Lecture: Nodular skin diseases Flashcards
- solid elevations that extend deep into the dermal or subcu tissue
- inflammatory cells or
- neoplastic cells
DDX for nodules
- infectious
- fungal
- bacterial
- sterile
- neoplastic
DDX fungal nodules
- cryptococcosis
- Histoplasmosis
- Coccidiodomycosis
- Sporotrichosis
- Kerion
- Mycetoma or pseudomycetoma
- Phaeohyphamycosis
- Oomyces (pythiosis)
DDX for bacterial nodules
- Deep pyoderma
- acral lick dermatitis (dogs)
- cutaneous bacterial granuloma
- Botrymycosis
- Abscess
- Staphylococcal furunculosis
- Opportunistic or atypical mycobacteria
- Nocardia
- Actinomyces
- Actinobacillus
- Leprosy
DDX for sterile nodules
Allergic (cats)
- Eosinophilic granuloma
- mosquito hypersensitivity
DDX for sterile nodules
- Sterile nodular panniculitis
- sterile nodular granuloma and pyogranuloma
- Plasmacell pododermatitis (cats)
DX for nodules
- BX for histopath and culture
- take 2 seperate
- don’t clean for histopath
- clean for culture
- take 2 seperate
- has few organisms
- doesn’t grow on normal culture media
Cultures submitted at UF
- aerobic
- anaerobic
- fungal
- mycobacterial
Systemic fungal infections
- cryptococcosis
- histoplasmosis
- blastomycosis
- coccidiomycosis
Subcutaneous funcal infections
- zoonotic
- phaeohyphomycosis
- mycetoma
- kerion
- thermally dimorphic
- present in skin as yeast
- inoculated by a contaminated wound
large numbers of organisms in feline exudate => WEAR GLOVE
- very few organisms in dogs (hard to dx)
- No immunosuppression necessary
Feline sporotrichosis
- draining nodules
- head
- distal aspects of limbs
- tail
- history of poor response to AB therapy
- Autoinoculation in other parts by grooming
- most cats develop disseminated disease
Feline sporotrichosis
- Usually easy in cats due to large number of organisms
- cytology
- culture
- histopath
- TX
- Itraconazole for dogs and cats
- vasculitis, expensive
- Ketoconazole
- Iodides
- not well tolerated but cheap
- Itraconazole for dogs and cats
Length of treatment for nodular disease
1 month past clinical resolution of signs (up to like 1.5 years)
- result of innoculating dermatophytes in dermis (reaction to derm infect)
- M. gypseum
- T. Mentagrophytes
- Furunculosis
Dermatophytic pseudomycetoma
- subcutaneous nodules
- most common on trunk
- frequent ulceration
- m. canis
- persian cats
- histopath
- pyogranulomatous dermatitis with fungal hyphae
- tissue grains
Pythiosis (Swamp cancer)
- Aggressive, rapidly developing nodules and draining tracts
- Intense pruritus
- easily confused for acral lick granuloma
Dogs that come down with pythiosis develop an …….. response
Eosinophilic response
- not cell mediated
- eosinophilic resopnse is itchy
Pythium diagnosis
- cytology
- eosinophils, rare hyphae
- ghost figures
- culture
- from BX sample (UF or LSU) no fridge
- immunohistochemistry
Treatment for pythiosis
- mortality 100% without tx
- wide surgical excision
- no ergostrol means we can’t really kill it
- hyperbaric chamber
- vaccine: w/in 2-3 weeks within dx
- changes response to cell-mediated response
- was sprayed in FL water to kill mosquitos (biological thingy)
- looks like pythium clinically
- in water
- same tx as pythium
- Infection caused by fast growing sapropytic fungi
- Surgical ressection usually necessary
- variable response to drugs
- looks clinically like pythium
- must biopsy and culture
Deep pyoderma
- furunculosis
- panniculitis
- s. intermedius
- pseudomonas
- DX
- clinical signs
- cytology
- biopsy
- C & S
duration of tx for deep pyo
> 6 weeks (one month past clinical resolution I think)
-typically a couple of months
Acral lick dermatitis
(lick granuloma)
- give antibiotic and look for underlying cause
- R/O flea allergy (cephalexin and flea control)
Acral lick dermatitis
- BX
- skin scrape
- fungal culture
- Biopsy for histopath and culture
- rule out pythium (esp shepherds and labs)
Opportunistic Mycobacteria
- Facultative pathogens
- Non-healing wounds, chronic ulcers, draining tracts
- Cats: lesions often in ventral fat pads
- inguinal area common
*These cats look awfully but not very clinically sick
Opportunistic mycobacteria
- BX large area
- histopath
- special stains
- culture
*may have negative tests (repeat)
Opportunistic mycobacteria
- Need to do specific sensitivity testing: $$$$$ but necessary
- Fluoroquinolones
- Doxycycline
- Clarithromycin
- Skin looks awful like mycobacterium, but cats are also sick
- Culture
- TX
- penicillin and sulfa
- sometimes Na iodide
- prognosis: guarded
Sterile condition
- Foreign body
- Sterile nodular panniculitis
- Sterile pyogranulomas