Lesson 2: The Training and Development Process Flashcards
Examples of negative outcomes that are possible when an organization does not provide proper training.
- An employee or department failing to perform their job adequately because they did not receive the necessary skills training and development.
- Lapses in safety training or training on workplace policies that can have legal consequences.
What can Failure in providing proper training on procedures, safety or ergonoics result in?
Failure to provide training on proper procedures, safety training, or ergonomics can result in disability claims, which can be very costly for organizations.
What kind of conciquences are there for not providing WHMIS training? What Act enforces this training?
There are also legal consequences for organizations that do not provide proper safety training and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
What are Directiors and owners of organizations susceptible to if they are aware of unsafe working conditions that they allow to continue.
Directors and owners of organizations are susceptible to personal liability if they are aware of unsafe working conditions and allow them to continue.
What can failure to provide training on workplace harrassment result in?
Failing to provide training on workplace harassment can also lead to employees taking stress leave, and employees who are injured as a result of an organization’s failure to provide adequate training must be accommodated as required under the human rights code.
What is training and development about?
Training and development is about managing performance.
What is Preformance management?
Performance management is the process of establishing performance goals and designing interventions and programs to motivate and develop employees to improve their performance and, ultimately, organization performance.
What does the process of proformance managmemt result in?
This process signals to employees what is really important in the organization, ensures accountability for behaviour and results, and helps improve performance.
Flow chart of The Proformance Management Process
What is the starting point of TPMP
The starting point of the process is defining performance, setting performance expectations, and setting performance goals.
Managers meet with employees to discuss performance expectations and agree on performance goals.
These goals should stem from organizational or department-level goals and objectives. This ensures that employee goals are aligned with department and organizational goals
What should the goal-setting process accomplish?
The goal-setting process should make the organization or superordinate goal clear and concrete to employees. Managers can do this by setting SMART goals
What are SMART goals?
SMART goals—goals that are:
have a Time frame
What does each part of the SMART goals mean?
Specific: Goals must be specific regarding the behaviour to be performed or the level of performance. Specific goals are more effective than general or do-your-best goals.
Measurable: It must be possible to determine whether goals have been achieved. Therefore, when setting goals the criteria of success must be indicated.
Attainable: Goals should be challenging but attainable. Goals should not be too difficult or too easy.
Relevant: Goals should be relevant and meaningful to the individual. They should be clearly linked to unit and organization objectives.
Time frame: A time frame within which the goal will be achieved must be indicated.
What is important to do after SMART goals have been set?
Once the manager and employee have set SMART goals, it is important for managers to monitor employee performance and provide ongoing feedback so that employees know whether they are accomplishing their goals.
Other than informal feedback, what is a key part of the Profrmance management process?
In addition to informal feedback, a key part of the performance management process is a formal performance evaluation.
How does a formal proformance evaluation work?
This usually involves the use of a standard rating form on which the manager and employee (self-appraisal) evaluate the employee’s performance on a number of behavioural/performance dimensions and review the extent to which the employee has accomplished his/her goals.
The performance evaluation also involves performance consequences to reward employees for accomplishing their goals and serves to reinforce employee behaviour and performance.
The process then repeats itself with the setting of new or revised performance expectations and goals
What is a critical componenet of the Proformance management process?
A critical component of the performance management process is employee training and development and the creation of a development plan for employees.
What are some different forms of employee training and development?
Employee training and development can include formal training and development programs in the classroom as well as on-the-job training such as coaching and mentoring.
What is Training?
Training refers to formal and planned efforts to help employees acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve performance in their current job.
What is training and what is it’s goal?
Training usually consists of a short-term focus on acquiring skills to perform one’s job.
The goal is to help you learn to do your current job better.
What is Development?
Development refers to formal and planned efforts to help employees acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform future job responsibilities and for the long-term achievement of individual career goals and organizational objectives.
What is the goal of Development?
The goal is to prepare individuals for promotions and future jobs as well as additional job responsibilities.
The goal is to prepare employees for future responsibilities and often for managerial careers.
What does training usually consist of?
Training usually consists of a short-term focus on acquiring skills to perform one’s job.
What does the process of development look like?
This process might consist of extensive programs, such as leadership development, and might include seminars and workshops, job rotation, coaching, and other assignments.
What is the primary objective of training and development?
Thus, the primary objective of training and development is to develop and maximize an organization’s human capital.
What is human capital?
Human capital refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of an organization’s employees.
It has been found to be a key determinant of an organization’s performance and one of the most important resources for competitive advantage.
Human capital development is one of the top areas of concern for organizations, and increased training and development for employees is one of the top strategies for developing human capital.
