Lectures 9 - 10 Inhalation Equipment (MC) Flashcards
Essential components of Inhalation Equipment
carrier gas source, pressure regulator, flow meter, vaporizer and mounting bracket, oxygen flush valve, common gas outlet.
Primary function of Inhalation Equip
is to deliver anesthetic gases safely and accurately
Nitrous oxide is
a carrier gas and an anestheticAlways mixed with O2
N2O tanks gauge
does not indicate volume left, must weigh tank to know volume
High pressure in full tanks~ ______PSI
1900-2200 PSI
Intermediate pressure in pipeline and anesthetic machine
50-55 PSI
Pressure regulator function
drops pressure to 50-55 PSI (on tank, along pipeline, inside machine)
Oxygen flush valve function
delivers emergency O2. Pressure at 50-55 PSI, high flow 35-75 L/min
USA tank color codesGreen? Blue? Yellow?
Pin index safety system
hanger yoke has gas specific pin distance, and tank shaft has gas specific pin hole distancethis is a safety feature
Pipeline connecter
Diameter index safety systemNon-interchangeable Screw Threadthis is a safety feature
Non-rebreathing system limbs
Afferent and Efferent Limbs
What determines Afferent vs Efferent Reservoir System in a non-rebreathing system
position of the reservoir bag
How is CO2 removed in non-rebreathing system
CO2 is removed by flushing effect of FGF, the exhaled gas should NOT return to the patient
Which part of the non-rebreathing system contributes to resistance to gas flow
The longer and thinner the tubing contributes to
higher resistance to gas flow and breathing
Does not have and APL valve, has low resistance to breathing
Ayres T piece and Jackson Rees
Jackson Rees is used in ______ animals
CO2 removed by chemical reaction (soda lime). Part or all of exhaled gas returns to patient after CO2 removal.
Rebreathing system
Where is the reservoir bag located in a rebreathing system
next to the APL valve
Ideally the reservoir bag has a volume of
3 - 6 times tidal volume
Unidirectional (one-way valves) and CO2 Absorbent – soda lime contributes
contribute to resistance to breathing
CO2 Absorbent – soda lime contributes
resistance to breathingThe reaction produces heat, change in pH, and water.
How does exhausted soda lime appear
color changeconsistency change ‘regeneration’ (?)
When should there be high fresh gas flow?
Start of anesthesia (15-20 min) and end of anesthesia
The higher the anesthetic FGF the
shorter the time needed to achieve anesthetic concentration within the system.
Use rebreathing system for
large animals and dogs > 7 kg
Advantages of rebreathing system
conservation of heat and moisture, less carrier gas waste, less anesthetic gas waste, gas flow can be changed. Less anesthetic use – less environment impact.
• Advantages of non-rebreathing system
low resistance, simple construction, no sodalime, no denitrogenation, fast “wash in