Lesson 1 Flashcards
Nurses major component of standard quality service is not only focus on care but also educating the sick
Patient educator
It is entrenched in the growth and development of profession
Nurse educator
Nurse educate other nurses
Nurse Educator
It is time where responsibility for teaching is recognized as an important role of nurses as caregivers
Mid 1800s
Founder of Modern Nursing and the Ultimate Educator
Florence Nightingale
She talked about how to improve the health of people
Florence Nightingale
PHN meaning
Public Health Nurse
When: PHN’s role as Nurse Teacher
Early 1900s
Recognized as independent nursing function of nurses
Patient teaching
Educating other patients, families, and colleagues
Nursing Education
Expanded to include broader concepts of health and illness
Nursing Practice
Observed the importance of health teaching as a function within the scope of nursing practice
NLNE / National League of Nursing Education 1918
Promotion of health and preserve of illness in all settings where they practiced
Nurses as agents
NLNE identified course content in nursing school
Endorse nurse’s role as educator as essential component of nursing care delivery
ICN / International Council of Nurses
The teaching with scope of nursing practice responsibilities
NPA / National Practice Acts
Ensure patient’s complete and current information concerning their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
Patient’s Bill of Rights
Transition toward illness
What is the role of today’s educator
Training the trainer
Another very important role of the nurse as educator serving students in the practice setting
Clinical Instructor
Dynamic one that requires teacher to actively engage students to become competent and caring professionals
Role of clinical educator
________ are in a key position to carry out health education
Since 1999, nurses to be ranked No. 1 in ___________ and __________ among 45 occupation
Honesty and ethics
It is a systematic: sequential, logical, scientifically based, planned clurseof action
Education process
The major interdependent operations of education process
Teaching and learning
These are deliberate interventions that involve sharing information and experiences to meet intended learner outcomes
Teaching and Instructions
It is defined as change in behavior that can occur at anytime or in any place as a result of exposure to environmental stimuli
It is an action by which knowledge, skills, and attitudes are consciously or unconsciously acquired
A useful paradigm to assist nurse to organize and carry out education process
This project was founded to educate nursing students on patient safety and healthcare quality
QSEN / Quality and Safe Education in Nursing
The patient has control of and is full partner in the PROVISION OF HOLISTIC, COMPASSIONATE, AND COMPREHENSIVE CARE based on the patient’s values, needs and preferences
Patient-centered care
Nurses and other health professionals must collaborate effectively with opem communication, respect, and mutual decision
Teamwork and Collaboration
Current evidence must be integrated to support clinical expertise in providing optimal health care
Evident-based practice
Measure data and monitor patient outcomes to develop changes in methods to continuously improve the quality and safety
Quality Improvement
Use information technology to effectively communicate
Minimize the risk of harm to patients and healthcare providers through self and system evaluation
Factors impending the nurse’s ability to deliver educational services
Barriers to education
Those factors that negatively affect the ability of the learner to attend to and process information
Obastacles to learning