Lesson 7 Endocrine System Flashcards
What is hyperpituitarism (gigantism/Acromagely)?
- Overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland.
- Occurs in adulthood
- Life shortening
- Overgrowth of bones, soft tissue, and cardiac dysfuntion
What is the Etiology of Hyperpituitarism?
Benign slow-growing tumors in the anterior pituitary
S&S of Hyperpituitarism (gigantism/Acromagely)?
- Excessive growth of long bones of body
- Develops abruptly and causes abnormal height increase
- Appear gradually causing deformation and coarsening of the facial features and enlargement of hands, feet, head and tongue
- increased sweating, thick coarse oily skin, chronic sinus congestion
- HEADACHES, weakness, joint pain, vision disorders
Treatment of Hyperpituitarism (gigantism/acromagely)?
- Lower hGH level to normal
- stabilize or remove tumor
- radiation therapy
What is Hypopituitarism (dwarfism)?
- insufficient level of growth hormone scretion caused by a pituitary tumor
S&S of Hypopituitarism?
- slowly develops
- children-dwarfism
- low tolerance of cold
- fatigue, anorexia, weight gain or loss
- loss of skin pigmentation
Treatment of Hypopituitarism?
- Replace the hormone with synthetic growth hormone
- only works if the bones haven’t fused yet.
What is Diabetes Insipidus?
- Diabetes means siphon (water passes right through)
2. Kidneys are unable to conserve water (decreased vasopression)
What is the etiology of diabetes insipidus?
- Tumors- decreased vassopression (not being able to retain water
- Removal of pituitary gland
- kidney dysfunction
How to diagnose Diabetes Insipidus?
- Dehydration test
S&S of Diabetes Insipidus?
- Polyuria - increased urination-sticky
- Polydipsia - increased thirst
- Dehydration
- weight loss
What is Simple Goiter?
- Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
What is the etiology of Simple Goiter?
Thyroid gland cannot secrete enough T3 and T4 iodide horomones.
S&S of Simple Goiter?
Small or massive nodule in front of neck just above sternum
How to diagnose Goiter?
- Ultrasound
2. History and physical exam
Treatment of Simple Goiter?
- Iodine supplements of T3 and T4 hormone help reduce goiter
What is Graves disease?
- Over-secretion of T3 and T4 iodide hormones by thyroid gland
- too much thyroid hormone - lose weight
S&S of Graves Disease?
- hot/sweaty
- patches on skin with an orange color
- protruding eye - “frightened” appearance (exophthlamos)
- nervous/anxious
Treatment of Graves Disease?
- anti-thyroid medication
- iodide compounds
- remove thyroid (surgery) *will need medication permanantly
- beta blockers
What is Hashimoto Thyroiditis?
Thyroid hormone gets to low because of inflammation.