Lesson 10 - Jesus Vs Evil [ARCHIVE] Flashcards
How did Jesus overcome moral evil?
- He healed illnesses
- Cast out demons
- Restored peace
- Confronting evil directly.
What moral evil did Jesus confront?
The hypocrisy of leaders, and to help, he promoted justice, compassion, and forgiveness.
How did Jesus’ crucifixion destroy death?
His sacrifice absorbed sin’s power, breaking death’s hold, offering redemption and hope.
How did Jesus’ resurrection restore life?
Rising from death, He conquered sin, revealing life’s eternal nature with God.
How does Christ save us from sin?
Through his death and sacraments, offering forgiveness, grace, and spiritual renewal.
What lesson does Jesus’ temptation teach?
The importance of resisting sin, and to trust in God’s word over temptations.
What purpose does Christian life aim for?
To live for God, uniting with Him eternally through love and service.
How should Christians view death?
Death is not the end but entry into everlasting life with God.
Does every life have purpose?
Yes, every life is created to grow in faith, love, and communion.
Symbolize “death changes, not ends.”
A tree shedding leaves, signifying transformation, not loss, of life’s essence.
What does “deliver us from evil” mean?
Asking God for protection against sin’s power, seeking His guidance always.
What does “lead us not into temptation” imply?
Asking God’s help in life’s spiritual battles by seeking strength to avoid sin.
How is discipleship a “wilderness test”?
It demands faith, resilience, and trust in Jesus amid life’s struggles.
Name someone Jesus healed.
Jesus healed Lazarus, raising him from death, showing compassion and God’s power.
How does Jesus’ influence continue?
Through His…
- Teachings
- His followers
- Church’s mission to overcome evil.