What is Social Capital?
Training and development can also facilitate the development of social capital, which refers to the social resources that an individual obtains from participation in a social structure.
It has to do with relationships within an organization and between members of the organization and external stakeholders. Like human capital, social capital can also be used by employees to achieve their goals, and it contributes to employee and organization performance
What can Training and Development facilitate within an organization?
Training and development can facilitate an organization’s:
Increase effectiveness
Improve employee recruitment, Engagement
How is T and D linked to strategy?
By linking training to an organization’s strategy, training becomes a strategic activity that operates in concert with other organization programs and activities to achieve an organization’s strategic business objectives.
How is T and D linked to effectivness?
Trained employees can do more and better work, make fewer errors, require less supervision, have more positive attitudes, and have lower rates of turnover.
Trained employees also produce higher-quality products and services.7
Companies that invest more in training have higher revenues, profits, and productivity growth than firms that invest less in training
How is T and D linked to Employee Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention
An effective tool for attracting and retaining top talent, especially for employees under the age of 30 who consider their career growth and professional development more important than salary
Attractiveness to prospective employees and to retain their current employees.
What may happen with Recruitment and retention if an organization fails to provide atiquite T and D
An organization that fails to provide training opportunities to its employees will be at a disadvantage in attracting new employees and retaining current ones. In one study, 99 percent of the respondents said that there are job areas in which training would be useful to them, and in which training decreases their willingness to move to another company.
What is lowered when an organization spends more per employee on T and D
Research conducted by the Conference Board of Canada found that organizations that spend more per employee on training and development have significantly lower voluntary and involuntary turnover rates
What is Work Engagement?
Work engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption.
Vigour involves high levels of energy and mental resilience while working
Dedication refers to being strongly involved in one’s work and experiencing a sense of significance, enthusiasm, and challenge
Absorption refers to being fully concentrated and engrossed in one’s work.
How can we catagorize the benifits an employee may recieve from T and D
**These can be categorized as internal or intrinsic to an individual, such as knowledge and attitudes, and those that are **external **to an individual, such as salary.
What are Intrinsic Benefits
Acquiring new knowledge and skills that enable them to perform their jobs better.
Greater confidence or self-efficacy
Feelings of increased usefulness and belonging in the organization, and they seek out opportunities to fully exploit their new skills and abilities.
Positive attitudes toward their job and organization.
What are Extrinsic Benefits
Higher earnings as a result of increased knowledge and skills
Improved marketability
Greater security of employment, and enhanced opportunities for advancement and promotion
What Benefits to Society does T and D provide?
The training and development that organizations provide for their employees has implications for public health and safety, and it helps to create an educated and skilled population that benefits the economy and a country’s standard of living.
How does T and D provide an Educated and Employed Population
- By reducing unemployment, especially among youth, where it has been rising.
- Create an employable, educated, and skilled workforce.
How does T and D impact the Health and Safety of society?
Effective training programs not only improve employee performance, but they can also
- Reduce errors, improve safety, and even save people’s lives.
- Reduce life-threatening errors in high-risk environments and improve the safety of employees and the public.
What are the benifits of T and D to the Economy and Standard of Living
Countries with higher education levels have more and better employment opportunities and lower unemployment rates.
Training investments and a skilled workforce also attract employers and lead to job creation, more job opportunities, and higher paying jobs. The most skilled workers earn 60 percent more than the lowest skilled.
What is The Canada Job Grant?
The Canada Job Grant is a program to help employers train new or existing employees so that employees have the skills needed to fill vacant jobs and to address Canada’s skills mismatch.
Employers can receive up to $10,000 to train each worker and workers can receive up to $15,000 to upgrade their skills and help them find a new or better job.
What is a Skill Mismatch?
A skills mismatch (or shortage) means that an insufficient number of workers with the needed skills are available to satisfy the number of available jobs. In other words, there is a mismatch between the skilled labour available and the market demand.
What is Work-Integrated Learning?
Work-integrated learning in which they acquire work experience as part of their education through internships, apprenticeships, and cooperative placements.
What is the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program and what is its purpose?
In 2017, the federal government introduced the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program, which provides employers in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and business sectors with payroll subsidies for hiring students. The goal is to ensure that post-secondary students have the skills required by organizations when they graduate which will help to close the skills gap.
What percentage of Canadian workers have access to employer-sponcered training?
It has frequently been reported that just over half (56 percent) of the workers in Canada have access to employer-sponsored training, while some 44 percent do not.
What groups are less likely to revieve training?
Part-time and temporary workers as well as those who are less educated and older are less likely to receive training, compared to those who are employed in small- and medium-sized organizations.
