Lab Quiz 3 Study Guide - Text Flashcards
What is the function of the pericardium?
Keeps the heart contained in the chest cavity.
Prevents the heart from overexpanding when blood volume increases.
Limits heart motion.
What are the 3 layers of the heart wall?
Epicardium - outer protective layer of the heart.
Myocardium - muscular middle layer wall of the heart.
Endocardium - inner layer of the heart that is continuous with the inner lining of blood vessels.
Know functions in Cardiac Muscle: mitochondria
produce ATP by aerobic respiration to allow for heart muscle contraction
Know functions in Cardiac Muscle: gap junctions.
enable action potentials to spread quickly from cell to cell and for cardiac muscle to contract as a unit
Know functions in Cardiac Muscle: desmosomes.
hold cardiac fibers together
Define: systole
Atrial and ventricular contraction
Define: diastole
Atrial and ventricular relaxation
Define: systolic blood pressure
Systolic blood pressure - highest blood pressure obtained in arteries during systole (atrial and ventricular contraction)
Define: diastolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure - lowest arterial blood pressure during diastole (atrial and ventricular relaxation).
Define: pulse rate
pulse is the blood pressure wave that travels through the arteries when the ventricles contract - pulse rate very close to heart rate
Define: heart rate
number of heartbeats per minute
Define: cardiac cycle
one heartbeat. atrial and ventricular systole and atrial and ventricular diastole.
Define: mean arterial pressure
Average blood pressure over the course of the cardiac cycle (blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood against the blood vessel walls)
Know the events that occur when taking blood pressure and how to take blood pressure.
We use a sphygomomanometer to test blood pressure. The sleeve inflates and blocks the brachial artery. the sleeve than slowly reduces pressure, and when the blood pressure is greater than that of the cuff, blood flows back in. We listen for the flow of blood with a stethoscope.
What effect does exercise have on blood pressure, heart rate and pulse rate?
Raises all three
What heart sounds can you easily hear using a stethoscope? To what events do these heart sounds correspond?
Lubb - the first sound, longer and louder. occurs when blood turbulence from the closure fo the two atrioventricular valves at ventricular systole.
Dupp - the second sound, occurs at ventricular diastole when the two semilunar valves close
What effect does stress have on blood pressure, heart rate and pulse rate?
raises all three
What effect does the autonomic nervous system have on blood pressure, heart rate and pulse rate?
sympathetic ANS - raises HR, BP, and PR
parasympathetic ANS - lowers HR, BP, and PR
What is normal blood pressure? High Blood pressure?
Normal blood pressure (110/70)
High blood pressure (140/90)
Define: normal sinus rhythm
a normal heart rate, 60 to 100 beats/min
Define: tachycardia
A heart rate above 100 beat/min
Define: bradycardia
a heart rate below 60 beats/min
Define: ventricular fibrillation
rapid, uncoordinated heart contractions that do not pump blood
Know the pathway that air flows through the respiratory system from the nose to the alveoli.
- Air enters the nostrils
- passes through the nasopharynx,
- the oropharynx
- through the glottis
- into the trachea
- into the right and left bronchi, which branches and -rebranches into bronchioles, each of which terminates in a cluster of alveoli
- Only in the alveoli does actual gas exchange takes place.
Know the cartilages of the larynx and their functions.
3 single cartilages (thyroid, epiglottis and cricoid)
3 paired cartilages (arytenoid, cuneiform and
thyroid cartilage: Adam’s apple made of hyaline cartilage
Epiglottis: closes over the glottis during swallowing so that we don’t breath in food
Cricoid: ring of cartilage
Arytenoid cartilage: the vocal cords attach via small muscles to this.
Know the components of the bronchial tree and be able to identify them on a model or a diagram.
Trachea => Primary bronchi => Secondary bronchi => tertiary bronchi => bronchioles => terminal bronchioles
Know the different types of epithelia as you pass from the nasal membrane to the alveoli and how structure relates to function.
You need to be able to identify these epithelia and state a location for each.
.What is the purpose of goblet cells in the respiratory system?
What is the purpose of cilia in the respiratory system?
What type of epithelia is ideal for gas exchange in th respiratory system?