lesson 16 Flashcards
정말 세월이 빨라요.
Time really does fly by.
어제 밤 새웠지요?
You stayed up all night last night, didn’t you?
제가 피곤해 보여요?
Do I look tired?
내일 회의에 참석할 거지요?
You’ll attend the meeting tomorrow, won’t you?
눈이 나쁘군요.
Your vision is bad indeed.
아이스크림을 좋아하는군요.
You really like ice cream!
감기에 걸렸군요.
I see you’ve caught a cold.
이분이 우리 회사 사장님이세요.
This is our company president.
정말 비가 오는군요. 우산이 없는데 어떻게 하죠?
It’s really raining! I don’t have an umbrella, so what shall I do?
아, 저 아이가 동생이구나.
Oh, so that’s their younger sibling.
그래서 늦었구나.
So that’s why you’re late.
글씨를 잘 쓰네요.
You really have good handwriting.
책을 많이 읽었네요.
You really have read a lot of books.
한국말을 정말 잘하시네요.
You really do speak Korean well.
더 많이 공부해야 돼요.
Not really. I have to study a lot more.