Lecture 9 Flashcards
Charlie brown
High N
Medium E - low assertiveness/high vitality
Introversion as adaptive
Can increase survival and can be good. Shyness cannot be good
Differentiating introversion from shyness and social anxiety disorder
one third of people are introverts. This is a style of life where you have a preference for being alone. It should not be fought against, can be adaptive and should be accepted.
You can use an introversion scale
Of these people, roughly one third are shy. Shy people wish they could socialize more but cannot due to a fear of being evaluated. Use a shyness scale.
Social anxiety disorder is very limiting. It is a small subset of shy.
So you can think of them as being a subset within a subset within a set (of introverts). As you move from introverted to SAD, it gets less and less adaptive.
Marriage and introvert/shy/SAD
80% of people get marries in America (including introverts and extraverts.
80% of shy people get married
40% of SAD
Less and less adaptive.
Big bang theory
Sheldon introvert - doesn’t like ppl
Leonard shy - has difficulties socializing
Raj - SAD
Howard high N and High E
Correlates of introversion
BAD Talk less when they meet new people Less eye contact when talking Less firm handshake Study in seculded places Prefer solitary pursuits Narrow friendship network Less likely to emerge as leaders
Listen more
Deliberation helps them make smart choices
Excel at solitary work - gaining expertise requires this and hence, they do better at school
Can be highly effective leaders if the group is very proactive and wants to do their bit *this finding has not bee n replicated much as they rarely rise to leadership positions
Jerome Kagan on high / low reactive temperaments
Found 20% of infants were distressed by a simple stimuli (high reactants) and 20% were nonplussed (low reactants)
Swami did research on chimps where high reactive chimps and parents were swapped with low reactive chimps and parents. Found the kids changed.
Reactive shy temperament over time in NA and Japan
NA At 6 months 20/100 show as high reactants 2 years, 15/100 14 years, 10/100 30 years, 5/100
In Japan, 20% at 6 months but15% at 24 years
Possible cultural differences in NA that prize extraversion
Gentle nudging Kalome
Says sensitive encouragement is good for pushing kids out of shyness. You don’t want to overwhelm them.
Valentines story
Prof went to happy hour at med school inn grad school
Stayed 2 hours, speaking woith male grad students
Went to mcdonalds
Got angry with himself
Went back
Talked to a girl on her own (Groups are hard)
Asked her out, she couldn’t do it but suggested tomorrow
Had a gf by valentines
Brian Littles answer
Free trait theory
We have fixed traits but we can act out of character in the pursuit of personal goals
Brian little important identities (3)
Biogenic - inborn personality
Sociogenic - Personality expected by our culture and religion
Ideogenic - personal desires and values
In other words the second level can overcome the first
Social dominance threshold
Prof thinks there is a needed level of dominance/assertiveness to function
Volitional personality change
Uses BFI to assess desire for change
87% wanmted to change a trait in expected direction, 3% in unexpected
True in UK, Iran and China
These people who wanted to were more likley to change than those that do not
Especially true of those who used motivational techniques like planning daily actions
Painfully shy =
Noticeably shy children
Helpful to try to fix this as not adaptive
Eli Finkel found
Match.com to be pretty useless
Success hinges more on traits and interests
These can be observed best in language style upon meeting
Speed dating works better
Hard to do if you are shy as you’d have to meet 25 people!
Profs personal theory
Recognize the possibility of normative change
Strive for a threshold level of assertiveness
Rely on free trait theory
Realize within trait variability in trait behaviour and look for freeing settings and people