Lecture Exam 2 - Chapter 17 Study Guide Flashcards
About how many olfactory receptors do we have? Where are they located?
We have 10-100 million olfactory receptors
in our noses.
Olfactory receptors present in a specialized olfactory epithelium.
Olfactory epithelium covers the inferior surface of the cribriform plate. Extends along superior nasal concha.
What cells are present in the olfactory epithelium and what are their functions?
Olfactory receptors
Supporting cells:
Columnar epithelial cells in mucous membrane of nose. Provide nutrients, electrical insulation and
support to the olfactory receptors. Provide a role in detoxification of chemicals
Basal cells: Stem cells - cells with a capacity to divide and differentiate. Basal cells replace the olfactory receptors that have a lifespan of only about a month. (this is unusual as mature neurons are
usually not replaced)
What is the purpose of Bowman’s glands?
Provide mucous to cover the surface of the olfactory
Provide lubrication and helps dissolve some odorants.
Know the olfactory pathway from the olfactory receptors to higher brain centers.
Axons from olfactory receptors extend through foramina in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.
Bundles of axons form the left and right olfactory nerves that terminate in the olfactory bulbs.
Axons extend along olfactory tract to the limbic system and olfactory area of frontal lobe.
Understand the mechanism by which odorants generate an action potential.
1) Odorant molecule binds to receptor
2) Binding activates a G protein that activates
adenylate cyclase resulting in production of
3) cAMP opens sodium ion channels.
4) Sodium ions enter resulting in a depolarization
that may activate an action potential.
5) The action potential propagates along the axon of
the olfactory receptor.
What is meant by odor threshold and adaptation?
Olfactory sensation has low threshold - takes only a few molecules of some odorants to get a response.
e.g. methyl mercaptan - this is the odorant added to natural gas to make it smell.
Adaptation - decreased sensitivity - can occur rapidly.
What different tastes can be detected?
Only 5 primary tastes can be detected:
Sour, sweet, bitter, salty, umami (Japanese for meaty or savory and believed to be stimulated by monosodium glutamate).
Describe the anatomy of a taste bud.
Taste buds contain 3 types of cells: gustatory
receptors, basal cells and supporting cells. Found
on elevations of tongue called papillae.
How are gustatory receptors activated?
Each receptor has a gustatory hair which is a single long microvillus that extends to the surface if the epithelium through a taste pore.
A receptor potential is generated when a stimulus (called a tastant) comes in contact with the gustatory hairs.
Describe the gustatory pathway from mouth to higher brain centers.
Different tastants stimulate receptor potential in different ways:
Salty foods - sodium ions eneter gustatory receptor via sodium channels resulting in depolarization and release of neurotransmitter.
Sour foods - the H+ ions (from the acidity) are thought to enter through channels resulting in a depolarization and release of neurotransmitter.
Sweet, bitter and umami tastes require G protein-linked pathways to release neurotransmitter.
Understand the organization of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Organized by different wavelengths, with microwaves and radio waves on the longer wavelength end and UV and X rays on the higher end (very brief summary)
Where in the spectrum does visible light fall?
Visible light is in the part of the spectrum with
wavelengths ranging from 400-700nm.
What generates color?
Color is dependent on the wavelength of the light -
objects absorb certain wavelengths and reflect
Know the location and function of accessory eye structures.
Eyelashes and Eyebrows
Lacrimal apparatus - lacrimal glands
supplied by parasympathetic fibers.
Secretions (tears) contain some mucus and
lysozyme (antibacterial).
Know the anatomy of the eyeball.
Retina, Lens, Ciliary Body, Choroid, Sclera, etc. From lab.