Lesson 5 - Appendicular Skeleton II Flashcards
Three main joints of lower limbs
Hip, Knee and Ankle
Hip bone x2
Hip bone articulates with the sacrum of the axial skeleton
Separated into three bones
Ilium, ischium and Pubis
Obturator foramen is also part of the Hip Bone and is the hole.
Acetabulum is the depression formed in the hip joint at the age of 23
Pubic Symphysis Joint
The moveable joint connecting the two hip bones on the inferior end
Iliac crest (both)
Iliac fossa (ant)
Gluteal surface with lines (post)
posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
Anterior Inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
posterior Inferior iliac spine (PIIS)
Greater and lesser sciatic notch (both)
Arcuate line (both)
Ischial Spine (both)
Ischial tuberosity (post)
Ramus of ischium (ant)
Greater and lesser sciatic notch (both)
Ischium to Sacrum
When spine is involved it creates the greater and lesser sciatic foramen. With the help of the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligament
Superior and Inferior pubic ramus
Body of pubis
Pubic ramus
Arcuate and Pectineal line
What makes up the Pelvic inlet?
Arcuate line x2
Pectineal line x2
Pubic crest x2
Pubic symphysis
Sex different in Pelvis
Inlet, Greater and Angle
Male: narrow and heart shaped
Female: wide and oval
Male: deep and narrow <90
Female: wide and shallow >90
Femur Head
Head of Femur
Greater trochanter (opposite to head)
Trochanteric fossa (post)
Neck of femur
Lesser trochanter (same side as head)
Intertrochanteric line (ant)
Intertrochanteric crest (post)
Femur head articulates with acetabulum of hip to form hip joint
Femur Shaft
Anterior =smooth
Posterior = rough for muscle attachment
Pectineal line
Gluteal tuberosity
Medial and later lip of linea aspera
(all post)
Distal femur
Highest to lowest
Adductor tubercle
Medial and Lateral Epicondyle
Medial and Lateral Condyle
Patellar surface
Head and Neck of Fibula
Lateral and Medial surface
Posterier Surface
Lateral Malleolus (both)
Interosseus Membrane, slight moveable joint, holding tib and fib together
Tibial plateau (post and sup)
Tibial Tuberosity (ant)
Soleal line (post)
Lateral and Medial surface
Posterier Surface
Malleolar groove (post)
Medial Malleolus (both)
Knee joint
Knee joint articulates between the medial and lateral condyles of the femur with the plateau of the tibia
Knee joint ligaments
LCL: Lateral collateral ligament
MCL: Medial collateral ligament
ACL: Anterior collateral ligament
PCL: Posterier collateral ligament
Phalanges (feet)
Distal, middle and proximal phalanges (only distal and proximal for big toe)
1-5, medial to lateral. Inferior metatarsal one has a sesamoid bone
Tarsals (7)
Base of foot, 7 bones. Cuneiform (3) lateral, intermediate and medial. Navicular, Cuboid, Talus or Calcaneus
Ankle joint
Ankle joint articulates between the tibia, fibula and the Talus of the foot
Arches of the foot
Transverse arch- over top, running across the foot horizontally
Longitudinal arch is from back of foot to front
Plantar fascia
runs at bottom of foot and stabilizes the arches