Lesson 4: Creation Flashcards
What bible quote supports that God created the universe?
- Bible Quote: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
What are the six steps to the order of creation in Genesis 1:1-3?
1.) Light from darkness
2.) Dome, sky
3.) Land. Plants grew
4.) Stars, sun, moon
5.) Sea creatures/ birds
6.) Land animals/ humans
What did God say to command light?
- God said “Let there be light!”
Genesis 1: 1-3
What was the Earth like before God created the sky?
- The seas were neverending.
These were split by the dome, which God named “sky”
What was the reasoning of God creating stars, moon and sun?
- These goverened the seasons
What did God order the sea creatures and birds to do?
- God ordered the sea creatures and birds to reproduce.
How did God create humans different to animals? (3 ways)
- He gave humans a soul.
- They were created in God ‘s image.
- Intimate relationship
They have dominance over animals
What are the 4 key points from the story of creation?
1.) God creates from his WORD.
2.) World = Good
3.) Humans are made in God’s image
4.) Humans rule over the creatures.
What does God creating from his Word suggest about him?
- He is omnipotent.
- He deserves praise.
What bible quote would show that the world was initially good?
What does this prove?
- Bible Quote: “God was pleased with what he saw.”
Gensis 1:1-3 - This proves that evil in the world is from humans as world was perfect.
What does it mean to be “creaed in God’s image?”
- Spiritually similar
- Not in appearance
Look at example of human creativity/ morality –> similar to God
What is the Bible quote to support that humans are made in God’s image?
- Quote : “Let us make man in our image.” Genesis 1:1-3
Give a quote that supports that The Holy Spirit was involved in creation.
- Bible Quote: “Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
What 2 interpretations are there on the Creation story?
- Literalists (God created the world in LITERALLY six days.)
- Non- literalists (not scientifically accurate, contains religious truth.)
What were humans made from?
- Humans were made from soil.
How was Adam created?
- Adam was created from soil
What is the bible verse that shows Adam’s creation?
- Gen 2:7 “he breathed life into his nostrils and man began to live.”
What is Adam told to do in the Garden of Eden?
- Adam is told to cultivate the land.
What did God say would happen if Adam ate from the “Tree of Knowledge?”
- God said:
“If you eat from the tree, you will die.”
What is Adam told not to do in the Garden of Eden?
- Adam is told not to eat from the “Tree of Knowledge.”
How was Eve created?
- God made Adam fall into deep sleep.
- Took out one of Adam’s ribs.
- Made a woman
What does the nature of Eve’s creation show about women and men? (2 points)
- They are made for each other (same flesh)
- Created to live in community
What is meant by “Original Sin?”
- The Christian belief that human nature is flawed, and so humans have a tendency to go against God’s will.
Where do Christians believe “original sin” came from?
- It is passed down from Adam and Eve, all humans are born with it.
What creature tempts Eve to eat from “The Tree of Knowledge?”
- A serpent tempts Eve.
What does the serpent say to convince Eve to eat from “The Tree of Knowledge?”
- Serpent says: You will not die, but gain knowledge of good and evil like God.
Who gives Adam the fruit from “The Tree of Knowledge?”
- Eve gives Adam the fruit.
What happens after Adam and Eve eat from “The Tree of Knowledge?”
- They are ashamed by nakedness.
- They cover themselves in fig leaves.
What does Adam and Eve being ashamed of nakedness show?
- This shows that they have broken THEIR trusting relationship.
They were originally comftorble with it
What did Adam and Eve do once God came looking for them in the garden?
- Adam and Eve hid from God- ashamed.
What 3 persons are punished from “The Fall”?
- Adam
- Serpent
What are the punishments of the 3 persons from “The Fall”?
- Snake: will crawl on belly.
- Eve: Adam will rule over you, you will suffer in childbirth.
- Adam: Cursing the land, he will work for his food.
What happens to Adam and Eve after “The Fall?”
- God curses them
- God banishes them from Garden of Eden.
What 2 relationships were broken in “The Fall?”
- Adam, Eve and God
- Adam and Eve
How is hope evident from the bible after “The Fall?” (3p)
- God restores the world
- God restores relationship with people.
- SOME SAY: Eve’s offspring that crushes Satan is Jesus
What is the quote from the bible that shows hope after “The Fall?”
- Bible quote: “I will make you and the woman hate each other, her offspring will crush your head.” Genesis 3:15
What is the eternal name for Jesus (The son of God)?
- The eternal name is “The Word”
What is a Gospel quote that talks about The Word’s role in creation?
- Gospel quote: “the word was God, through him all things were made”- John’s Gospel
What is a Gospel quote that proves The Word is Jesus?
- Gospel quote: “And The Word became flesh and dwelled among us.” - John’s Gospel.
What is a “gospel”?
- A gospel is scripture on te life of Jesus.
What parts of The Trinity were involved in creation?
- Al 3 parts of The Trinity were involved in creation.
What do Christians believe wipes away “Original Sin?”
- Christians believe baptism wipes away original sin.
What was the effect on mankind due to Adam and Eve’s actions?
- Humans are separated from God by sin.
Who said the “word” in the creation story?
- God the Father said the word.
- Jesus is the word.
What did “The Fall” introduce to the world?
- “The Fall” introduced death into the world.