Lesson 1: Introduction to Evolutionary Biology (sir ppt) Flashcards
Why study evolution?
- understanding its process is highly relevant to human health
- extends and amplifies the explanation of biological phenomena
highly relevant to human health
understanding the processes of evolution
understanding the processes of evolution helps us understand:
- infectious disease outbreaks
- antimicrobial resistance
fascilitates the spread of drug resistance
gene transfer
what are proximate causes
immediate, mechanical causes
ultimate causes of phenomena
historical causes, especially the action of natural selection
“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”
Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975)
what is evolution
increase in fitness over time due to natural selection, or adaptation
alters fitness over time
- refers to how common an allele is in a population
- heritable expression of those alleles
allele frequencies
group of organisms that consist of similar individuals capable of interbreeding or exchanging genes among themselves
defines a species taxon as a group of organisms that can successfully interbreed and produce fertile offspring
Biological Species Concept
helped define the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory, proposing the “Biological Species Concept.”
Ernst Mayr
can reproduce
viable offspring
cannot reproduce
sterile offspring
- descent with inherited modification
- transmission of traits that increase chance of survival
Biological evolution
fitness vs adaptation
adaptation - traits
fitness - measure of reproductive success
- measures of reproductive success of a species
- produce viable offspring
- allow continuous passing of genes
heritable change in the expression of alleles
epigenetic inheritance
group of interbreeding individuals and their offspring
Five major mechanisms of evolution
- genetic drift
- mutation
- heritable epigenetic modification
- migration
- natural selection
totally random changes in allele frequency from generation to generation
genetic drift
changes in the genetic code, such as errors in DNA replication, gene deletions or duplications, etc
heritable changes that arenot due to changes in DNA sequence itself, but the expression of the DNA
epigenetic inheritance
example of changes in epigenetic inheritance
DNA methylation and histone modifications
what do epigenetic inheritance change
epi-allele not actual alleles (genetic code)
alleles moving from one population to another
gene flow (migration)
- when some alleles favored over others due to an increase in fitness (not random)
- acts on genetic variation in the population
natural selection
isolate species from mating
reproductive isolation
how can natural selection happen
there is genetic variation
where does natural selection acts on
genetic or epigenetic variation in a population
generates genetic variation
changes expression of genes
epigenetic inheritance
reduces genetic variation
genetic drift
example of sciences where evolutionary concepts permeate
- biotechnology
- agriculture
- medicine
- conservation
- virus that attacks the body’s immune system
- one of the fastest evolving organism on Earth
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
what does HIV infect
- macrophages
- helper T-cells
- chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body’s ability to fight infection and disease
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
WHO 2019 estimate on AIDS
- 32.7 million died
- ~75.7 million infected
- ~38 million currently living with AIDS
mode of transmission of HIV
certain body fluids
certain body fluids that could transmit HIV
- blood
- vaginal fluid
- breast milk
- pre-seminal fluid
- rectal fluids
- semen (cum)
how does HIV transmission occur
fluids must come in contact with:
- mucous membrane
- damaged tissue
- directly injected into the bloodstream
where are mucous membranes found
- rectum
- vagina
- penis
- mouth
little to no risk mode of transmission
- oral sex, biting, spitting
- food contamination
- deep, open-mouth kissing
- touching
- tattoos, body piercing
- medical care
what is HIV
retrovirus with two single strand RNA genomes
what does HIV use to replicate RNA to DNA
reverse transcriptase enzyme
incorporates HIV genome to host genome
capture vius and present bits of its protein to naive helper T cells
Dendritic cells
where do Dendritic cells present bits of its proteins
naive helper T cells
what happens to naive helper T cells once activated
divide to produce effector helper T cells
what do effector helper T cells stimulate
B cells
how do effector helper T cells stimulate B cells
displaying same bits of viral protein to mature into plasma cells
make antibodies that bind and in some cases inactivate the virus
plasma cells
what do effector helper T cells also help activate that destroy host cells infected with virus
killer T cells
most effector T cells are short lived, but a few become long-lived what?
memory helper T cells
problem with HIV
fastest mutation rate of any virus or organism
How might HIV evolve
impose selection on HIV
1. drugs: evolution of drug resistance
2. transmission rate: evolution of virulence
3. host immune system
example of HIV drug
Azidothymidine (AZT)
what is Azidothymidine (AZT)
- thymidine mimic
- stops reverse transcription
- impedes viral replication
why does AZT work initially but fail in the long run?
- fast mutation rate of HIV
- natural selection favors reverse transcriptase enzyme mutant that can recognize AZT and not use it
what would happen when AZT therapy stops?
original reverse transcriptase would be favored (fast and sloppy) because they would outgrow the slow
selection on virulence of HIV
need to keep host alive long enough to get passed on to the next host
high transmission rate
high virulence
low transmission rate
low virulence
combating HIV
must lower transmission rate of HIV so that less fatal strains evolve
evolutionary properties of a disease
- evolutionary history
- mutation rate
- selective forces
- evolutionary tradeoffs
HIV evolution in response to AZT
slow and accurate vs fast and sloppy replication
HIV evolution in response to transmission rate
slow growing and less virulent (keep host alive) vs fast growing and more virulent
HIV receptors
CD4 and a co-receptor
co-receptor of HIV predominantly used in vivo
chemokine receptor CCR5
variants that use another co-receptor, evolve during disease in some AIDS patients
co-receptor CXCR4