How are Canadian organizations doing in terms of investing in training and development?
Furthermore, Canadian organizations have not been leaders when it comes to investing in training and development. For example, a recent survey found that less than half (47 percent) of Canadian organizations provide training to their employees.
According to the Conference Board of Canada, Canadian organizations have for many years underinvested in training and development.
What are the more recent trends with Canadian organizations and training?
Although Canadian organizations have lagged in the amount spent on training per employee, there has been a steady and gradual increase in learning over the past several years.
How has the average direct investment in T and D per employee changed between 2015 and 2017. How does this compare to the U.S.?
In 2017, the average direct investment in training and development per employee was $889, which is up from $800 in 2015.
By comparison, organizations in the United States spent on average $1,075 per employee in 2017.65 Canadian organizations spend on average 81 cents for every dollar spent by organizations in the United States on learning and development.
How has the nuber of hours of training recieved by employees in Canada change from 2015 to 2017?
In addition, the average number of hours of training received by employees at Canadian organizations increased slightly to 32 hours in 2017 from 31 hours in 2015.
On average how many hours does senior management and executives recieve?
senior management and executives receive the most hours of training (35) (The most)
Who recieves the least hours of training?
Non-technical (17) and trades (18) employees receive the least.
In what kinds of organizations do people recieve the most/least hours of training?
Employees in services (32 hours) and not-for-profit organizations (30 hours) receive the most training, while those in wholesale/retail (22 hours) receive the least.
Where does canada rank on annual training days per employee?
Canada ranked second-last on annual training days per employee in a study that included 12 comparator countries
How has the average investmenti n training and development as a percentage of payroll changed in canada between 2015 and 2017?
The average investment in training and development as a percentage of payroll in Canada dropped in 2017 to 1.39 percent, down from 1.41 in 2015.
What type of training should organizations provide their employees?
A survey of 800 Canadian employers found that the most strategically relevant skills for a business are thinking/problem solving, customer service, essential skills, and oral/communication.
What percentage of employers in Canada are willing to provide training in the most relevant skills for business?
less than 50 percent of the employers indicated that they are willing to provide training in these areas. The results shown in Table 1.2 indicated a large gap between the skills that employers value and their willingness to provide training to improve these valued skills
Where does Canada rank globally on the importance organizations placed on workforce training in 2017?
Canada ranked 20th out of 63 countries on the importance organizations placed on workforce training in 2017. This ranking places Canada behind top-ranking countries such as Japan, Switzerland, and Denmark.
Where did Canadian executives rank on the belief that training is a high priority?
Canadian executives were found to be less likely than those in comparator countries to believe that training is a high priority; Canada ranked 30th out of the 55 countries that were surveyed.
What is a view that many organizations in Canada have that lower the priority to train?
Another reason for the underinvestment in training and development is the perception that training, learning, and development expenditures represent a cost rather than an investment. Organizations that view training and development as an expense believe that training budgets can be cut in difficult times. According to the Conference Board of Canada, many organizations in Canada view training and development as a necessary operating expense or cost that should be minimized.
What do organizations who view training as a cost tend to do.
Organizations that view training as a cost tend to limit their training investments to only what is required by law or necessary to survive. As a result, training is often one of the first things to go when times are tough and there are cuts to discretionary spending
What do organizations hwo view training as an investment tend to do?
Organizations that view training as an investment in human capital expect direct benefits and a return on their investment. For these organizations, training is part of the organization’s strategy and a key factor in its competitiveness and success.
What ratio of Canadian organizations invest more then 3 percent of payroll in training?
The Conference Board of Canada found that one in five organizations invests more than 3 percent of payroll in training.
What is the only place in North America to require mandatory training. What is this Bill called?
Quebec. Act to Foster the Development of Manpower Training (Bill 90, which is often referred to by employers as the “1 percent” or “training” law)
What is Bill 90?
The law requires companies with payrolls of $1 million or more to invest a minimum of 1 percent of their payroll on government-sanctioned training, or pay that amount into a provincial fund for workforce training. Companies with payrolls of less than $1 million are exempt.
What is A Training Bond?
A training bond is a contract between the employer and employee that states that the employer will pay for the employee’s training as long as the employee remains with the organization for a minimum period of time upon completion of a training program.
If the employee fails to remain for the agreed-upon period of time, then he/she must reimburse the organization for the cost of the training.
What is The Human Resources system influenced by?
The human resources system is influenced by environmental and organizational factors.
What are some examples of Environmental factors that influence human resource systems?
Environmental factors such as legislation, the economic climate, competition, demographics, and social values have an impact on organizations.
What can lead to changes in organizations and in human resource policies and practices?
