Drugs (MC) Flashcards
Anticholinergic drugs
Atropine - (BBB & BPB)Glycopyrolate - longer
Uses of Anticholinergics
Tx of Bradycardia caused by vagal stimualtion
Anticholinergics EffectsCNSCVRespAnalgesia Reversible
CNS - No effectsCV - Vasoconstriction –> dumps blood into central compartment –> Increase SV –> increase HRResp - Increase via BronchodilationAnalgesia - NOReversible - NO
Other facts about Anticholinergics
Increase sphincter tonemydriasis (dilation of the pupil)** Decrease GI Motility **decrease mucus secretions
Phenothiazine drugs
Acepromazine (4-6hrs)
Uses of Phenothiazines like Ace.
Pre-medSedation in combo w/opioids or alpha 2 agonists
Phenothiazine (Ace.) EffectsCNS CVResp AnalgesiaReversible
Ace - D2 antag/ A1 antagCNS - Anti-emetic; No ataxia; SedationCV- vasodilation –> decrease BP; protects heart from catecholamine induced arrhythmias; adrenaline reversal; if act on B2 receptors –> double vasodilation –> severe decrease in BPResp- NOAnalgesia - NOReversible - NO
Other facts about Phenothiazine (Ace.)
Antiemeticnegative thermoregulation (poikilothermic)ParaphimosisPriapismdecrease PCV –> RBC sequestering in spleen
Butryophenone drugs
Butyrophenone uses
Sedation ONLY in pigsin combo with ketamine for anx
Butyrophenone effectsCNSCVResp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- sedation with no ataxiaCV- Vasodilation; decrease BPResp- NOAnalgesia - NOReversible- NO
Other facts about Butyrophenone (Azaperone)
Like Ace S/E less pronounced
Alpha 2 Agonists - Drugs
shortest acting to longest actingXylazine DetomidineRamifidineMedatomadineDexdomitor
A2 agonists Uses
Premed - alone or in combo with opioidsSedation - +/- opioidsBalanced AnxPeriop Anx
A2 Agonist EffectsCNSCV Resp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- sedation; muscle relax; CAVE- horses and aggressive dogsCV- Vasoconstriction –> increase BP –> decrease HR; bradyarrhythmia; centrally mediated hypotensionResp- decrease RR; Lung edema in ruminants esp sheepAnalgesia- YesReversible - Yes; Atipamazole (dexmedetomidine and medetomidine); Yohimbine (xylazine) ; Tolazaline (xylazine)
Other facts about A2 agonists
EmeticHypothermiadecrease GI motilityincrease urine productionHyperglycemia
Benzodiazepine drugs
Benzodiaz. uses
SedationMuscle relaxgood in compromised pts
Benzodiaz. effectsCNSCVResp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- sedation, muscle relax, anticonvulsantCV- NOResp- Minimal but increase resp depression caused by anestheticsAnalgesia- Minimal Reversible - Flumazenil
Other facts about Benzos
CAVE horsesIn healthy adults +/- paradoxic runsOnly good in young/old
Central Muscle Relaxants drugs
Guaifenesin Zolazepam ?????
Guaifenesin (central mus. relax.) uses
ONLY in horses to improve muscle relax in combo with ketamine
Guaifenesin (central mus. relax.) effectsCNSCV Resp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- Central MM relax.; Anticonvulsant; AtaxiaCV- NOResp- Minimal Analgesia - NOReversible - NO
Other facts - Guaifenesin (central mus. relax.)
Very irritatingHemolytic @ [high]Useful dose rate –> high vol. in inj.
