does not involve the use of technology to deliver training, such as classroom training with a live instructor, non-computerized self-study, non-computerized games, seminars, lectures, or outdoor programs.
What is the trend in using technology for training?
Industry, government, and educational organizations are increasingly using technology to deliver training.
In Canada, while instructor-led classroom training remains the most widely used training method, more than three-quarters of organizations offer some form of self-paced online learning or e-learning, which represents 20 percent of overall learning time.
Furthermore, 69 percent of organizations report that e-learning is strategically important to their organization’s learning strategy.
What percentage of organizations in the United States use e-learning?
88 percent of organizations in the United States use e-learning.
What percentage of training hours are delivered by an instructor in a classroom in the United States?
42 percent of training hours are delivered by an instructor in a classroom in the United States.
Is technology-based training replacing instructor-led classroom instruction?
No, technology-based training is not likely to replace learning in the classroom. Rather, it has become an alternative method of training.
What is a blended learning program?
A blended learning program is a type of training that combines different delivery methods, such as e-learning, virtual classroom courses, classroom-based simulations, and just-in-time resources.
What is computer-based training?
Computer-based training is training that is delivered via the computer for the purpose of teaching job-relevant skills. It can include text, graphics, and/or animation, and can be delivered via CD-ROMs, intranets, or the Internet.
What is e-learning?
E-learning (also known as Web-based instruction or WBI and online learning) is the use of computer network technology such as the intranet or Internet to deliver information or instruction to individuals.
What is the most commonly used technology-based training method in Canada?
Self-paced online delivery or e-learning are the most used technology-based training methods in Canada.
7.1: Training Methods as a Percentage of Overall Learning Time and Use by Organizations
What is instructor-led training?
Instructor-led training (ILT) is technology-based training that involves an instructor or facilitator who leads, facilitates, or trains online. Examples of ILT include online discussions and video conferencing.
What is self-directed learning?
Self-directed learning (SDL) occurs when individuals or groups take the initiative and responsibility for learning and manage their own learning experiences.
How does self-directed learning shift the responsibility for learning?
Self-directed learning shifts the responsibility for learning from the trainer to the trainee. Trainees must seek out the necessary resources to engage in learning that will enhance their careers and personal growth.
Why has self-directed learning become increasingly popular?
Self-directed learning has become increasingly popular because traditional methods of training lack the flexibility to respond quickly to dramatic and constant organizational change and trainees’ needs. SDL allows trainees to access training materials and programs when they want to, at their own pace, and sometimes in the sequence they prefer.
7.2: The Benifits and Limitations of Self-Directed learning
What is asynchronous training?
Asynchronous training is training that is available to employees at any time and from any location.
What are some features of more sophisticated asynchronous training programs?
More sophisticated asynchronous training programs can include text, graphics, animation, audio, and video, as well as simulations, interactive exercises, tests, and feedback.
What is synchronous training?
Synchronous training is live and in real time, so trainees must be at their computer at a specific time.
What is an example of a basic synchronous training program?
An example of a basic synchronous training program is “chat” sessions in which trainees log on at the same time and participate in a discussion of some topic.
What are some features of more sophisticated synchronous training programs?
More sophisticated synchronous training programs might have trainees from various locations log in to the training at a set time and receive instruction from a trainer who facilitates a discussion, shows slides, answers trainees’ questions, and provides feedback.
What is online and distance education?
Online and distance education involves the use of computer technology and the Internet to deliver educational content and courses.
What was correspondence programs?
Correspondence programs were programs in which students would receive course materials, which in addition to reading material might include audio- or video-taped lectures and learn the material on their own without actually being in a classroom with an instructor and other students.
What is the benefit of taking courses online?
Taking courses online allows students to study and work full time, and benefits employers because it means that employees can take courses and earn a degree without missing work.
What are MOOCs?
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are courses that are available on the Internet and are usually free and have open enrolments. They can have an unlimited number of students from all over the world taking a course.
What are SPOCs?