Sometimes sudden and unexpected changes in the environment can lead to changes in organizations themselves and in human resources policies and practices.
For example, consider how concerns over terrorism have affected airport and flight security training.
What are some key environmental factors that drive human resources and T&D
Some of the key environmental factors that drive human resources and training and development are:
Global competition
The labor market
Environmental change.
How does Global Competition change HR and T&D
Increasing global competition has forced organizations to improve their productivity and the quality of their goods and services. Improvements in the production process and quality initiatives almost always require employees to learn new skills.
When Canadian organizations send workers on assignments in foreign countries, they need to provide them with cross-cultural training so they will be able to adapt and function in a different culture
How does new technology effect HR and T&D?
New technologies can provide organizations with improvements in productivity and a competitive advantage. However, such improvements depend on the training that employees receive.
How can the labor market effect HR and T&D
Changes in the labour market and the supply of talent require changes in the amount and type of training.
Changes in immigration patterns also have implications for training and development.
How can environmental change effect an organizations training procedures?
In order to survive and remain competitive, organizations must adapt and change. As a result, managing change has become a normal part of organizational life, and training and development is almost always a key part of the process. This often involves training programs on the change process as well as training that is part of the change program.
Training and development is also affected by internal events in the organization. What are some of the most important ones?
Among the most important internal factors are an organization’s strategy, structure, and culture.
What is Strategy?
Strategy refers to an organization’s objectives and action plans for realizing its objectives and gaining a competitive advantage. It is one of the most important factors influencing training and development.
What is SHRM?
The alignment of human resources practices with an organization’s business strategy is known as strategic human resource management (SHRM).
Organizations that have greater alignment between their HR practices and their strategies have been found to have superior performance.
What is the effect of linking training to business strategy?
By linking training to business strategy, training becomes strategic rather than an isolated and independent activity; thus, it is more likely to be effective.
A strategic model of training and development
How can the structure of an organization effect T&D
Organizations are increasingly becoming flatter, with fewer levels of management. Employees are expected to perform tasks that were once considered managerial tasks, so they must be trained in traditional managerial activities such as problem solving, decision making, and teamwork. Many organizations have experienced dramatic structural changes such as downsizing and re-engineering in an effort to survive.
What is Organizational culture?
Organizational culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that exist in an organization.
An organization’s culture is important because it determines the norms that exist in an organization and the expected behaviors.
The culture of an organization and its norms and expected behaviors are often communicated to employees through training programs.
What kinds of linkages must a strategic human resource management involve?
First, human resource practices should be linked to business strategy.
Second, human resource practices should also be linked to one another so they work together to achieve an organization’s strategy.
What is a High-Performance work system?
A high-performance work system (HPWS) consists of an integrated system of human resource practices and policies that includes rigorous recruitment and selection procedures, performance-contingent incentive compensation, performance management, a commitment to employee involvement, and extensive training and development programs.
Many studies have found that organizations with HPWSs have superior productivity and financial performance
What is an Instructional system design?
The instructional systems design (ISD) model depicts training and development as a rational and scientific process that consists of three major steps
What are the three major steps of instructional systems design?
Needs analysis
Design and delivery
Where did the ISD model come from?
The ISD model is a streamlined version of an earlier model of instructional design known as ADDIE, in which each letter represents a different action:
What does the IDS model of training begin with?
According to the ISD model, the training process begins with a performance gap. A performance gap is something in the organization that is not quite right or is of concern to management.
What is a critical first step in the ISD model?
A critical first step in the ISD model is a needs analysis to determine the nature of the problem and whether training is the best solution. A needs analysis is performed to determine the difference or gap between the way things are and the way things should be.
What are the three levels of a Needs Analysis?
Needs analysis consists of three levels known as an
Organizational analysis - Gathers information on where training is needed in an organization
A task analysis - Indicates what training is required
A person analysis - Identifies who in the organization needs to be trained.
What must happen before training is determined to be the best solution to a problem?
Before training is determined to be the best solution to the problem, alternatives must be assessed.
The solution to the performance gap might be feedback, incentives, or other human resource interventions.
What happens if training is determined to be the best solution to a performance problem?
The needs analysis information is used to write training objectives and to determine the content of a training program.
Then the best training methods for achieving the objectives and for learning the training content must be identified.
What happens after a training program has been designed and delivered?
After a training program has been designed and delivered, the next stage is training evaluation.
In this stage, the trainer has to decide what to measure as part of the evaluation of a training program as well as how to design an evaluation study.
On the basis of a training evaluation, decisions can be made about what aspects of a training program should be retained, modified, or discarded.
The Instructional System design model of training and development (Chart)