Opioids - Pure Agonist drugs
Opioids - Partial Agonists
Opioids - Agonist/Antagonist
Agonist (Kappa recep)Antagonist (Mu recep)Butorphenol
Opioids - Pure Antagonist
What Opioid reverses Opioid Pure Agonists
Naloxonewhich is an opioid - pure antagonist
Opioid uses
Premeds/just sedationIn combo w/sedatives –> additive/synergistic effectsPeriop analgesiaIntraop analgesia (balanced anx)
Opioid –> mostly visceral; very low S/E
Butorphenolopioid - agonist/antagonist
Opioid –> commonly used in zoos
Naloxoneopioid - pure antagonist
Opioids EffectsCNSCVResp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- Mild sedation; analgesia; behavioral changes (horse/cat)CV- Histamine release after IV (Not Hydromorphine or Methadone); Decrease HR; Decrease BP; Vagal +Resp- Decrease RR; decrease sensitivity to increase arterial ppCO2; Most dangerous effect at high dose (pure ag.)in resp decreaseAnalgesia - YESReversible- Buprenorphine (partial agonist) is difficult to antagonize –> strong affinity for mu receps; Naloxone (pure antag) reverses pure agonists and has shorter 1/2 t than most opioids
other facts about opioids
Crosses placenta –> decrease resp rate in neonateexcreted in milk Emetic –> anti-emeticincrease bladder sphincter toneantitussive (But.)primary –> constipationDogs –> Miosis (constriction of the pupil) and decrease tempCats –> Mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) and increase temp*Auditory sensitivity increase with fentanyl in cats can build up tolerance
Barbituate drugs
shortest - Thiopentalmiddle - Pentobarbitallongest - Phenobarbital
Barbituate Contraindications
Hepatic dzNeonates Grey houndsCachexia (wasting syndrome)Splenectomy C-section
Barbituate EffectsCNSCVResp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- Fast induction; strong hypnosis (decrease ICP); neuroprotectant (anti-eleptics)CV - Arrhythmias; Decrease BP; Decrease CO –> tachyarrhythmia; MM relaxResp - NO Analgesia- NOReversible - NO
Barbituates other factors
*Quickest onset of action - shortest durationExtremely irritant Precipitates in LRSHypothermiaSlow recovery due to redistribution –> cumulates in fat
Propofol drugs
Propofol effectsCNSCVResp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- decrease ICP; short acting; anticonvulsant; good hypnosis CV- decrease BP; decrease contractility; repeated doses –> heinz bodies in cats; anemiaResp depression (worst drawback)Analgesia - NOReversible - NO
Barbituate uses
Propofol uses
Widely usedIV sedationGood in small ruminantsGood with liver and kidneys
Propofol other facts
Give slowly to effect (resp -)Minimal accumulationsTwo formulasMyoclonus (sudden, involuntary jerking of a muscle or group of muscles) after induction
Alfaxalone drugs
What kind of drug is Alfaxalone
Neuroactive steroid
Alfaxalone uses
Rapid anx onsetMin accumgood for CRI
Alfaxalone effectsCNSCVResp AnalgesiaReversible
CNS- decrease ICP; short acting; anticonvulsant; MM relaxCV - decrease contractility –> decrease BP –> reflex tachycardResp- depression (less than propofol) Analgesia- NOReversible - NO
Etomidate drugs
Etomidate $$$
Etomidate uses
Fast indction min CVNecrosis perivasc.
Alfaxalone other facts
Can be IMGive slowly to effectMuscle twitching following inductionStormy recovery despite sedation in cats
Etomidate effectsCNSCVRespAnalgesiaReversible
CNS- GABA; decrease ICPCV- NO effectResp - minimalAnalgesia - NOReversible - NO
Other factors - Etomidate
Myoclonus if no premeds –> give w/ mm relaxDecrease syn. of cortisol
Dissociative drugs
Dissociative drug uses (ketamine and tiletamine)
Induction in many speciesMaintenance for short procedures CRIIM inj. +/- pain
Contraindications for Dissociatives (ketamine and tiletamine)
Increased IOPHead traumaEpilepsyBrain tumorMyelogramC-section
Dissociatives effectsCNSCVRespAnalgesiaReversible
CNS- No hypnosis; Catalepsy (trancelike state of consciousness that is marked by a loss of voluntary motion); Reflexes maintained; Increased IOP; Increased ICP; increase O2 consumption –> increase HR and BP CV - Sympathetic stimulation; Increase HR and increase BPResp- Mild resp depression; bronchodilationAnalgesia- Yes (somatic)Reversible - NO
Other facts - Dissociatives (Ketamine and Tiletamine)
Cataleptic stateIV, IM, SQ, PO, recall (?)Increase salivationIncrease/Decrease tempNEVER USE ALONE!!!!!!Anesthetic depth is hard to assess
Extra facts about Tiletamine
Longer DOA - combo with Zolazepam (decrease 1/2t)+/- long recovery (rough)Muscle rigidity, excite, seizureNo redoseGood in hard to anesthetize patients (wild animals)