Lecture 26: Metabolism of Nucleotides Flashcards
-ribose + nucleobase
-nucleoside + phosphate
De novo synthesis of purine bases
-amino acids as carbon and nitrogen donors
-uses lots of ATP
-PRPP starting material
-first step is commitment step
Commitment step of purine synthesis
-first step of PRPP to 5-phosphoribosylamine
-inhibted by AMP, GMP, IMP
-stimulated by PRPP
-synthesize GMP and AMP
-this reaction inhibited by GMP and AMP
De novo synthesis of pyrimidine bases
-orotate from amino acids
-OMP from orotate and PRPP
-UDP and UTP from UMP using ATP as phosphate donor
-CTP from UTP
salvage pathway
-pyrimidine phosphoryl transferase
-hypoxanthine + PRPP = IMP and PPi
-guanine + PRPP = GMP + PPi
-adenine + PPRP = AMP + PPi
-generated by synthesis and salvage pathways
-nucleoside monophosphate
nucleotide kinases
-add phosphate groups to NMP and NDP
-ATP phosphate donor
Degradation of purine bases
-purine nucleoside phosphorylase removes nucleobases
-end product is uric acid
Uric acid
-not very soluble
-may form sodium urate crystals that may deposit in joints to cause gout
-elevate uric acid levels
-caused by overproduction of purines, decreased excretion, alcohol and high fructose diet
-structural isomer of hypoxanthine
-xanthine oxidase inhibitor
-reduces uric acid production
-reduces purine synthesis
synthesis of deoxyribose nucleotides
-dNTP needed for DNA replication and repair
-NDP to dNDP by ribonucleotide reductase (rate-limiting)
-NADPH reducing cofactor
ribonucleotide reducatse
-NDP to dNDP
-regulated by many NTPs and dNTPs
Synthesis of Thymine
-dUMP to dTMP by thymidylate synthase
-THF as methyl donor
Synthesis of NAD+
-PRPP is ribose-5-phosphate donor
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)
-antitumor frug
-converted to mononucleotide through salvage pathway
-mononucleotide inhibits PRPP-amidotransferase
-allopurinol inhibits its degradation to 6-thioruic acid by xanthine oxidase
-antitumor drug
-analog of uracil
-converted to FUMP and FdUMP
-without dTTP cells undergo tymineless death
incorporated into RNA and interferes with RNA processing
-inhibits thymidylate synthase irreversibly via covalent bond
-antiviral to treat HSV
-converted to monophosphate in infected cells
-causes chain termination
-prodrug: valacyclovir is esterified version with valine = better bioavailability
Sofobuvir (SOVALDI)
-antiviral for Hep C
-activation of nucleoside is slow
-active agent is inhibitor of NS5B which is RNA-dependent RNA polymerase