Small private online courses (SPOCs) are courses that focus on more specific topics and are offered to smaller and more targeted audiences. The enrolment is limited and the content can be customized and directed to a specific group of employees.
What is an electronic performance support system (EPSS)?
An electronic performance support system (EPSS) is a computer-based system that provides access to integrated information, advice, and learning experiences. It assists, warns, advises, teaches, and evaluates employees as needed to aid performance and learning.
How is an EPSS useful in training?
An EPSS is particularly useful for training in high-turnover jobs, like hotel staff, and in tasks that are difficult, performed infrequently, and must be performed perfectly. It saves time and reduces the costs of updates compared to classroom training.
What is the goal of an EPSS?
The goal of an EPSS is to provide whatever is necessary to aid performance and learning at the time it is needed, and to provide only the information that is needed, without overwhelming employees.
What is a mobile performance support (mPS) system?
A mobile performance support (mPS) system is a performance support tool that provides employees with access to information, advice, and learning experiences on a mobile device, such as an iPad. It can be used to assist employees in performing tasks and improving customer service.
What is an example of the use of EPSSs in retail?
An example of the use of EPSSs in retail is online reference tools that are available to employees to refresh their memories about work-related tasks or provide them with instant help on how to perform a task, which can be accessed from a mobile device or computer.
Home Depot Canada has implemented a mobile performance support (mPS) system in its stores to improve sales associate learning and customers’ shopping experience.
What is a virtual classroom?
A virtual classroom uses a Web-based platform to deliver live, instructor-led training to geographically dispersed learners, allowing them to participate in live discussions with facilitators and co-workers from any location.
What are the advantages of a virtual classroom?
The main advantages of a virtual classroom are cost savings and convenience. It allows for shorter training sessions held over a period of weeks rather than having to schedule large blocks of time, and it allows trainees to participate from any location.
What technology is used to make virtual classrooms possible?
Virtual classrooms are made possible through the use of video- and web-conferencing technology. Video conferencing involves linking a subject-matter expert or trainer to employees by means of two-way television and satellite technology.
What is a virtual classroom?
A virtual classroom is a Web-based platform that delivers live, instructor-led training to geographically dispersed learners.
What is the advantage of using a virtual classroom?
The advantage of a virtual classroom is cost savings and convenience. It allows trainees to participate in live discussions with facilitators and co-workers from any location and allows for shorter training sessions held over a period of weeks.
What is web conferencing?
Web conferencing is a live meeting or conference that takes place on the Internet where trainees are connected to the trainer and each other via the Internet and participate from their own computer.
What is a webinar?
A webinar is a seminar or workshop that takes place live over the Web.
It can be a presentation, lecture, or workshop and can be interactive by allowing participants to ask and answer questions.
What is a webcast?
A webcast is a live or recorded video or audio broadcast over the Internet. It is usually one-way communication that does not have an interactive component.
How should virtual classrooms be designed to be most effective?
Virtual classrooms should be designed from scratch and treated as a unique type of learning experience rather than just converting a traditional classroom training program into a virtual training program.
What is the recommended length for modules in a live virtual training program?
The recommended length for modules in a live virtual training program is about 60 to 90 minutes.
What is the recommended maximum size for a virtual classroom?
The recommended maximum size for a virtual classroom is 20 to 25 learners.
How can multimedia content be used to enhance virtual training programs?
Multimedia content can be used to illustrate complex concepts in virtual training programs, such as short pre-recorded audio and video segments.
How should live virtual training be delivered?
Live virtual training should be delivered interactively, moving from monologue to dialogue, asking questions, facilitating conversation, conducting brainstorming sessions, and using breakout rooms.
What is the recommended structure and style for live virtual training programs?
The recommended structure and style for live virtual training programs is to model them on the structure and style of a phone-in radio show, including guests and compelling narrative.
What is social media in the context of training and development?
Social media refers to the use of technology for sharing and exchanging information, and it is increasingly being used for knowledge sharing and learning in training and development.
What is knowledge sharing and why is it important?
Knowledge sharing involves providing task information and know-how to help and collaborate with others to solve problems, develop new ideas, or implement policies or procedures.
