Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Flashcards
resistance training has been recommended as an effective form of training for ______
disease prevention and health promotion
- increases physical function (getting stronger/able to do more things)
- reduces risk of falls in elderly patients
- decreases low back pain
- increases mineral bone density (bones are stronger)
resistance training is increasingly promoted for its various health benefits including _______
- lower risk to all causes of mortality
- fewer cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke)
- improved body composition
- better glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
- lower BP in those with hypertension
a large variety of resistance exercises and training protocols exists, the major categories include _______
- refers to exercise that was performed with increased muscle tension and little to no ROM around the joint
- constant weight/pace at a ROM
what are the psychological benefits of resistance training
centered on anxiety, most research done has been for aerobic exercise
- during acute bouts of RT, anxiety is only minimally reduced, or even slightly elevated
* however, during recover, anxiety seems to drop to a lower level then baseline; decreased levels lasts 1-2hrs before returning to original (doesn’t last as long as aerobic training)
- researchers have shown that pre resistance training baseline scores had an effect on the degree of anxiety change during resistance training. People who are most anxious have the greatest anxiety reductions during exercise
characteristics of anxiety
- generally manifested with feeling of nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry
- it is normal for all ppl to experience levels of anxiety with interviews, tests, new challenges, or performance
- anxiety is defined as not having the capacity to deal wit something
- anxiety is impacting how ppl live, associated with poor sleep, mental distress, poor health
characteristics of depression
- in life, post people feel sad or depressed at times due to life’s challenges and as reactions to losses in life
- however, intense sadness (chronic/clinical depression) may lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness resulting in mood disturbances, fatigue, lack of motivation, insomnia (or excessive sleep: hypersomnia), restlessness, agitation, and BW fluctuations
- depression can be transitory (comes and goes)
resistance trainings effect of depression
- researchers have reported that several studies show a positive effect from RT while others have shown little change in depression
- we think its because if you’re depressed you don’t see the point in doing anything, so it’s hard to convince someone to exercise consistently for 6wks
- further investigation is needed to determine if theres an optimal dose of RT for persons suffering from depression
how can sleep effect out physical and mental health
- Consistent sleep deprivation (< 6 hours a night) is associated with cognitive impairment, mental illness, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke, daytime sleepiness, motor vehicle accidents, and a diminished quality of life
- Seems to be becoming a more serious issue
can PA impact sleep patterns
- research indicates that PAive ppl usually have healthier sleep patterns. Furthermore, the research shows that persons with sleep disorders show a 30% improvement in sleep from a regular resistance training intervention
*this improvement in sleep occurs after 8-10wks of RT
*quality and duration is better, but they don’t necessarily fall asleep quicker
relate RT to self ESTEEM
- Resistance training has been shown to improve self-esteem
- Changes in self-esteem is one of the most immediate effects of resistance training since feedback about a successful or unsuccessful lift is instant
- It might also be that individuals who engage in resistance training do so to compensate for low self-esteem
relate RT to self EFFICACY
- Some researchers have looked at positive effect and resistance training
- It has been concluded that resistance training serves as a distraction from negative pre-exercise mood and significantly increases positive mood
- “A relationship seems to exist between high intensity RT sequence and negative mood”
- The order that you do your exercises in will have an impact on your mood
- Ex. If I believe the average mark in this course is too high, I just need to put the reading questions first, because they’re harder and then it will bring down the student’s self-efficacy so the rest of the test will go poorly
- Move from small to large muscle groups (start easy)