Lecture Summary: Systemic Disorders Flashcards
a clump of platelets that covers the hole through which you’re bleeding
platelet plug
a protein made by a complicated pathway called the coagulation cascade
normal hemostasis steps (2)
- make a platelet plug
2. seal up the plug with fibrin
most bleeding disorders are caused by 1 of 2 things
- something wrong with platelets (not enough, not working right)
- something wrong with coagulation (not enough of 1 or more coagulation factors)
clinical symptoms of platelet bleeding disorders
- mild
- bleeding into skin mucous membranes
- spontaneous/without preceding trauma
examples of platelet bleeding
petechiae in skin, nosebleeds, heavy periods
clinical symptoms of factor bleeding
- more massive
- involves deep joints
- related to preceding trauma
example of location for factor bleedings
lab tests to evaluate bleeding disorders
- platelet count
- bleeding time
- coagulation test
x-linked recessive genetic bleeding disorder
hemophilia is caused by a problem in the ________ (deficiency of ________)
coagulation cascade (deficiency of factor VIII or IX)
clinical bleeding of hemophilia
- can be mild, moderate, severe
- bleeding preceded by injury
- deep bleeds
- excessive bleeding after dental procedures
disorder in which patient has a low platelet count
in thrombocytopenia, without enough platelets to make _____, patient can not make ____, and will ____ as a result
platelet plugs, clots, bleed more
causes of thrombocytopenia (many are possible)
- splenic sequestration
- aplastic anemia
- certain drugs
in thrombocytopenia, bleeding tends to be ______ and is located in ________
spontaneous, skin/mucous membranes (petechiae, pinpoint bleeding into the skin)
a below-normal amount of hemoglobin
three ways one can become anemic
- massive blood loss
- destroy too many RBCs
- make too few RBCs
general symptoms of anemia
- weakness/tiredness
- increased HR and RR
- pale skin and mucous membrane
most common type of anemia
iron-deficient anemia (IDA)
iron-deficient anemia is due to a lack of _____ either from _____ or _____
iron, chronic blood loss, poor nutrition
genetic disease (autosomal recessive) in which patient makes abnormal beta globin chain
sickle cell anemia
in sickle cell anemia, RBCs become “____” or ____ shaped, which makes red cells ________
sickle, curved, fragile and sticky
in sickle cell anemia, blocked BV caused ______
clinical symptoms of sickle cell anemia
- extreme pain where tissue is damaged
- regular anemia symptoms
radiographic findings of sickle cell anemia
-reduced trabeculation of mandible, “hair on end” appearance of skull
white blood cell disorders can be _______
benign or malignant
common finding in WBC disorders is _____, meaning ____
lymphadenopathy, enlarged lymph nodes
most common cause of lymphadenopathy
enlargement of lymphoid tissue (big lymph nodes and enlargement of non-lymph-node-associated lymphoid
tissue…tonsils, lymphoid tissue under the mouth mucosa)
lymphoid hyperplasia
Malignancy of white blood cells that starts in the bone marrow and blood, but can involve other
tissues as well.
oral manifestations of leukemia
- enlargement of gingiva
- petechiae
Malignancy of white blood cells that starts in lymph nodes, but can sometimes affect other
tissues as well.
two categories of lymphoma
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma
type of lymphoma with a variable prognoses, with overall good prognoses, and has a few subtypes
non-Hodgkin lymphoma
non-Hodgkin lymphoma oral manifestations
- oral lesions (red, purple, yellow lesions on buccal mucosa/gingiva/palate)
- diffuse gingival swelling
Hodgkin lymphoma ____ manifests in the mouth
oral findings in Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency
- glossitis
- angular cheilitis
oral findings in Vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency
- fiery red painful mucosa
- profuse salivation
- in some areas, mucosa loses uppermost layer/desquamation
- may develop acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
ANUG stands for…
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
ANUG presents as…
- painful bleeding gums
- punched out looking ulcers in interdental papillae
oral findings in Vitamin C deficiency
- spontaneous hemorrhage
- ulceration
- severe periodontal disease
Vitamin C is required for ______ and ____ surrounds vessels. If there isn’t enough Vitamin C, vascular walls are _______
collagen, collagen, weakened and likely to break
early diabetes oral manifestations
burning tongue, sensitive gingiva
later diabetes oral manifestations
fulminating periodontitis, bleeding gums
end stage diabetes oral manifestations
can develop mucormycosis
a dangerous fungal infection of the sinuses that
can invade directly into the brain
adrenal glands are destroyed levels of adrenal cortex hormones become so low that the patient develops symptoms
Addison disease
symptoms of Addison disease (remember that Addison disease symptoms can be slow to manifest)
- flu-like symptoms
- severe hypotension
- skin bronzing
pathway for skin bronzing
POMC —> melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) –> bronze skin
excess ACTH = excess MSH —> bronze skin