It is important because it is positively related to team performance and organizational financial performance, and contributes to an organization’s competitive advantage.
What are communities of practice and how do they work?
Communities of practice are groups of employees who share similar concerns and problems and meet regularly to share their experiences and knowledge, learn from one another, and identify new approaches for working and solving problems. Members of communities of practice share information and knowledge and in the process learn with and from each other. They ask each other for help, exchange best practices, and share information.
What is Web 2.0 technology?
Web 2.0 refers to Internet tools that enable communicating and sharing information and knowledge.
What is generative learning?
Generative learning is a self-initiated and learner-controlled form of collaborative learning in which individuals in a social network share ideas and information, and in the process solve problems and create new knowledge.
What are some popular Web 2.0 technologies for training?
Some popular Web 2.0 technologies for training are blogs, wikis, and podcasts.
What is a blog?
A blog is a website that contains commentary and information on a subject. It is like a journal in which an individual posts information about a topic or subject.
What is a wiki?
A wiki is a webpage or collection of webpages in which users share, contribute, and modify information on a topic.
What is a podcast?
A podcast is a short audio or video recording that can be downloaded and played on a mobile device such as an iPod or smartphone.
What is Web 3.0?
Web 3.0 represents an evolutionary and fundamental shift in how people interact with the Web and consists of three components: the semantic Web, the mobile Web, and the immersive Internet.
What is the semantic Web?
The semantic Web involves technology that can understand the meaning of data and create customized experiences in which information is tailored to a user’s needs, location, and identity.
What is the mobile Web?
The mobile Web allows one to use the Web seamlessly across devices and locations.
What is the immersive Internet?
The immersive Internet involves the use of immersive technologies such as virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3-D environments.
What is mobile learning or m-learning?
Mobile learning or m-learning involves the use of mobile or portable technologies such as iPods, MP3 players, and smartphones to obtain information and training at any time and from any location.
What is microlearning?
Microlearning is the delivery of small amounts of focused information to meet a specific learning outcome. It is often used to reinforce and supplement training programs and to provide just-in-time or on-demand learning content.
How is mobile learning used to train field reps at Black & Decker?
Black & Decker replaced paper-based training materials with m-learning content to train its 300 field reps responsible for setting up store displays for retailers.
They receive short two- to three-minute learning modules directly to their PDA (personal digital assistant), which include task lists, images, quizzes, and short videos about the products.
What are some benefits of mobile learning?
Mobile learning makes learning accessible across time, location, and device. It is especially effective for short sessions that address a single learning point or summarize previously learned material. It is also ideal for providing information and support for employees when they are away from the office.
What is a potential downside of mobile learning?
A potential downside of mobile learning is distractions that stem from the environment in which a trainee is using the device for training and from the device itself, which can reduce a trainee’s ability to attend to the training content and interfere with learning and retention.
What are Synthetic Learning Environments (SLEs)?
Synthetic Learning Environments (SLEs) refer to technology-based training media that augment, replace, create, and/or manage a learner’s experience with the world by providing realistic content with instructional features.
What is Virtual Reality (VR)?
Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that uses computers to create an artificial 3-D experience that simulates and recreates an actual environment. It uses computer graphics, sounds, and images to create an electronic version of a real-life situation.
How can Virtual Reality (VR) be used for training?
Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to simulate various conditions in which trainees can immerse themselves in highly realistic situations to solve real work-related problems, such as police officers learning how to deal with a shooter or manufacturing workers practicing emergency response procedures during a fire.
What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
Augmented reality is a technology that overlays computer-generated virtual imagery onto a real-world environment in real time, integrating digital information with physical reality to augment or enhance certain aspects of the environment.
Where is AR being used for training?
AR is being used for training in medical settings, allowing surgeons to practice surgical procedures prior to performing them and during actual procedures. Studies have shown positive effects on learning outcomes and improving performance in medical settings.
What is the role of technology in delivering effective training programs?
