Lecture 13: Signal Transduction IV Flashcards
-effect Gs pathway
-norepinephrine cannot bind
= no response (pain, figh/flight)
cAMP mediated signaling RECAP
- Adenylate cyclase makes ATP to cAMP
- cAMP subunits split into 2R+4cAMP and 2C
- 2C (PKA) makes ATP to ADP (phosphorylyzes)
= response
Gaq signaling
- phospholipase C-B
- Diacylglycerol or IP3
- PKC or IP3 receptor
- Ca+2
-acetylcholine, ANg II receptors
Gq signaling
- Ga stimulates phospholipase C-B to hydrolyze PIP2 = IP3 and DAG
Gq signaling from IP3
- IP3 gates ca2+ release from ER ion channel
- Ca2+ binds PKC
- PKC travels to membrane
- PKC binds DAG and is activated
Gq signaling from DAG
- binds to PKC
- Phosphorylate protein (add P)
- response
Maintaining low cytoplasmic Calcium
-there is more calcium outside cell (10^4 difference)
-active transport:
1. NCX:sodium-calcium exchanger (antiport)
2. Ca2+ ATPase
3. SERCA: sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (calcium into ER)
Calmodulin (CaM)
-binds Ca2+ at 2 terminal EF hand domains (4 calcium binded 2 at each domain)
-conformational change exposes hydrophobic surfaces
calmodulin-dependent kinase
-binds to alternate CaM conformation
CaM alternate conformation (after change)
-binds many signaling protiens
-alters CaM kinase activity including autophosphorylation activity
CaM + Ca2+
- conformational change
- binds protein to activate
- autophosphorylation to fully active protein
- lose calcium = CaM kinase
- inactivated by protein phosphatase
What is likely affinity of Ca2+
-close to concentration
KD of calmodulin for Ca higher than concentration of Ca
not binding Ca2+
calcium increase
activates Gaq