Lesson 15 Y words Flashcards
cut/cut sb short
UK /kʌt/ US /kʌt/
срезать; оборвать; обрезать; отрезать; обрезывать; прервать на полуслове (Anglophile); резко прервать (кого-либо); укоротить; обрывать; пресекать; прервать
- who was in Kamloops on business, cut his trip short and returned home.
to stop someone from talking before they have finished what they were saying:
- He started to explain, but she cut him short
UK /ˈteɪk.ə.weɪ/ US /ˈteɪk.ə.weɪ/
takeaway noun (INFORMATION)
[ S ] mainly US
a main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read:
- The takeaway from the conference was how competitive the tourism industry has become.
- At the end of the class, the teacher gives us the takeaway points.
takeaway noun (FOOD)
B1 [ C or U ] UK
(US takeout, carryout)
a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten, or the shop or restaurant itself:
- a Chinese takeaway
- We were too tired to cook so we ordered takeaway.
- We decided to get a takeaway.
- He ordered a takeaway from the Indian restaurant.
UK /əˈkɜːr/ US /əˈkɝː/
occur verb (HAPPEN)
B2 [ I ]
(especially of accidents and other unexpected events) to happen:
- An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane.
- If any of these symptoms occur while you are taking the medication, consult your doctor immediately.
- Many suicides occur in prisons.
- We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred.
- Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments.
- Evidence suggests that errors may indeed be occurring.
- The partition of India occurred in 1948.
occur verb (EXIST)
[ I + adv/prep ]
to exist or be present in, among, etc.:
- Violence of some type seems to occur in every society.
- Minerals occur naturally in the earth’s crust.
UK /blʌnt/ US /blʌnt/
blunt adjective (NOT SHARP)
A blunt pencil, knife, etc. is not sharp and therefore not able to write, cut, etc. well.
blunt adjective (RUDE)
saying what you think without trying to be polite or considering other people’s feelings:
- I’ll be blunt - that last piece of work you did was terrible.
verb [ T ] formal
UK /əˈteɪn/ US /əˈteɪn/
достигать, добиваться, приобретать, добираться
to reach or succeed in getting something:
- He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.
- We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives/goals.
- India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle.
adjective formal
UK /əˈteɪ.nə.bəl/ US /əˈteɪ.nə.bəl/
possible to achieve:
- We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.
UK /ˈheɪ.zi/ US /ˈheɪ.zi/
туманный, мглистый, неясный, смутный, неопределённый
hazy adjective (WEATHER)
Hazy air or weather is not clear, especially because of heat:
- hazy sunshine
- the hazy days of summer
hazy adjective (MEMORY)
not remembering things clearly:
- hazy memories of childhood
verb [ T ]
UK /dɪˈfɜːr/ US /dɪˈfɝː/
to delay something until a later time:
- My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan.
- [ + -ing verb ] Can we defer making a decision until next week?
- They deferred the decision until February
submit humbly to (a person or a person’s wishes or qualities).
- He deferred to Tim’s superior knowledge
verb [ T usually + adv/prep ] formal
UK /ˈsɪtʃ.u.eɪt/ US /ˈsɪtʃ.u.eɪt/
to put something in a particular position:
- They plan to situate the bus stop at the corner of the road.
- To understand this issue, it must first be situated in its context.
UK /ˈmɑː.dʒɪn/ US /ˈmɑːr.dʒɪn/
margin noun (DIFFERENCE)
C2 [ C ]
the amount by which one thing is different from another:
- The Senate approved the use of military force by a margin of 52 votes to 47.
- The poll shows that the government is leading by the narrowest of margins.
- The election was won by the very narrow margin of only 185 votes.
- She won the presidency by a wide margin.
- The president won the election by a razor-thin margin.
- The Democrats are ahead by a very narrow margin.
- The vote was passed by a margin of 13 to 9.
margin noun (PROFIT)
C2 [ C or U ]
the profit made on a product or service:
- Our increased profits are due to improved margins and successful cost control.
- Using cheap labour increases profit margin.
the empty space to the side of the text on a page, sometimes separated from the rest of the page by a vertical line:
- If I have any comments to make, I’ll write them in the margin.
[ C ]
the outer edge of an area:
- The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas.
If someone is on the margins of a group of people, they are part of that group, but different in important ways, and if someone is on the margins of an activity, they are only slightly involved:
- He spent the 1980s on the margins of British politics.
- We need to reach out to those on the margins of society.
take advantage of someone
to use someone’s weakness to improve your situation:
- Don’t you realize that he’s taking advantage of you and your money?
noun [ C ]
UK /kəmˈpɑːt.mənt/ US /kəmˈpɑːrt.mənt/
отсек, отделение, купе, помещение
one of the separate areas inside a vehicle, especially a train:
- a first-class compartment
a separate part of a piece of furniture, equipment, or a container with a particular purpose:
- a fridge with a small freezer compartment
- the sleeping/inner compartment in a tent
MEDICAL specialized
a section in the body that contains muscles and nerves and is surrounded by connective tissue:
- The knee joint is composed of three compartments and ligaments that stabilize the joint.
noun [ C ]
UK /stəʊv/ US /stoʊv/
a piece of equipment that burns fuel or uses electricity in order to heat a place
A2 mainly US
(UK usually cooker)
a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food, either by putting the food inside or by putting it on the top
noun [ C ]
UK /fluː/ US /fluː/
a pipe that leads from a fire or heater to the outside of a building, taking smoke, gases, or hot air away
noun [ C usually plural, U ]
UK /step/ US /step/
a large area of land with grass but no trees, especially in eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia:
- These people have lived for centuries on the Russian steppes.
