Lecture 21 Flashcards
Key points on narrrative identity
Construct an autobiography
Is not a conscious process
Some do it better with more consistency and a better narrative thread
We all do this as it is the only way to join all the aspects of ourselves across time and space together
We can evaluate this in literary terms, starting with what genre it is
Life events and therapy can change it
Life story contributes to well being
The problems with the life narrative method
Takes ages to elicit and transcribe life event narratives
Many people can struggle with this as they are not always sure how to do it
It can be hard to code
Life story method evidence
30 studies
Themes and patterns coded
Big 5 and level 2 assessed
Results are clear: life story does predict well being in the moment and over time
Even after controlling for big 5 and level 2 stuff
It adds something extra
Self- defining memory
“Is a vivid, affectively charged, repetitive’ linked to other similar memories and related to an important unresolved theme or recurrent concern in an individual’s life”
Begins with the experience of an emotionally intense event
Could be +ve, -ve or a blend (emotionally)
Besides strong emotions, there is a lingk with a key personal issue
Involves fulfillment, rejection or a blend
Prompts a script: (predictable behavior + emotion, often played out throughout life)
The script may become a central thematic line in your life narrative
They are self-defining because they reflect a central, psychologically significant pattern in the life story
Are a special type of episodic memory
Anecdote: Basketball
Prof got to play basketball at MSG
Had a terrible game
Asked coach to take him out even though he was a captain
Coach was angry
Never started again
Was in front of his whole family
For a while was a self-defining memory: “am I a choker in life?”
Aiming for the future in memory of the past
Frederique Philippe UQAM
Understanding how memories of need and satisfying and thwarting past events can direct all future behavior
Self-determination theory
We need
1) relatedness
people who care about you and that you care about
2) Competence
Can be good at something and can get better
3) Autonomy
Are the things you do volitional
These needs are either met or thwarted
Anecdote: prof and Westmount lady
Lady pushed in front of prof
He remembered public times he was beaten by old ladies
she got to go first
cashier told him “I was just as shocked as you”
Felt better
Self-defining memory example instructions and areas they have been studied in
Asked to describe in detail a personal memory if an even that occurred at least one year ago and which was significantly important for you. This memory should reflect your identity or who you are and should reveal something about how you perceive yourself generally. Choose a memory that often comes to your mind, Can be positive, negative or both.
Given time to remember and were not guided in choice.
Has been studied in the following types of self-defining memories:
General Relationship Work Holiday Negative life effects
Study 1: SD memory balance of need satisfaction or thwarting will predict well being now
Self report
Describe SD memory
Rate for neeeds satisfaction
Control for valance (good or bad memory)
Controls for many level 2 personality items
Measures well being
Need satisfaction has a .32 correlation
To the extent that your self-defining memory reflects seeds satisfaction and not thwarting, you are more likely to report well being
Study 2: SD memory balance of need satisfaction or thwarting will predict well being now
Similar to study 1 except instead of level 2 personality items, controlled for big 5 traits
Also measured general need satisfaction levels (day to day) and controlled for this
Had the participants report need satisfaction levels for their SD memories. Also had these coded for independently.
If your self-defining memories are full of need satisfaction - you are likely to report higher well being(.42)
Study 3: SD memory balance of need satisfaction or thwarting will predict well being over time
Assess big 5 and general need satisfaction levels
Control for these
Rate need satisfaction of SD memories
Follow up in December
Those with more need meeting in their SDs were more likely to sustain well being over the semester
So SD memory need satisfaction is a robust and reliable predictor of well being
Study 4: SD memory balance of need satisfaction or thwarting in a memory related to work will predict burn out
Nurses and teachers
High stress
Assessed a work related SD memory
assessed general need satisfaction at work
controlled for this
Coded for needs satisfaction/thwarting
two years later, this predicted burn out
Self0determined motivation for the job also predicted this
Study 5: SD memory balance of need satisfaction or thwarting in holidays related memory will predict well being over and immediately after the holidays
Provide and code an SD memory for the holidays
Code and control for general need satisfaction
Your well being in the holidays is significantly associated with your general well being but also significantly associated with the needs satisfaction/thwarting of pervious SD memories
Tis satisfaction also predicts well being both during the holidays and for a month after.
Study 6: SD memory balance of need satisfaction or thwarting in a memory of relationships will predict well being the duration and satisfaction of the relationship
Assessed quality of relationships (romantic or friendship)
Controlled for age, gender, relationship duration attachment styles
Coded an SD memory involving current partner
To the extent that this memory was coded for needs satisfaction, you were less likely to break up, more likely to report relationship satisfaction at follow up and your partner was more likely to report relationship satisfaction at follow up (so this is dyadic too)
If SD memory was coded as being needs thwarting, you were significantly more likely to have broken up at follow up
Hence listen carefully when partner describes how she met you!
What to do if the memory is need thwarting and negative?
3 way prospective study of community adults
At T1 rate emotion regulation and record well being
Emotional coding:
Integrative emotional regulation - sometimes feeling neg emotion helps me to understand myself
Dysregulation of emotion regulation - I behave under the influence of emotions even though I don’t want to
(as a questionnaire)
T2 (3 months later) - Describe the most negative event that happened since T1
4 items (rate the level of emotional acceptance) eg "I accept that x happend" "I embrace this as a part of my past"
4 items (rate the level of intrusive thoughts eg "I thought about it when I didn't mean to"
T3 (1 month later) Reassess Well Being
Those who use an integrative style of emotional regulation
Are more likely to be accepting of a negative event as a part of life
And are more likely to have higher well being
SD memories are
Primed and can be networked with other things
Can affect us on a daily basis going into the future`
Prof feels that self-defining memories
Can be used as a short cut to life story narratives
And that life story narratives might be these SD memories stitched together