Lecture 14 Flashcards
McAdams and self-esteem
Seems to think it is 2nd level although prof is not sure
Age 5 shift and SE
Maturational changes affect kids from about 5
Start comparing themselves to others
Kids at this age go from universally high SE to a spectrum
Profs book writing
Used to write his name as the great blah blah
Actually had very low se
Prof and self deprecation anecdote
His buddy at Columbia would introduce him to ppl
He would be self-deprecating
Buddy told him to stop
Self deprecation study
people given a word task with another participant
is actually a confederate
3 conditions: self critic, self enhancer and neutral
In self critic makes self deprecating comments about his help in word game
Publicly ptps say good things about him
Privately bad and don’t want to work with him again
In self enhancement - bigs themselves up
same result
In neutral
Public and private both good
Take home: self critics and enhancers are not liked but would not know it as their public feedback is good
Wimpy kid book
Is all about social hierarchies
Thinks he is 52nd but will move up cos another dude will get braces
His bro Rowley is 150 but does not realize it.
Rosenberg SE Scale
Good face validity
Why does McAdams not include SE?
It is better thought of as an outcome reflective of adjustment or well being
It covaries with Edominance very well
Could just measure SE by assessing Edominance really
Baumeister and SE
Considers the effort to increase SE misguided
Association with outcomes is spurious because the causality is the other way around
Success proceeds SE
Should focus on self-control because that will help kids succeed and then SE will naturally come
Beiber background
Mom was religious Drugs Left dad Justin was hot at 14 18 years olf, rebellious drugs Maybe a reaction to fame but usher didn't do it ` Rules for 2k photos dont touch him, talk to him or look at him
Prof took a narcissism scale for beiber and he got 32 while normal ppl get 12
Pereonality disorder definition
Lasting, stable maladaptive pattern of behavior
deviates from a persons culture
recognizable by childhood or adolescence
significant long term impairment in work and relationships
DSM for narcissism
Need 5/10
Grandiose sense of self importance *
Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty of ideal love
A belief that one is special and unique and can only be understood or should associate with other special or high status people *
A need for excessive admiration*
A sense of entitlement*
Interpersonally exploitatively behavior*
Lack of empathy*
Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of you
Demonstration of arrogant attitude*
How would Bieber score on Narcissism
Average score 15
Celebrities 18
Myths of Narcissism
These are not true:
Narcissism is really just high self-esteem
Narcissists are insecure and have low SE
Narcissists really are objectively great, talented and beautiful
Some narcissism is healthy
Narcissism is just physical vanity
Narcissism and E
High correlation
Prof thinks .8 if they split E
Over claiming and narcissism
They claim to know everything
In the overclaim questionnaire, many words are presented for things and they are asked how familiar they are with them. Some are false. Still say they know them.
Sociometer theory of SE (Leary)
Is a gauge to measure inclusion exclusion
Internal representation of acceptance and rejection
Self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan)
Healthiest functioning is reflected in not being preoccupied with SE
Behaving according to your true self, not contingent self
Profs thoughts on Beiber/Wimpy kid
Wimpy kid: I am pretty much one of the best people I know
Health SE - says pretty much
JB probably a narcissist
Unavoidable to focus on SE sometimes
Important to qualify it and contextualize it
Healthy to be able to joke about your flawed and foibles
Comeback of Beiber
Comedy roast hard for narcissists
Public apology
Very successful album “purpose” with serious themes
Lots of collaboration
BUT then obnoxious shit in his videos etc