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈsen.səs/ US /ˈsen.səs/
a count for official purposes, especially one to count the number of people living in a country and to collect information about them:
- We have a census in this country every ten years.
- She was stopped in her car for a traffic census.
UK /ˈfɒl.əʊ/ US /ˈfɑː.loʊ/
follow verb (GO)
A2 [ I or T ]
to move behind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goes:
- A dog followed us home.
- She followed me into the kitchen.
- He had the feeling he was being followed (= someone was going after him to catch him or see where he was going).
- I could feel them following me with their eyes (= watching my movements closely).
- Do your own thing, don’t just follow the crowd (= do what everyone else does).
[ T ]
to go in the same direction as a road, path, etc.:
- Follow the road for two miles, then turn left.
follow suit
to do the same thing as someone else:
- When one airline reduces its prices, the rest soon follow suit.
follow verb (HAPPEN)
B1 [ I or T ]
to happen or come after something:
- We were not prepared for the events that followed (= happened next).
- The book was delivered yesterday with a note saying the bill for it would follow in a day or two.
- The meal consisted of spinach salad, followed by roast chicken (= with this as the next part).
- She published a book of poems and followed it (up) with (= next produced) a novel.
as follows
said to introduce a list of things:
- The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.
follow verb (OBEY)
B1 [ T ]
to obey or to act as ordered by someone:
- Follow the instructions on the back of the packet carefully.
- I decided to follow her advice and go to bed early.
- Muslims follow the teachings of the Koran.
follow verb (HAVE INTEREST IN)
C1 [ T ]
to have a great interest in something or watch something closely:
- He follows most sports avidly.
- They followed her academic progress closely.
follow verb (BE RESULT)
C2 [ not continuous ]
to happen as a result, or to be a likely result:
- [ + that ] Just because I agreed last time, it doesn’t necessarily follow that I will again.
follow verb (UNDERSTAND)
B1 [ I or T ]
to understand something as it is being said or done:
- I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow (you).
- His lecture was complicated and difficult to follow.
follow verb (READ)
[ T ]
to read the notes or words of a piece of music or writing at the same time as they are being played or said
adjective usually disapproving
UK /blænd/ US /blænd/
pleasantly gentle or agreeable: - a bland, affable manner. soothing or balmy, as air: - a bland southern breeze. nonirritating, as food or medicines: - a bland diet. not highly flavored; mild; tasteless: - a bland sauce. - I find chicken a little bland. lacking in special interest, liveliness, individuality, etc.; insipid; dull: - a bland young man; - a bland situation comedy. - Pop music these days is so bland unemotional, indifferent, or casual: - his bland acknowledgment of guilt.
verb [ T ]
UK /dɪˈtɜːr/ US /dɪˈtɝː/
удерживать, отпугивать, отговаривать
to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it:
- These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.
- High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.
UK /plʌndʒ/ US /plʌndʒ/
plunge verb (FALL)
C2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]
to (cause someone or something to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward, down, or into something:
- We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea.
- The car went out of control and plunged over the cliff.
- Cook the peas by plunging them into boiling water.
- Niagara Falls plunges 55.5 metres.
plunge verb (BECOME LOWER)
C1 [ I ]
to become lower in value or level very suddenly and quickly:
- The fall in demand caused share prices to plunge.
- Our income has plunged dramatically.
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈpæn.tri/ US /ˈpæn.tri/
кладовая, буфетная
a small room or large cupboard in a house where food is kept
a small room or storage area near a kitchen, where food is kept
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈdæn.dɪ.laɪ.ən/ US /ˈdæn.də.laɪ.ən/
UK /maɪld/ US /maɪld/
мягкий, умеренный, слабый, лёгкий, тихий
mild adjective (SLIGHT)
not violent, severe, or extreme:
- She can’t accept even mild criticism of her work.
- He has suffered a mild heart attack - nothing too serious.
- Do you prefer mild or mature cheddar?
- He’s been a bit dizzy and confused since the accident. Do you think it’s mild concussion?
- This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites.
- ‘Idiot!’ is a mild term of abuse .
- Caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, is a mild stimulant.
mild adjective (WEATHER)
- Mild weather is not very cold or not as cold as usual:
- We’ve had a mild winter this year.
mild adjective (FOOD)
used to describe food or a food flavour that is not very strong:
- He doesn’t like a hot curry - he prefers a mild one.
- a mild chilli sauce
mild adjective (GENTLE)
gentle and calm:
- a shy, mild sort of guy
noun [ C or U ]
UK /raɪnd/ US /raɪnd/
кожура, корка, кора
the hard outer layer or covering of particular fruits and foods:
- lemon/orange rind
- bacon/cheese rind
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈeɪ.kɔːn/ US /ˈeɪ.kɔːrn/
defer to sb/sth — phrasal verb with defer verb [ T ] UK /dɪˈfɜːr/ US /dɪˈfɝː/ -rr- formal
to allow someone or something to make decisions for you or tell you what to do because of your respect for them or because of their higher rank, authority, knowledge, etc.:
- I have to defer to my boss on important decisions.
- I defer to (= accept) your judgment.
- For this type of decision, I usually defer to my boss.
- In the last few years, the authority mostly has deferred to private developers to handle warehousing and distribution projects, because this is not the area of their expertise.