Lesson 4: Holy Communion Flashcards
What are sacraments?
- An outward action that allows Christians to recieve God’s Grace (free forgiveness and love)
What is Holy Communion?
- Holy communion is a sacrament that uses bread and wine to celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
What do the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches believe happens to the bread and wine?
- It becomes the body and blood of Christ.
- Jesus is around them, they are joining in on Jesus’ sacrifice (the sacrifice is becoming a reality for them.)
the sacrifice is their past, present and future
What was Jesus’ last supper?
- He shared bread and wine and told his disciples that it was his body and blood.
What do Protestants believe the bread and wine are there for?
- Reminder of Last Supper
- Don’t believe in transubstansiation
- They believe it is symbolic - which helps believers refelect on the meaning of his sacrifice.
Give a quote about Holy Communion from the bible.
- “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death”
- Proclaim = announce
What is the effect of Holy Communion on a single individual?
3 MAIN ways….
- They recieve God’s grace by joining in with Jesus’ sacrifice. The sacrifice is becoming a reality for them.
- Helps for them to strengthen their faith
- They become closer to God
How does Holy Communion impact the christian community?
2 MAIN ways…
- Brings believers together, gives sense of unity - strengthening their comittment to faith.
- Provides support and encouragement for those in a difficult time (reminds them there is good in this gathering and Jesus’ sacrifice.)
How does Holy Communion impact wider society?
2 MAIN ways….
- Reminding people to love others in practical ways just like God loves them (in his sacrifice.)
- Encouarges Christians to work for equality and justise for all (others don’t have B&W)
How do Christians show love to others in the practise of Holy Communion itself?
- Everyone is welcome no matter age, gender or race.
- Sharing a meal.
What are the 2 main parts to Holy Communion services in most churches?
1.) The ministry of the word (focusses on bible.)
2.) Ministry of Holy Communion (the consecrating and sharing of bread and wine.)
What is Holy Communion like in Orthodox Churches?
5 main points
- Hymns, prayers, reading bible,sermon.
- Priests speak behind iconostasis (says words of Jesus in Last Supper)
- Priest recives bread and wine recieved by members
- Bread and wine consecrated (been prayed over) as body and blood of Christ.
- Wine given on a spoon.
- Unconsecrated bread is taken home.
What is the iconostasis thought to be symbolic of in Orthodox Churches?
- Screen that represents the divide between heaven and Earth.
- Holy Communion is said to be “heaven on Earth.”
What is Holy Communion like in Catholic mass and Anglican Churches?
- Bible readings
- Altar is used
- Sign of peace.
- Words of last supper repeated over bread and wine.
What might Catholic and Anglican churches do as a sign of peace?
- Kiss/ Handshake.
How is Holy Communion celebrated in The United Reformed Churches?
- Prayer, bible readings, sermons
- There is an altar
- Wine is sometimes non- alcholic.
- Minister repeats last words of Jesus in The Last Supper.