Anesthesia Equipment -Italian + Lab (LS) Flashcards
What is this?

Pressure regulator
What is this?

flow meter
What is this?

What is this for?

O2 Flush valve
What is this?

Hanger yoke
(where the tanks hook up)
What is this?

Pressure regulator
(comes in from 02 tank & goes to flow meter)
What happens at the Flow Meter?
Brings the pressure down to 14.7 PSI (from 50 PSI)
What happens at the Pressure regulator?
Brings the pressure from 2000 PSI → 50 PSI
What is your PSI at the O2 Flush Valve?
What implications does this have?
- 50 PSI
- Do NOT use if hooked up to patient → barotrauma!!!
Why do we need a vaporizer?
allows drug to go from liquid to gas form
Where to you refill the vaporizer?
At the filler port

What is the dial used for?

To control the plane of anesthesia
Where can you check the agent level of the vaporizer?
the sight glass

What is this?

Common gas outlet
What happens at the Common Gas Outlet?
Pressure at this point?
- exit point for mixture of carrier gas + inhalant anesthetic + flow
- 14 PSI
What is the purpose of the Pin Index System?

To ensure the proper medical gas cyclinder is used

What is the color code for CO2?
What is the color code for He/O2?
USA→ Brown/Green
ISO→ Brown/White
What is the color code for Medical Air?
USA → Yellow
ISO→ Black & White
What is the color code for Nitrogen (N2)?
What is the color code for Nitrous Oxide (N2O)?
What is the color code for Oxygen (O2)?
USA → Green
ISO → White
What is the color code for Suction (Vaccum)?
USA → White
ISO → Yellow
What is the color code for Waste Gas/Evacuation?
Filling pressure of O<strong>2</strong>?
PSI → 2,000
kPa → 13,700
Filling Pressure of N2O?
PSI → 745
kPa → 4,400
Filling Pressure of CO2?
PSI → 800
kPa → 5,000
What is the standard temp @ which filling pressure is measured?
20 °C
70 °F
3 Key Points about O2 Concentrators.
- All electrical
- Can convert regular air → 95% pure O2
- Does this by filtering out N2 from “air”
What is the most accurate way to determine
the amount of N2O/CO2 in the tank?
Weigh the cyclinder
(before & after)
How can you accurately determine the amount of O2 left in the tank?
Look at the pressure gauge
(while the tank is open.. )
When does the Ritchie’s Whistle go off?
Why is this important?
- When O2 tank pressure drops below:
- 29 PSI
- 200 kPa
- When O2 pressure drops at the Flow Meter below:
- 14 PSI
- 100 kPa
Low pressure warning system→ You’re about to run out of O2
Breathing System main components?
- Tubes → I/E
- Reservoir Bag
- Valves
- Pop Off/ APL
- Unidirectional
- CO2 absorber → rebreathing ONLY
- Manometers → measure pressure
- Connectors
What determines the Flow Rate of a Tube?
What is most important for tube flow rate?
- Diameter & length
- Radius of tube → r4
How do you choose the appropriate Reservoir bag for your patient?

Need at bag that is 4-6 x’s the TV of your patient
How do you determine patient’s Tidal Volume (TV)?
TV = 10-20 mL/Kg
Where does the gas exit to the Scavenger System at?
APL valve
(Adjustable Pressure Limiting)
What systems have Unidirectional valves?
Rebreathing systems ONLY!!
How is CO2 removed from the breathing system before the next inspiration?
- Rebreathing → chemical absorbent (soda lime)
- Non-rebreathing → flushed out by high FGF
How can you tell when your Soda Lime is exhausted & needs to be changed?
- Dry, friable granules
- Rapid color change
- No heat production
- Hypercapina
Correct way to use a Rebreathing System?
- start w/ HIGH FGF (40-100 mL/kg/min)
- gets rid of N2 & reach appropriate depth quickly
- Reduce FGF to 20 mL/kg/min → leave vaporizer alone
- to change depth return to high FGF
What are the different FGF rates in a rebreathing system?
- High → > 40-60 mL/Kg/min
- Medium → 20-40 mL/Kg/min
- Low → < 20 mL/Kg/min
- Reservior bag should be full, APL valve opened
Correct way to use a Non-rebreathing system?
- High FGF for entire anesthesia period
- Rate needs to be 2-4 x’s patient (Minute Volume=200-400 mL/Kg/min)
What Non-rebreathing systems are used in VSL?
Mapleson D or Bain

What animals need to have Non-Rebreathing Systems for Anesthesia?
Any animal < 5 Kg
5 Key Points about Facial Masks?
- Admin O2 pre- & post-op
- Stressful
- Don’t protect airways
- IPPV is challenging
- Larger mechanical dead space than ETT
What is “dead space”?
Which type of “dead space” can we change?
- the volume of inspiratory gas that DOES NOT take part in alveolar gas exchange
- Mechanical dead space only
Do laryngeal masks protect against aspiration?
Which ETT protects against aspiration?
Which ETT can be gas sterilzed?
- Cuffed ETT
- Silicon ETT
Why would you use a non-cuffed ETT?
- Birds & Reptiles → complete endotracheal rings
- Very small animals → protect trachea w/ smaller tube
KNOW that parts of a Murphy’s ETT!

How do you select the appropriate ETT size?
- Length → point of shoulder to snout
- Diameter → largest possible that will not damage the trachea
What is the most reliable way to ensure proper placement of the ETT?