Lesson 1: History of Microbiology Flashcards
Developed the first compound microscope (monocular = one eye piece)
Zacharias Janssen
Discredited spontaneous generation
Francesco Redi
Experiment: Mutton broth in flasks –> boiled –> sealed
Result: Broth became cloudy and contained microorganisms
John Needham
Experiment: Broth in flasks –> sealed –> boiled
Results: no growth of microorganisms
Lazzaro Spallanzani
“Swan-neck flask” experiments
Boiled the solutions and left flasks exposed to air
Results: No growth of microorganisms
Louis Pasteur
Demonstrated that dust carries microorganisms and showed that if dust was absent, nutrient broths remained sterile, even if directly exposed to air
Provided evidence for the existence of exceptionally heat-resistant forms of bacteria
John Tyndall
One of the factors to make the bacteria more pathogenic or virulent
Bacterial DNA condensed enclosed in a membrane called ____ with several layers of spore coat protecting the DNA
Used by bacteria for survival purposes
Showed that a disease of “SILKWORMS” was caused by a fungus
Agostini Bassi
Heat-resistant bacteria could produce endospores
Ferdinand Cohn
Demonstrated that the great “POTATO BLIGHT” of Ireland was caused by a water mold
M.J. Berkeley
Showed that “SMUT AND RUST” fungi caused cereal crop diseases
Heinrich de Bary
Showed that the “PEBRINE” disease of silkworms was caused by a protozoan
Louis Pasteur
Made the concept of sterilization to lessen post-operative infections and used “CARBOLIC ACID” to sterilize equipment used in operations
Joseph Lister
Established the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and Anthrax
Used the criteria developed by his teacher Jacob Henle
Robert Kock
Developed “Porcelain Bacterial Filters” used by Ivanoski and Beijernick to study Tobacco Mosaic Disease
Charles Chamberland
Discovered that incubation of cultures for long intervals between transfers caused pathogens to lose their ability to cause disease (attenuation)
Pasteur and Roux
Created by reducing the virulence of a pathogen, but still keeping it viable (or “live”)
Live attenuated vaccines
Bacteria usually grows within how many hours?
24-48 hours
2 Types of Vaccines
Live attenuated Vaccines
Inactivated Vaccines
A vaccine derived from disease-causing, viruses or bacteria
Live attenuated vaccines
A vaccine derived using a toxin, protein, or polysaccharide(sugar) fragment derived from viruses or bacteria
Inactivated vaccines
Developed vaccines for chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies (CAR)
Louis Pasteur
Used a vaccination procedure to protect individuals from smallpox
Edward Jenner
Developed antitoxins for diphtheria and tetanus
Evidence for humoral (antibody-based) immunity
Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato
Discovered bacteria-engulfing, phagocytic cells in the blood (macrophages)
Evidence for cellular immunity
Elie Metchnikoff
Pioneered the use of “Enrichment cultures and Selective media”
Sergei Winogradsky and Martinus Beijerinck
Who discovered “Restriction Endonucleases”?
Arber and Smith
Who discovered the first “novel recombinant molecule”?
Jackson, Symons, Berg
Major Fields in Microbiology
“How the Immune System protects a host from pathogens”
Who discovered “DNA sequencing methods”?
Woese and Sanger
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Concerned with the relationship of organisms with their environment”
Microbial Ecology
It is the smallest of all microbes
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Diseases of Humans and Animals”
Medical Microbiology
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Concerned with the impact of microorganisms on agriculture”
Agricultural Microbiology
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Began in the 1800s and introduced Fermentation, Antibiotic Production, and Food Development”
Industrial Microbiology
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Control and Spread of Communicable Diseases”
Public Health Microbiology
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Studies metabolic pathways of microorganisms”
Microbial Physiology
Major Fields in Microbiology
“Study the nature of genetic information and how it regulates the development and function of cells and organisms”
Molecular Biology, Microbial Genetics, and Bioinformatics
Almost all prokaryotes have cell walls containing ________
Eukaryotic fungi and plants have cell walls that contain ______ and _______
Cellulose and Chitin
Three Domain Systems based on a comparison of ribosomal RNA genes
The genetic material is covered by a capsule or ____ with protein extensions looking like spikes
Infectious agents of viruses composed of RNA
Viroids and Virusoid
Difference of viroids and virusoids is on their what?
RNA sequence
RNA molecules that form peptide bonds and perform cellular work and replication
Origins of life from Microbial fossils, granular silica, and oldest fossils from 3.5 billion years ago
Swartkoppie chert
It consists of descendants of a single, pure microbial culture
“The root of origin of modern life is on bacterial branch but nature is still controversial”
“Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya”
Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)
“Life came from ancestral prokaryotes which evolved and formed the nucleus, it ingested the cyanobacterium and aerobic bacterium which are believed to be the chloroplast and mitochondrion in the modern eukaryote”
Endosymbiotic Hypothesis
Examples of strains (4)
Serologic Variations (antigens and proteins in the bacteria)
Ex. Antigen differences; Staphylococcus X produces toxin (antigen) and Staphylococcus Y does not
The two daughter cells of an asexual reproduction (binary fission) are called?
Morphologic variations (physical characteristic of the bacteria)
Ex. Difference in size, shape, staining and culture characteristic
Biologic Variations (biological composition or mechanism)
Ex. Staphylococcus X and Staphylococcus Y are different based on respiration (aerobic and anaerobic)
Pathologic variations (differ in the diseases they cause)