Lectures 16 & 17 (body wall + back + brachial plexus) Flashcards
Where are extensors vs flexors in body wall
Muscles behind transverse processes of vertebrae are extensors (straighten back), in front are flexors (bend forwards)
Abdominal wall muscles + skin innervated by
ventral ramus: anterior body wall
dorsal ramus: posterior body wall
Anterior body wall muscles
- rectus abdominus
- transverse abdominus
- internal obliques
- external obliques
tensing these muscles increase abdominal pressure for micturition (urination), defecation and parturition (labor)
Extrinsic back muscles
- trapezius (upper, middle and lower fibers)
- rhomboids
- latissimus dorsi
technically upper limb muscles, innervated by thoracic and lumbar levels of spinal cord
Posterior body wall muscles
- spino-transverse system (vertically along the spine, extension)
- transverso-spinal system (between vertebrae, rotation)
Abnormal spine curvature
- scoliosis (lateral curves)
- kyphosis (humpback)
- lordosis (lower back curve, occurs during pregnancy)
Parts of vertebrae
- spinal canal
- body of the vertebrae (stem cell synthesis)
- lamina
- transverse process (left and right)
- spinous process
- superior articular process
- inferior articular process
- pedicle
Between vertebrae
intervertebral disc, facet joints, intervertebral foramen (hole where nerves run through)
Ligaments binding vertebrae
- anterior longitudinal ligament
- posterior longitudinal ligament
- ligamentum flavum
- facet joint capsule
- interspinous ligament
- supraspinous ligament
Intervertebral disc composed of
annulus fibrosis, nucleus pulposus
end tail of the spinal nerves
Cauda Equina
Action muscles on the cervical spine
Sternocleiomastoid, upper trapezius fibers
innervated by CN 11
Spinal roots of brachial plexus
C5 - T1
Main branches of brachial plexus
- median:
- musculocutaneous:
- ulnar:
- radial:
- axillary:
General innervation of upper limb
Shoulder: C5
Elbow: C6
Wrist: C7
Fingers: C8
Hand (intrinsic): T1
Bones of the pectoral girdle
- clavicle
- sternum
Scapula:- acromion
- coracoid process
- spine of scapula
- glenoid fossa
Movements of scapula
Elevation: levator scapulae, upper trapezius, rhomboids
Depression: lower trap.
Protraction: serratus anterior
Retraction: levator scap. , rhomb. , middle trap.
Lateral rotation: serratus ant. , upper and lower trap.
Medial rotation: levator scap. , rhomb.
Anterior thoracic wall muscles
- pectoralis major (flexion, adduction)
- pectoralis minor (protraction of scap.)
Upper arm muscles
- deltoid (flexion, extension, abduction)
- supraspinatous muscle (abduction)