Technology is just the medium for delivering the training content and has no direct influence on learning. The effectiveness of a training program using technology depends on how it is designed rather than the sophistication of the technology used to deliver it.
What design factors should be considered in technology-based training programs?
To maximize trainee learning and retention, training programs should include active practice and conditions of practice, feedback, games, simulations, and role plays.
Other design factors that can be used include stories, customizing and personalizing the training, human interaction, and feedback.
What are computer simulations?
Computer simulations are interactive and reality-based environments that replicate on-the-job experiences to provide trainees with hands-on training for a particular task. They are designed to help trainees practise and master knowledge and skills in a safe learning environment.
How effective are computer simulations for learning?
Research has found that simulations can improve learning outcomes in a variety of contexts, such as training pilots and military personnel. Computer simulations can provide trainees with a realistic experience on tasks that might be too dangerous to learn in the work environment.
Can computer simulations be used for soft-skills training?
Yes, computer simulations are also being used for soft-skills training for various skills, such as leadership, sales, customer service, and financial services.
What are computer-based games?
Computer-based games are designed to engage trainees with realistic and entertaining experiences. They simulate work-related tasks and experiences and include features such as competition, rules, and a scoring system.
What are computer-based simulation games?
Computer-based simulation games are defined as “instruction delivered via personal computer that immerses trainees in a decision-making exercise in an artificial environment in order to learn the consequences of their decisions.”
How can learning games improve trainee learning and performance?
Learning games can improve trainee learning and performance by increasing the appeal of e-learning, encouraging trainees to practice, and facilitating the discovery of patterns and relationships in the training material.
How does gamification work in the workplace?
Gamification refers to the use of game mechanics and elements from video games to engage and motivate employees in the workplace. It breaks the training program into a series of levels called missions that are progressively more challenging. As employees progress through the levels, they have a series of goals, receive feedback, complete short quizzes, and compete against colleagues.
What are the three key elements that gamification should involve?
The three key elements that gamification should involve are a story that provides the context and includes characters and settings that are relevant to trainees, parameters that indicate the basic framework and rules for how the game is played, and rewards that highlight and recognize player achievement.
What did a study on computer-based games find about their effectiveness in training?
A study on computer-based games found that trainees who received instruction via a simulation game had higher self-efficacy, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and retention than trainees in a comparison group.
What factors make simulation games more effective for learning?
Simulation games are more effective for learning when they actively engage trainees in learning the course material rather than passively conveying the material, when trainees have unlimited access to the simulation game rather than limited access, and when the simulation game is used as a supplement to other instructional methods rather than as a stand-alone instructional method.
What should be incorporated into the design of simulation games for them to be most effective?
Learning principles must be incorporated into the design of simulation games for them to be most effective.
What are role plays in technology-based training programs?
Role plays are a training technique that can be used in technology-based training programs. They involve trainees interacting with animated characters who present different customer-service challenges and learn different approaches for interacting with them. An animated coach provides guidance and feedback.
What is the interactive customer-service training program of Rogers Wireless Communications Inc.?
Rogers Wireless Communications Inc. has an interactive customer-service training program for sales representatives that includes online role playing. The program uses role playing to engage trainees and to teach them lessons based on real-life scenarios. An animated coach provides guidance and feedback to trainees.
What are the benefits of using role plays in technology-based training programs?
Role plays can make the training program engaging and improve trainee performance. In the case of Rogers Wireless Communications Inc., improvements in service and employee satisfaction were noticed not long after the program was implemented.
What is the purpose of using stories and narratives in e-learning?
The purpose of using stories and narratives in e-learning is to engage trainees and liven up abstract concepts and dry material. Characters and dialogue can be used to make the material more relatable and memorable.
What is customization in the context of training and development?
Customization involves tailoring instructional elements to meet trainee preferences and needs.
Customization can increase trainee satisfaction with the training and improve learning.
What is adaptive learning technology?
Adaptive learning technology tailors and adjusts training content and material to the specific needs of trainees based on their knowledge and level of performance, so that the training is tailored to each trainee’s specific needs.
