Lesson 3: Methods of Studying Bacteria Flashcards
Bacteria that causes “Strep Throat”
Streptococcus pyogenes
A gram stain of “Sputum” showing numerous WBCs and gram-positive encapsulated diplococci is highly suggestive of?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Gram-negative diplococci clustered in WBCs in a sample of “urethral secretion” from a male is considered diagnostic for?
“ONLY Gram-negative diplococcus found inhabiting the normal sterile urethra of a male”
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (causative agent of gonorrhea)
It is the most common causative organism of urinary tract infection which forms “PINK” colonies on MacConkey agar because of its ability to ferment lactose
E. coli
Most widely used stain in the laboratory
“Red colony” when incubated at 22C owing to the production of pigments
Serratia marcescens
Gram stains pink to dark red
A nutritionally rich medium containing red blood cells
Blood agar
Gram stains purple to blue
Blood agar is a “DIFFERENTIAL MEDIUM” that enables to detect the characteristic B-hemolytic colonies of?
Streptococcus pyogenes
A stain used in mycobacterium tuberculosis
Acid-fast stain
The ability to fix nitrogen under aerobic condition is an identifying characteristic of these bacteria
It is an identifying marker of the bacteria which is attached to the polysaccharide. It is an indirect identification of bacteria, because it is specific to that particular bacteria
Soluble pigment which discolors the growth medium
Distinct “Fruity Odor”
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Identify the Agar:
1. BILE SALTS (inhibits the growth of most non-intestinal organisms)
2. Lactose with a pH indicator (differentiates lactose fermenting organisms)
MacConkey agar