Lecture 8: Nucleic Acid Structure II Flashcards
-catalyze concerted breakage and rejoining of DNA strands
-control formation of superhelical DNA
Topoisomerase enzyme function
-break and rejoin DNA strands
-need to alter topological status of DNA by changing the linking number and therefore the number of supercoils
Topoisomerase biological role
-control formation of superhelical DNA
-resolve winding problem from replication and transcription = altered DNA topology
Topology control
-cells need for survival
-DNA topology altered during replication and translation
No topology control
-accumulation of supercoils
-hinders melting of DNA duplex
-hinders movement of protein machinery along DNA
Human topoisomerases
Top1 and Top2
-targets for anticancer drugs
Eukaryotic topoisomerases
-do not introduce supercoils
-only relaxes them
prokaryotic topoisomerase
can introduce negative supercoils
-cuts only ONE strand of DNA
-cut strand rotates around intact
-no energy needed
-removes +/- supercoiling
-bacterial and eukaryotic enzymes
-change LK by 1 ?
-cuts both strands of DNA
-requires ATP
-moves another dsDNA segment through opening in cut strand
-changes linking number by 2
-bacterial and eukaryotic enzymes
-only bacteria
-adds negative supercoils
Supercoiling of linear DNA
-generated by protein complexes translocating along DNA
-anchoring nuclear proteins create closed topological domains
Where is DNA overwound
-supercoiling ahead of replication fork
Where is DNA underwound
-DNA before replication fork
Top1 mechanism
- Cleaves one DNA strand
- Forms a transient covalent bond between tyrosine residue and phosphoryl group at cleavage site
- DNA relaxes by controlled rotation of the free end
- Seal gap by re-ligating cleaved strand
-slide 7 pic nvm its wrong