What is customization in the context of training and development?
Customization involves tailoring instructional elements to meet trainee preferences and needs.
What is personalization in the context of training programs?
Personalization in the context of training programs refers to structuring the program in a way that trainees feel they are engaged in a conversation with the program.
It involves using conversational language in on-screen text and audio recordings to make the program more relatable and engaging for the trainees.
What is human interaction in the context of computer-based training programs?
Human interaction refers to the extent to which trainees are able to interact with the instructor and one another during a training program, and it can be built into computer-based programs using a number of formats, including email exchanges, chat rooms, discussion boards, and group projects.
What is feedback in training programs?
Feedback is information provided to trainees that helps them understand how well they are performing and what they need to improve.
Students who receive feedback in computer-based training have been found to learn more than students who are not given feedback.
How can feedback be incorporated into computer-based training programs?
Feedback can range from a simple prompt indicating whether an answer is right or wrong to a more complex maze of reviews and reinforcements.
Feedback can also be provided in simulations and role plays through on-screen virtual coaches or immediate feedback following each response.
What is the multimedia principle in computer-based training design?
Graphics and text should be used rather than simply text alone to engage trainees in a deeper and more active processing of the learning material.
What is the contiguity principle in computer-based training design?
When text is used to explain a graphic or vice versa, the text and graphics should be placed near each other on the screen to permit trainees to focus on the instructional material rather than on trying to match a miscellaneous set of pictures to text.
What is the modality principle in computer-based training design?
Audio technology, rather than on-screen text, should be used to present information to avoid overwhelming trainees with visual information during learning.
What is the personalization principle in computer-based training design?
Text should be written in first and second person, and trainees should have access to on-screen virtual coaches that provide guidance and direction to help trainees see the computer as a conversational partner rather than as an information delivery agent.
What is a major advantage for trainees in computer-based training programs?
Trainees have flexibility in terms of when and where they can take the courses.
What is learner control in computer-based training programs?
Learner control refers to the degree to which the trainee has control over various instructional features during a lesson or training program, such as the content, sequence, and/or the pace of training.
What is self-pacing in computer-based training programs?
Self-pacing means that trainees can work on training tasks as quickly or as slowly as they want.
What was the result of a recent study on learner-controlled practice difficulty?
Trainees who had more experience playing video games, higher general mental ability, and higher pre-training self-efficacy chose more difficult levels of practice. Practice difficulty was positively related to task knowledge and post-training performance, and indirectly related to adaptive performance through its effect on task knowledge and post-training performance.
What is learner control?
Learner control refers to the degree to which trainees are able to control their own learning experiences
What are some potential negative effects of too much learner control?
Trainees may make bad decisions, such as skipping over important sections of the training and terminating study and practice sessions before they have completed the training and learned the required material.
What is adaptive guidance?
Adaptive guidance is an instructional strategy that assists trainees in making effective learning decisions.
How can adaptive guidance supplement learner control?
Adaptive guidance has been found to have a positive effect on the way trainees study and practice, as well as their self-efficacy, knowledge, and performance. Thus, learner control is more effective when it is supplemented with adaptive guidance.
What strategies can be used to make learner control more effective?
Trainees should be provided with some structure and guidance, and self-regulation prompts can help trainees make better use of learner control. Trainees are also more likely to learn the training material and less likely to drop out of training when they begin training with a plan for when, where, and how much time they will devote to training and when they follow through with their plans.
What is a major advantage of computer-based training for organizations?
One major advantage is that organizations can ensure that all trainees receive the same training regardless of where they are located, delivering standardized and consistent training to large numbers of employees across the organization and even worldwide.
Why is it important for organizations to deliver standardized training to employees in many locations?
Leaving the training to each location could result in differences in content, delivery, and effectiveness.
What is the advantage of computer-based training in terms of the number of employees who can be trained?
There is no limit to the number of employees who can be trained, as one is not constrained by the number of instructors available or the need for classroom space
What is a learning management system (LMS)?
A learning management system (LMS) is software used for the administration, delivery, and management of an organization’s training and development programs.
