Lecture 9 - Grain Legumes Flashcards
legume family name
types of legumes
forages, pulses, grain, oil seeds, vegetables
why eat legumes
high protein, complex carbohydrate, source of iron zinc, vit b, folic acid, soluble fiber, gluten free
proteins are complementary to cereals (high in lysine)
low in sulfur containing amino acids
legume cereal ratio
3 cereal: 1 legume
common bean scientific name
phaseolus vulgaris L
are common beans self pollinated
dry beans vs snap beans
dry beans = cultivated for mature seed
snap beans = selected for succulent, fiber free pods eaten at immature stage
2 centers of domestication for beans
Andean ( large seeded)
Mesoamerican: small and medium seeded
where is bean production primarily in Africa
highland areas or places with more moderate climate and higher rainfall
what beans types are most common in Africa
large seeded andean bush intercropped with corn
major pest of bean
bean fly
bean production constraints in the tropics
diverse environments
greater # of pests and disease
more problems with abiotic stress (heat, drought)
lack of infastructure
where is pigeon pea native to
what place grows 95% of worlds pigeon pea crop
pigeon pea is a major source of _____ to about 20% of world population
______ is the most versatile legume with diversified uses such as food, feed, fodder, and fuel
pigeon pea