Lesson 6: Crucifixtion Flashcards
How did Jesus experience pain if he was fully God?
- Jesus was also fully human: so he experienced pain.
Who said that Jesus was innocent before he died?
- A Roman Centurion (leader)
- He said Jesus was the son of God*
Who had the job of burying Jesus?
- Joseph of Arimathea had the job of burrying Jesus.
Why was Jesus’ burrial rushed?
- Jesus’ burrial was rushed as the Sabath was about to begin.
What was the “sabath?”
- The “sabath” was a religious observance.
Why was Jesus’ crucuifixtion important? (4 points)
- Christians sins will be forgiven if they sincerely repent
- God understands suffering
- Christians accept suffering is a part of life.
- Fulfilled prophecies about the Messiah.
Who gave a tomb to Jesus?
- Joseph of Arimathea gave a tomb to Jesus.
What is “crucifixion”?
- Crucifixion is a Roman form of execution.
Why did the Jews want to kill Jesus?
- Jews wanted to kill Jesus because he claimed to be God (blasphemy.)
How did the Jews convince Pontius Pilate to kill Jesus?
- The Jews said Jesus had a lot of follwers and would take over.
Who was “Pontius Pilate?”
- The Roman governor who decided to kill Jesus.
What did Jesus wear on his head when he was crucified?
- Jesus wore a crown of thorns.
What did the Jews call Jesus to mock his “crown of thorns”?
- The Jews mocked Jesus by calling him: “The King of the Jews.”
What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?
- The name of the place where Jesus was crucified was called “The Place of the Skull.”
Give the Gospel Quote that states Jesus’ last words.
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Luke 23:46
What is the importance of the soldiers not breaking Jesus’ legs?
- This fulfills the prophecy of the Messiah.
Why did Jesus only take a few hours to die? (2 points)
- He had a weak body (poverty)
- Whipped/ tortured before being on cross.
What did the Roman soldiers do to ensure Jesus was dead?
- The Roman soldiers put a spear through Jesus to ensure he was dead.
Why did the Roman soldiers cover Jesus’ tomb with a stone?
- They did this to ensure no one would steal the body and claim he “rose from the dead.”
What are the 3 ways Jesus physically suffered during the crucifixion?
- Whipped
- Asphyxiation
- Nails on hands/ feet
What are the 3 ways Jesus emotionally suffered during the crucifixion?
- Helpless: died in front of follwers.
- His mother was present
- Humiliation: people mocked him.