Lesson 3 Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the abdominal cavity (sup, inf, anter, post, laterally)
S- diaphragm I - Pelvis brim (linea terminalis) A- Umbilicus, skin, muscles P- vetebrae and posterior muscles L- skin and muscles
Describe the 5 sections of the spine and how many vertebrae are in each
Cervical 1-7 Thoracic 1-12 Lumbar 1-5 Sacrum 5 fused segments Coccyx
How does the diaphragm extend and to what intercostal space?
Extends superiorly under the rib cage and to the level of the 5th intercostal space
Describe the extension of the crus of the diaphragm and where it extends to.
Extends down to the upper lumbar vertebrae bilaterally
Describe the three structures that pass through the diaphragm and at what vertebral level they pass. Also say their anterior/ posterior position
Aorta (aorta hiatus), T12, most posterior, most inferior.
IVC (cava hiatus), T8, most anterior, most superior.
Esophagus (esophageal hiatus), T10, middle of other two in both directions
Describe the pelvic brim and it’s scientific name and what it decides
Linea terminalis
Line from sacral promontory following around arcuate line to symphysis pubis
Division between abdominal and pelvic cavities
The abdomen has no _____________
Bony reinforcements or protection
The anterolateral abdominal wall consists entirely of how many paired muscles
____________ envelopes the abdominal muscles
The posterior abdominal wall consists of ________ ________ _______ as well as how many muscle groups?
Lumbar spine bodies and 2 muscle groups
What are the 2 muscle groups in the posterior abdominal wall?
Papas major and quadratics lumborum muscles
Name 3 organs in the R hypochondriacs reg
Gall bladder
Right kidney
Name 4 organs in the L hypochondriac reg
Liver (tip)
Left kidney
Name 4 organs in the Epigastric
Right and left kidneys
Name 4 organs in the R lumbar
Liver (tip)
Small intestines
Ascending colon
R. Kidney
Name 4 organs in the umbilical region
Stomach, pancreas, small intestines, transverse colon
Name 3 organs in the L lumbar
Small intestines
Descending colon
Left kidney
Name 4 organs in the right illiac
Small intestines
ascending colon
Name 3 organs in the hypo gastric
Small intestines
Sigmoid colon
Name 4 organs in the L iliac region
Small intestines
Descending colon
Sigmoid colon
Where is the mid ingual point and what runs through it
Halfway between the pubis symphysis and anterior superior illiac spine
Femoral artery runs through
What does osseous mean
What is the one true osseous component of the abdomen and the 2 contributing factors but not really part
Lumbar vertebrae
Ribs and pelvis contribute
What is aponeurosis and what do they do
Layer of flat broad tends
joins muscles and body parts that the muscles act upon.
Where is aponeurosis thickest and what are 3 other regions it can be found
Ventral abdominal region (thickest), dorsal lumbar region, palmar and plantar
What muscle ligament forms the ingual ligament
The inferior margin of the external oblique ligament
Name the 7 core muscles
External oblique Internal oblique Transverse abdominus Rectus abdominus Psoas major Quadratics lumborum Erector spinae
Name the 3 lateral muscles from deep to superficial
Transverse, internal and external
Where does the external oblique originate and what 3 places does it insert.
What does it move and in what direction
Originates from ribs
Inserts on anterior side of rectus abdominus aponerosis, iliac crest and public tubercle.
Pulls the hips up and out
How does the external oblique extend?
Downward and medially
Where does the transverse abdominus muscle originate (4) and insert
Originates from costal margin, lumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of iliac crest and lateral half of ingual ligament
Inserts on the aponeurosis of the posterior rectus sheath
(Pulls medial and inferior)
Fibers of the transverse abdominus run _______
Where does the internal oblique muscle originate and insert (3)
Originates from the Iliac crest to the inferior borders of the ribs
inserts to the aponeurosis on the lateral portion of rectus abdominus muscle, the pubic crest and ribs 10-12
The internal oblique is _____ to the external oblique
The internal oblique extend _______ and _______
Upwards and medially
Describe the location of the rectus abdominus
Anteriorly on each side of the central linea alba
The rectus abdominus extends from _________ to the __________
Xiphoid processs of the sternum to the symphysis pubis
The rectus abdominus is enclosed by
A sheath of the aponeurosis also holding the 3 lateral muscles
What and where is the linea alba`
A fibrous structure running down the midline from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis
Linea alba means what? is made of what ? and is formed by what?
Line white line
Where does the psoas major muscle originate(1) and insert (1)
Originates on the intervertebral discs and transverse processes of T12-L5
Inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur
In a transvers section, the psoas muscle appear as -
Large muscular masses adjacent to the lumbar vertebral bodies
Describe the appearance of the Quadratus Lumborum muscles
Thick muscular sheet
Where does the Quadratus Lumborum originate (2) and insert (1)
Origin is the illiac crest and transverse processes of L1-L4
Inserts on inferior border of the 12th rib
In transverse section the QL appears ______ to the psoas muscle
Lateral and posterior to the psoas major muscles