Lectures 18 & 19 (shoulder to hand + hip) Flashcards
sections of arm
Wrist and Hand
Shoulder separation
acromioclavicular ligament
Shoulder dislocation
head of humerus pops from glenoid fossa
Rotator cuff muscles
- subscapularis (subscapular n.)
- supraspinatus (initiate abduction) (suprascapular n.)
- infraspinatus (suprascapular n.)
- teres minor (axillary n.)
(all connect to humerus)
Flexor and extensor muscles of the arm
- biceps brachii (supination) (musculocutaneous n.)
- triceps (radial n.)
Arteries of arm
- axillary to brachial (same tube, different location)
- radial
- ulnar
Tendon above the brachial artery and medial nerve
bicipital aponeurosis
Forearm flexor muscles (not including digit flexors)
(all except quadratus connect to medial epicondyle of humerus)
- pronator teres and pronator quadratus (median n.)
- flexor carpi radialis (median n.)
- flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar n.)
(using both carpus –> flexion, using one –> radial deviation)
- palmaris longus (not everyone has it)
Flexors of the forearm digits
- flexor digitorum superficialis (median n.)
- flexor policis longus
- flexor digitorum profundus (median and ulnar n.)
Extensor muscles of the forearm
(all connect to lateral epicondyle of humerus)
- extensor carpi ulnaris
- extensor digitorum
- extensor carpi radialis
- extensor pollicis longus and brevis
- abductor pollicis
Muscles for supination of forearm
- Supinator (radial n. so extensor)
- biceps brachii is the complementary flexor
Inflammation of the humerus epicondyles (name and two types)
- golfer’s elbow (medial epicondyle)
- tennis elbow (lateral epicondyle)
Cubital tunnel syndrome
compression of ulnar nerve (pinky and ring finger flexed)
FOOSH (Fall On Outstretched Hand)
fracture of distal radius
Carpal bones
*Important ones
- trapezium
- trapezoid
- *capitate
- *hamate
- triquetrum
- *pisiform
- *scaphoid
- lunate
Carpal tunnel syndrome
compression of the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel
Tunnels in the upper limb
- guyon’s tunnel (pinky side wrist, ulnar n.)
- cubital (ulnar) tunnel (elbow, ulnar n.)
- carpal tunnel (under flexor retinaculum, median n.)
Blood supply to the hand
radial and ulnar arteries connect to form an anastomosis
Intrinsic muscles of the hand
- lumbricals (flexion of matacarpalphalangeal joints) (ulnar and median n.)
- interossei dorsal and palmar (abduct and adduct fingers) (ulnar n.)
Thenar eminence (thumb muscles): - opponens policis
- abductor policis
- flexor pollicis brevis
- adductor pollicis
Hand of benediction
damage to median nerve
Claw hand
damage to ulnar nerve
Waiter’s tip or Wrist drop
damage to radial nerve
Superficial veins of the arm
Muscular compartments of the thigh
Flexors of the knee (posterior)
Extensors of the knee (anterior)
Adductors of the hip (medial)
Lumbo-sacral plexus
femoral (extensor - quadriceps)
obturator (adductor - medial thigh muscles)
sciatic (flexor -
tibial (flexor - calf muscles)
fibular (flexor - anterior and lateral lower leg muscles)
Muscle groups acting on the hip
- iliacus and psoas muscles
- sartorius
- gluteal muscles
- gluteus maximus and medius
- tensor fascia lata
where brachial plexus passes through + pathology
- scalene muscles
Narrowing of interscalene triangle: - scalene hypertrophy (upper nerve roots, C5-6)
- super-numerary rib (lower nerve roots, C8-T1)
brachial plexus nerve root injuries (palsy)
Erb’s palsy (C5-6) - pulling head of newborn
Klumpke’s palsy (C7,C8,T1) - pulling arm of newborn or injury as adult