An LMS allows organizations to manage all of their learning activities and deliver online courses, as well as track and record course enrolments and employees’ progress and completion of training and development programs.
Why is it important for organizations to have a record of employees’ completion and performance in mandatory training programs?
A record of employees’ completion and performance is important for mandatory training programs and legally mandated completion, certification, and attainment of a certain level of performance. An LMS can generate test results that can provide legal documentation of proof of competency levels and reduce corporate liability.
What is an advantage of integrating an LMS with other systems such as talent and performance management systems?
An integrated LMS can be most effective, as it allows organizations to track and manage all learning activities as well as talent and performance.
What is perhaps the greatest advantage for organizations in using computer-based training?
The reduction in the cost of training is perhaps the greatest advantage for organizations, as it eliminates the cost of travel, training facilities, hotel rooms, meals, trainers, and employee time off work to travel to and attend training.
What types of companies are especially advantaged by using computer-based training?
Companies with national or international employees are especially advantaged by using computer-based training, as the high overhead costs of traditional training can be prohibitive for such companies.
What is a disadvantage of technology-based training for trainees?
A disadvantage is that there is less interpersonal contact and interaction with other trainees. Trainees who prefer to receive training in a classroom with a trainer and other trainees may find technology-based training less effective.
What is a potential solution to the problem of less interpersonal contact in technology-based training?
A face-to-face pre-training socialization session can give trainees the opportunity to get to know one another and to establish relationships prior to training, which has been shown to improve performance.
What is the major disadvantage of technology-based training for organizations?
The major disadvantage is the up-front cost of development, especially for sophisticated multimedia programs. Estimates are that it takes 200 to 300 hours of design and development time to produce one hour of instruction, and full-motion colour and sound courseware can cost $200,000 for 30 hours of instruction.
What is one of the main reasons that technology-based training is claimed to be more effective than classroom instruction?
One of the main reasons is that it provides a greater variety of instructional methods that are tailored to individual needs and preferences for learning.
Is technology-based training more effective than traditional classroom training?
A review of 96 studies found that, on average, computer-based training was 6 percent more effective than classroom instruction for declarative knowledge, but both methods were equally effective for procedural knowledge.
Was computer-based training found to be more effective for employees or for college/university students?
Computer-based training was not found to be more effective for employees than it was for college/university students.
Were trainees equally satisfied with computer-based training and classroom instruction?
Yes, trainees were found to be equally satisfied with both methods.
When is classroom instruction more effective than computer-based training in terms of trainee choice of training method?
Classroom instruction was 10 percent more effective than computer-based training when trainees were not able to choose a training method (i.e., they were randomly assigned to computer-based training or classroom instruction).
What pre-existing differences might be the reason why some studies have found computer-based training to be more effective than classroom instruction?
There might be pre-existing differences between trainees who choose a computer-based program compared to those who choose classroom instruction, such as motivation, cognitive ability, computer experience, skills, and self-efficacy.
When is computer-based training more effective than classroom instruction in terms of learner control and training content?
Computer-based training was more effective than classroom instruction when trainees had greater learner control and the training included practice and feedback, especially when classroom instruction did not include practice and feedback.
What is the relationship between the length of the training program and the effectiveness of computer-based training compared to classroom instruction?
Computer-based training was more effective than classroom instruction when the length of the training program (i.e., number of days) was greater
Does computer-based training always result in a reduction in the time to completion compared to classroom training?
No, in some cases, such as when trainees do not have experience or when trainees experience technology problems and interruptions, the time to completion might actually be greater for computer-based training compared to classroom training.
Under what circumstances are employees more likely to take or complete a computer-based training program?
Employees are more likely to complete a computer-based training program when there is an incentive for doing so, some form of accountability, or when the program content is job relevant and useful.
How effective is blended training compared to classroom instruction for teaching declarative and procedural knowledge?
Blended training has been found to be 13 percent more effective than classroom instruction for teaching declarative knowledge, and 20 percent more effective for teaching procedural knowledge.