Darwin and Natural Selection (palomar.edu) Flashcards
- carried out necessary research to conclusively document that evolution has occurred
- made the idea acceptable for scientists and the general public
Charles Darwin
where was Charles Darwin born
Shrewsbury, England
what age did Charles Darwin start university
where did Charles Darwin study university
Edinburgh, Scotland
who enriched Charles Darwin’s knowledge of natural history
Robert Grant
At Grant’s suggestion, Darwin became a member of what?
Plinian Society
whos scientific ideas interest Charles Darwin
- Adam Sedgwick
- John Henslow
- known particularly for his work on classifying rocks from the Devonian and Cambrian eras, and his work was central to developing understanding of the geological time-line
- one of the founders of modern geology
Adam Sedgwick
- popularized botany at the University of Cambridge by introducing new methods of teaching the subject
- British botanist, clergyman, and geologist
John Henslow
- pioneering meteorologist who made accurate daily weather predictions, which he called by a new name of his own invention: “forecasts”
- captain of HMS Beagle during Charles Darwin’s famous voyage
Capt. Robert Fitzroy
name of the ship Charles Darwin was on during his voyage
HMS Beagle
what did Charles Darwin realize about why the birds in the Galapagos Islands were different from each other
various species lived in different kinds of environments
how many species was Charles Darwin able to collect from the Galapagos Islands
13 species of finches
how many species of finches did Charles Darwin knew on the mainland
1 (moment in time.. char)
how did the Galapagos finches differ each other
beak size and shape
What did Charles Darwin conlcude about the finches in the islands
over many generations, finches changed anatomically in ways that allowed them to survive and reproduce in their environments
branching evolution in which different populations of species become reproductively isolated from each other by adapting to different ecological niches and eventually become separate species
adaptive radiation
- specific micro-habitats in nature to which populations or organisms adapt
- usually seen in terms of being food getting opportunities in the environment
ecological niches
individuals having a variation that gives them an advantage in staying alive long enough to successfully reproduce are the ones that pass on their traits more frequently to the next genetration
“descent with modification”
- Charles Darwin
nature selected the best adapted varieties to survive and to reproduce
natural selection
Darwin did not believe that the environment was producing the __ within the finch population
what did Darwin correctly thought about variations
variations already existed and nature just selected for the most suitable beak shape against less useful ones
the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution
survival of the fittest
- observed that human populations will double every 25 years unless they are kept in check by limits in food supply
- published ‘Essay on the Prinicples of Population’
Thomas Malthus
what did Thomas Malthus publish
Essay on the Principles of Population
when did Darwin read Malthus’ essay
what did Darwin realize after reading the Essay on the Principles of Population by Thomas Malthus
all plant and animal population have the same potential to rapidly increase their number unless they are constantly kept in check by predators, diseases, and limitations in food, water, and other resources that are essential for survival
have the combination of traits that allow them to survive and produce more offspring that in turn survive to reproduce
fittest individuals
Darwin’s explanation that evolution occurs as a result of natural selection implied that __ plays a major role
Who did Charles Darwin marry
Emma Wedgwood (his wealthy first cousin)
How old was Charles Darwin when he published his theory of evolution
50 years old
490 page book Charles Darwin published
On the Origin of Species
revolutionary idea of evolution by natural selection entirely independently of Charles Darwin
Alfred Wallace
first person to begin to grasp why each new generation has new variations
Gregor Mendel
- In 1837 he discovered flint hand axes and other stone tools, some embedded with the bones of extinct mammals in gravels deposited during the Pleistocene Epoch, or Ice Age (concluded about 11,700 years ago)
- concluded that these were made at the time those animals lived
Boucher de Perthes