Lesson 8 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System Flashcards
What are the three types of Carditis?
- Pericarditis
- Myocarditis
- Endocarditis
What is Pericarditis and the ETIOLOGY?
inflammation of pericardium -the outside layer of heart (saclike imembrane around heart)
etiology: 1. RHEUMATIC FEVER makes you at risk
2. idiopath (unknown cause)
What is Myocarditis?
inflammation of cardiac muscle and conduction system without evidence of MI
What is the etiology of Myocarditis?
- viral or bacterial infection
What is the treatment for Myocarditis?
S&S of Myocarditis?
- dypsnea - difficulty breathing
- fatigue
- palpitation or racing heartrate
- may have had an infection
What are the S&S of Pericarditis?
- sharp sudden pain (pleuric) in chest from layers rubbing while breathing
- Orthopnea
- Pallor
What is Endocarditis?
inflammation of membrane lining the valves and chamber of heart
S&S of Endocarditis?
- night sweats - fever for weeks
- fatigue
- weekness
Etiology of Endocarditis?
infection - group A strep bacteria
Treatment of Endocarditis?
- eliminate infecting organ
2. surgery to repair valve
Treatment of Pericarditis?
Treat symptoms
bed rest with chest elevated w/analgesics
How to diagnose Pericarditis?
P=Auscultation may reveal grating sound as hear beats.
Diagnose Myocarditis?
Medical history - reveal upper respiratory infection.
Diagnose Endocarditis?
medical history reveal predisposing factors and new heart murmur
What is Mitral Insufficiency?
blood from left ventricle flowing back in the left atrium
What is Mitral Stenosis?
blood flow is obstructed from left atrium to left ventricle
What is the etiology of Mitral Insufficiency/Stenosis?
- Childhood Rhuematic fever
2. infective endocarditis
S&S of Mitral Insufficiency/Stenosis?
- Difficulty breathing when laying down (orthopnea)
2. large jugular veins
Treatment for Mitral Insufficiency?
surgical replacement with artificial valve
What is Aortic insufficiency?
blood flowing back into the left ventricle causing it to swell (causing left ventricular hypertrophy)
What is Aortic Stenosis?
Prevents blood from flowing freely from left ventricle to the Aorta. (Valve has become
What is the etiology of Aortic Insufficiency/Stenosis?
- Rheumatic Fever
- endocarditis
- hypertension
What are the S&S of Aortic Insufficiency/Stenosis and how to diagnose?
S = may be asymptomatic,
1. angina - severe pain in chest
D = Auscultation may reveal murmur
How to treat Aortic Insuff/Stenosis?
- surgical replacement of aortic valve
- Balloon valvuloplasty
- assess yearly with ECG and echocardiogram
What is Essential Hypertension?
High blood pressure without a cause
pressure exerted against the vessel wall
Etiology of Essential Hypertension?
- idiopathic
2. more common in african americans, obese, and stressed people
S&S of Essential Hypertension?
- tinnitus (ringing in ears)
- nocturia (urinating at night)
- light headedness
- tire easily
Diagnose Essential Hypertension?
- blood pressure greater than 140/90mm
- auscultation - hear abnormal sound (bruits)
- ECG and chest x-ray will detect cardio damage
Treatment of Essential Hypertension?
- lifestyle and diet changes
2. Vasodialators-relax vessels
What is Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis?
thickening of small artery walls and losing elasticity
causing vessel restriction.
Etiology of Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis?
- excess cholesterol in blood or lipids, diabetes
- sedentary lifestyle
- smoking
S&S of Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis?
- headache and dizziness
- memory defects
- muscle cramping
- inadequate blood supply to heart
- obstruct the lumen
Treatment of Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis?
- diet and exercise to reduce cholesterol
2. angioplasty
What is Coronary Artery Disease?
Narrowing of coronary artery so not enough blood flow to myocardium
Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease?
- Coronary Artery Bypass
- Lifestyle change
- Medication to improve oxygen capacity of the blood
- or medication to reduce myocardial oxygen demand
S&S of CAD?
- Burning, squeezing, tightness, in chest may radiate to neck, shoulder blade, and left arm
- Women may experience abdomen or back discomfort
- Nausea, vomiting, sweating, panic
May Be symptomatic or not
What is Angina Pectoris?
damage to the myocardium tissue because of lack of blood
Etiology of Angina Pectoris?
When myocardium (muscle of heart) is not getting enough blood
How to treat Angina Pectoris?
open vessels with nitroglycerine medications
What is myocardial infarction?
aka: heart attack
Vessel becomes totally blocked and getting no blood supply
S&S of Myocardial Infarction?
- crushing chest pain
- vomiting
- shortness of breath
S&S of Angina Pectoris?
- Burning, squeezing and tightness in chest
- Abdominal or back pain for women
- sometimes nausea and vomiting
Etiology of Myocardial Infarction?
occlusion of one or more arteries
What is Atrial Fibrilation?
Abnormal heart rhythm-fells like rapid rhythm
S&S of Atrial Fibrilation?
- pooling of blood -could eventually clot
- pain and weakness
- shortness of breath
Treatment of Atrial Fibrilation?
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel blockers-slow heart
- Anticoagulant so blood doesn’t clot
What is Congestive Heart Failure?
Pumping of heart cannot keep up with the demands of the body…muscle becomes weak, dilated, and cannot contract forcefully
S&S of Congestive Heart Failure?
- Bulging neck veins
- skin turning blue and edema
- Enlarged liver
Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure?
diuretic to reduce congestion
What is Cardiac Arrest?
medical emergency
interruption in heart beating causing heart to stop
S&S of Cardiac Arrest?
- prolonged angina
- light headedness
- shortness of breath
Treatment of Cardiac Arrest?
Defibrillate to get heart going
What is Thrombophlebitis?
inflammation of vein in which a clot is formed from the blood.
Abnormal formation of platelets
Etiology of Thrombophlebitis?
blood clot that may be related to trauma
S&S of Thrombophlebitis?
- asymptomatic
- dull ache
- warmth and tight feeling at site
Treatment of Thrombophlebitis?
- bed rest
What are varicose veins?
Enlarged, twisted, superficial veins.
Most common after 50
Etiology of varicose Veins?
Damaged or defective valves in vein prevent blood from freely flowing toward heart.
S&S of Varicose Veins?
- asymptomatic
- bulging veins in legs
- dull ache/cramping
Treatment of Varicose Veins?
- elastic stockings
- moderate exercise program
- laser therapy
What is Leukemia?
malignant disease of the blood-forming organs
S&S of Leukemia?
- bruising easily
- nights sweats
- lumps in neck and armpits
- pain in bones and joints
- bleed or purple patches
Treatment of Leukemia?
- chemo
- radiation
- sometimes bone marrow transplant
What is Lymphedema?
lymph fluid collecting in lymph vessels
S&S of Lymphedema?
Swelling of affected limb
Treatment of Lymphedema?
- Massage
2. surgically drain lymph tissue