Lesson 10: Heaven Vs Hell Flashcards
State 3 ways Christians describe heaven.
- Ultimate holy place
- Where God lives
- No evil/ suffering
Give a quote that describes what heaven is like.
“There will be no more death or mourning”
What 2 things must Christians do to reach heaven?
- Believe in Jesus
- Carry out good deeds
What are 3 interpretations as to what heaven is like?
- Literalists: heaven is actual place.
- Symbolists: Spiritual state of hapiness
- Ultimate hapiness on earth
How would athiests describe the concept of heaven? (2 points)
- Something made up by authorities.
- A form of hope
What 2 groups do Christians differ on whether they will be allowed to enter heaven?
- Other religious people who have pleased God
- Baptised Christians (REGARDLESS)
What do most Christians think makes someone enter heaven?
- Good actions
- Belief in Jesus
What is “purgatory?”
- Purgatory is an intermediate state where souls are cleansed to enter heaven.
Catholic belief
What Christian denomination believes in purgatory?
- Catholics believe in purgatory.
What 2 main things will a person experience in heaven?
- Eternal happiness
- Presence of God
What part of the bible speaks a lot about the afterlife?
- The Book of Revelation
What sort of language is used in The Book of Revelation?
- Symbolic language is used in The Book of Revelation
What are 3 ways belief in Heaven will influence Christians?
- Follow God’s laws
- Do Good deeds
- Believe in Christ
True or False. Purgatory cleanses MAJOR sins before entering heaven.
False. Purgatory cleanses MINOR sins before entering heaven.
What affects the amount of time spent in purgatory?
- Amount of sins comitted
- Whether you confessed sins/ not
How might belief in purgatory influence Christians today? (2 points)
- Pray for the dead
- Confess all sins
Why do Catholics pray for the dead?
- Catholics pray to get their loved ones out of purgatory faster.
State 3 ways Christians describe hell.
- Gloomy
- Away from God
- Torment
What are 3 interpretations as to what hell is like?
- Literalists: actual place with fire
- Being away from God
- Worst parts of life on earth
Give a quote that described what hell is like.
“The smoke of their torment”
Why would someone go to hell? (2 points)
- No faith in Jesus
- Doesn’t follow teachings
How does hell contradict God’s omnibenevolence?
- Hell contradicts God’s omnbibenevolence as he is inflicting pain on people.
How do Christians believing in omnibenevolence impact their view of hell?
- Some Christians say that hell is an “eternal state of mind.”
Away from God
What is “anhilation theory?”
- Anhilation theory is the belief that nothing happens after death.
How would athiests describe the concept of hell?
- Athiests think it’s made up to make people live good lives.
Why do Christians have many views on what heaven/ hell is like?
- The bible doesn’t explicitly say.
Symbolic language is used