Lesson 3 Cardiovascular Drug Flashcards
Asthma, hay fever , anaphylaxis
Cause by IgE antibody attach to mast cell
Degranulation of mast cell
Massive amount will lead to anaphylaxis -> rare but life threatening reaction
Antigens that can trigger allergy are called allergens
Hay fever and antihistamines
Hay fever is caused by allergy to grass pollen, while antihistamine can control part of the symtoms
Antihistamine is an antagonist that block h1 histamine receptors
Old antihistamines have antimuscarinic action that pass thru brain, new don’t and hence less drowsiness
Group: allergy drug
Mode: act on blood vessels, GI, respiratory system competing with histamine for h1 receptors, decrease allerguc response
Uses: allergy symptoms
Side effects: drowsiness
Implementation: advice for dizziness and dry mouth
Allergy drug
Mode:competing against h1 receptor site, decrease allergic response by blocking histamine
Use: allergy symptonms
Side effects: dizziness, drowsiness
Implementation: remind patient of dizziness and drowsiness
Allergic drugs
Mode: antihistaminic response
Use: allergic response+ anxiety
Side effects, drowsiness
Inflammatory disease which airway is chronically narrowed
Patient suffer in wheezing and difficulty of breathing
Cause: spasm of bronchial smooth muscle
Inflammatory cell
->vasodilation, oedema, mucus secretion
Drugs for asthma
- B2 adrenoceptor agonists (+ inhaled steroid if need >1/day)
- More severe then add long acting B-stimulants (salmeterol)
- Add leucotriene receptor agonist
- Add oxygen 40-60%
Puff for asthma (ventolin)
Mode: actions on b2 receptors by increasing level of bronchodilation
Use: when asthma
Side effects: anxiety, tremors
Implementation: educate patient ti use inhaler
Asthma inhaler drug
Mode: inhibit interaction with acetylcholines receptor on bronchial smooth muscle
Use: asthma
Side: anxiety, dizziness
Implementation: education to clients on how to use inhaler
Puff for asthma, combined drug
Mode: Salmeterol act as anti-inflammatary, fluticasone is a cortisteroid.
Use: asthma
Side: cardiac arrthymias
Implementation: educate clients to rinse mouth
Budesonide+ Formoterol
Combination of puff for asthma
Mode: budesonide act as steroid, formoterol act as long act b2 blocker
Use: asthma
Side: headache, tremor
Implementation: educate patient to rinse mouth
Inhalation capsule( tiotropium bromide)
Mode: bind to muscarinic receptors and inhibit effects of acetylcholine.
Use: COPD( Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Side: dry mouth, dizziness
Implementation: educate client to use the inhalation device
Salbutamol sulphate
Oral drug for asthma
Mode: cause bronchodilation by action of b2 receptors
Uses: asthma
Side effects: tremor, anxiety
Montelukast Sodium
Oral drug for asthma
Mode: inhibit leukotriene formation
Use: asthma
Side: dizziness
Implementation: eat in pm
Oral asthma drug
Mode: relax smooth muscle of respiratory system
Use: bronchial asthma
Side : anxiety, insomnia
Implementation. Pc
Terbutaline sulfate
Iv infusion drug for asthma
Mode: brinchodilator
Use: asthma
Side effects: headache, tremor
Implementation: only give to cases in hospital severe case