Lesson 6 Flashcards
Drawbacks of Brainstorming:
- Shy people are not willing to speak as much.
- Social Lazyness
- Illusion of group productivity
Problems of group making decision (Franz, 2012)
- Strong members/ Unequal power
- Poor information sharing/ shared info bias
- Group polarization (decisions taken are more extreme than the original inclination of its members (eg Hooligans)
- Groupthink
Idea-generation process that specifically encourages any and all alternatives while withholding any criticism of those alternatives
Idea-generation process that limits group discussion and that requires members to write their creative ideas and pass them to other group
Production blocking
Tendency for one individual during a group discussion to block or inhibit other people from offering ideas
Social loafing
Reduction in motivation and effort that occurs when individuals work together at a group task
Ownership bias
Tendency to perceive that the information that is possessed (or provided) is more important than the information shared by others
Phenomenon in which the norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses of actions
Shared information bias
Tendency of group members to discuss more about information that everyone knows rathen than the unique information that only one or a
few members know
Nominal group technique
Group decision-making method in which individual members meet face to face to pool their judgements in a systematic but independent