Lecture: bacterial skin diseases Flashcards
Bacteria on skin classified into
- residents
- multiply
- transients
- do not multiply
- pathogens
- s. pseudintermedius
- s. schleiferi
Most mild skin infections located in
the inguinal area
99.9 % of skin infections in dogs are
bacterial, usually staph
species that normally have s. aureus
porcine skin flora
staph hyicus
-can be transmitted to people
Physical defense mechanisms
- hairs, turnover of stratum corneum
Biggest guns we have
- fluoroquinalones: baytril
- Pus in skin (bacterial infection within the skin)
Most instances of pyoderma are primary, or secondary?
classifications of pyoderma
- Primary vs Secondary
- Site
- Pathogen
- Depth
- surface
- superficial
- deep
Surface pyoderma
- pyotraumatic dermatitis (hot spot)
- Skin fold pyoderma (intertrigo)
underlying causes of surface pyoderma
- flea allergy
- ectoparasites
- allergic skin diseases
- anal sac diseases
- otitis externa
- contact
- ocular
common area for hotspots
- face
- rump
Folliculities (little red dots) on edge of hot spot =
must treat with systemic antibiotics
Hot spots topical treatment
- clip area
- clean area
- topical astringents (NO CREAMS OR OINTMENTS)
- break itch cycle (oral pred)
- +/- systemic AB
- identify and correct underlying cause
Skin fold pyo may be a combo of pathogens
- yeast
- bacteria
*do cytology to see if it is yeast in addition to bacteria
Steroid admin in sharpes will
shrink skin folds (decreases mucin)
low pH is bad for
skin fold pyo therapy
- medical
- cleaning
- wipes (50/50 white vinegar and water)
- surgery
superficial pyoderma
- deeper than surface pyoderma
- pustules present in stratum corneum or inside hair follicles
most common manifestation of bacterial skin infection see in practice
- subcorneal pustules in glabrous areas
- not contagious like in human dz
- seen in puppies
Impetigo dx
- signalment and clinical signs
Impetigo TX
- Topical therapy
- Ensure clean environment
- Severe or persistent cases may need antibiotics
Benzo peroxide
- human products 5-10 %
- dog products 2.5 %
*human skin greasier than dog skin. Human products will irritate dog skin
- Bacteria: staph
- Deodex
- Dermatophyte
Primary lesions of furunculosis
- papules
- pustules
- Erythematous macules
Secondary lesions of furunculosis
- circular crusts
- collarettes
- focal scale
- alopecia
- hyperpigmented macules