Legumes, Pulses Flashcards
Biological and agricultural importane
Second most important plant family -> Valuable food source
8 essential AA but low in methionine, cysteine, leucine and isoleucine (common in cereals)
Cereals and legumes eat together will have the complete amino acid
“Poor’s man meat” poor people can’t afford meat will go to legume
Canada 35%/ 60 mil ton global pulse trade – Multiple use. Mostly export lentils
Ancient civilization and development of agriculture
Nutritrional diet = Legume and grain combination = most proteins and amino acid
Middle East – lentils and barley
Orient – soybean and rice
Americas: Beans and Maize
Taste good – nutritional value – high quality protein – Inexpensive
Leguminosae (=Fabaceae) – divisions
Ca. 16000 sp – 3 subfamilies – floral chracter
Legumniosae/ Fabaceae
Characteristic of the family:
Compound leaves
- Swollen region at the base of the leaf: Pulvinus (minor structure but importnat)
o Evidence in tropic and subtropic area
o Aid for close the leaves during the hot time of the day, reduce evapotranspiration
- Fruits: a legume – one carpel and from a superopr ovary
o Incorrect common term “Bean pod”, “pod”
o Placenta/ funiculus attached to the ovule => seeds that provide nutrient to form the seed from the ovule.
- Range of legume fruit types: varies from size and shapes ( heart shape to bean shape)
Mimosoideae – Acacia –
common in Austratlia and Africa
Very reduced flower that only have stamens for flower
Hollow spine that form the mutalisitic relationship with ants: (2 organisms depend and bring benefits to each other)
- Plant provide shelter and beltian bodies (proteins) for ants
- Ants protect the plants from animals that trying to eat the ants
Economic uses of Legumes
Versatility (know the use is good enough)
Food: Soybean. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts
Forage: alfalfa, sweet clover, clover
Ornamental: Acacia, Mimosa, redbud, sweet pea, caragana
Commercial: gums, resins
Dyes: Indigoera, Haematoxylon
Pharmaceutical, Construction, Handcrafts
Why legumes important?
Legume + Rhizobium bacteria = fixing nitrogen, mutalistic association. Symbiosis –
the most environment friendly association.
90 – 93% species of the Faboideae with Rhizobium
Mutalistic relationship
Chemical/ molecular communication
N2 most abundant gas in atmosphere
Not available to plants in elemental form
Converted to ammonia, nitrates and nitrites
N-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium) in root nodules of pea
Bean root nodules
Nitrogenase (Inside nodules the bacteria fix nitrogen)
Convert N2 into amonia
Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis
generates more useful N2 for plants than all the N2 in fertilizer produced industrially: 25- 85 kg/ha
Symbiosis => legume provide with CHO and Rhizobium supplies the host legume wit h N2 in the form of ammonia (NH4+)
Rhizobium can fix intert N2 from the atmosphere => plants can’t
Bacteria penetrate roots hair, and reproduce, form a noodle.
Nod factors, 20-30% photosynthates
Can leave the roots in soil after harvest
“Excess N in soil >25 lb/ac will delay onset of nodulation inpeding N-fixation”
Why legumes are good for crop rotation?
High productivity and Nitrogen content
- Balances soil nutrient content – environmentally friendly
- Deep-rooted crops ( alfalfa, sweet clover) -> greater water efficiency
- Low plant disease and facilitates insect and pest control
- Cause shifts in weed population/ species
Three subfamilies of Leguminosae
Mimosoideae, Caesalpinoideae and Faboideae
Common bean: Phaseolus vulgaris
Has been used for many years- 3 sisters system corn squash bean
Origin: south america
Andean Wild bean (P.vulgaris var )
Wild legumes have very small size seeds
Green bean is also member of Phaseolus vulgaris
Many races and cultivated beans
50+ varieties/ cultivars worldwide
Social issues of eating beans: gass – bloating
Beans have lots of polliscarride – polimers that the body intestine cannot break down, however, the bacteria in the intestine can break down these compound into smaller units and releases CO2
Mexican Jumping Bean
Mexican Jumping “beans” is not beans, it belongs to Euphorbiaceae:
Sebastiana pavoniana associated with a jumping bean moth: Cydia saltitans
What make the beans jump is because of the female insect lays eggs inside the fruit and eggs will hatch, larva try to get out of the beans. When cook, introduce heat = jumping (trying to get out)
Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Soybean (Glycine max L.)
NE China
Cinderella Crop
Lots of food uses
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
South America, origin, require good heat to grow
Sandy soils
Alternate dry wet periods
Fruits develop underground (not tubers of the stem) even the flower on the ground
After pollination and fertilization occured, the flower stalk bend down toward the soil that burried the flower => from fruits ther
Peanute: highly nutritionous food: 40-50% fat, 20-50% protein, 10-20% CHO
Peanut butter was invented in Quebec by a doctor who tried to feed his patients with chewing difficulties
Uses Foodstuff, Animal feed, Industry.
Environmentally friendly crop because the residue left on the field and incooperate in the soil latter