Lecture 12: Signal Transduction III Flashcards
GPCR molecular level
-difficult to work with bc integral membrane protein
-hard to isolate to study bc no like water
-difficult to crystallize
bovine rhodopsin
-1st GCPR structure determined in 2000
-binds retinol
-responds to light in eye
-one of easiest GPCR to work with
B2 adrenergic receptor structure
-took 7 years after bovine rhodopsin
GPCR timeline (GPCRdb)
-bovine first
-B2 7 years later
-now we have a lot more (1,102)
GPCR family
-largest class of btransmembrane proteins conserved thru evolution
Human GPCRs (not including olfactory)
~120 orphans (ligand unknown)
~700 (~35%) drugs target > 135 GPCRs
*not targeting olfactory ones with drugs
Heterotimeric G-protein signaling
G-protein cycle
-association with agonist bound GPCR increases GDP release from Ga
-one agonist-bound GPCR can activate 10-100 G proteins
-intrinsic GTPase activity converts GTP to GDP
G-protein cycle Steps
- RESTING (GDP and Ga, GB, Gy)
- Ligand binding & nucleotide exchange
- Ga-dissociation (GB and Gy)
- ACTIVE (GTP on Ga on effector) = SIGNALING
- GTPase
- GTP hydrolysis
- Ligand-dissociation and trimer formation (Ga, GB, Gy)
Association with AGONIST bound GPCR INCREASES
Why does GTP bind
-lots of GTP inside the cell
-protein work is getting rid of GDP
guanine-nucleotide exchange (GEF) activity
-dissociation of GDP from Ga by agonist-bound GPCR
GTPase activity
converts GTP to GDP
one agonist-bound GPCR can activate
10-100 G proteins
GPCR is the GEF
monomeric vs trimeric?
-Ga, GB, Gy in trimeric?
Mechanism of GPCR activation of timeric G protien
- agonist binding
- G protein coupling and nucleotide exchange (GTP to GDP)
- activated G protein subunits regulate effector proteins (ATP to cAMP)
- GTP hydrolysis (lose phosphate) and inactivation of Ga protein
- Reassembly
GPCR structure
-7 transmembrane receptors (7TM)
-helical loops
-binding site in middle
-couple to G-proteins –> downstream signal transduction
G-protein crystallization
-must cut off 7TM loops for purification
7TM structure pathway
-3 intracellular loops
-3 extracellular loops
-N and C terminus
Where does GTP bind (trimeric)
-at the edge of GaRAS
-GaAH folds over and encloses it
-all intracellular
Where does ligand bind to GPCR
-extracellular domain
G protein activation conformational changes
- nucleotide free
- GTP binds under GaRAS
- GaAH encloses GTP
- G subunit uncoupling
- dissociation of subunits
Where do effectors bind?
G subunits after dissociation
Internalization/Desensitization: GPCR signal termination
- Phosphorylation of INTRAcellular loops
- Desensitization (bind B-arrestin)
- Internalization (recruitment to clathirin-coated pits)
- Recycling/Degradation
- Arrestin can also mediate intracellular signaling
GPCR kinases (GRK)
-phosphorylate GPCR
G-protein inavtication: signal termination
- GTPase converts GTP to GDP
-facilitated by either RGS or GAP
G-protein signaling proteins
-promotes GTPase activity
-GTPase-accelaerating protien
-promotes GTPase activity
Signaling pathway
- G protein
- effector
- 2nd messenger
- kinases, channels, etc
-signal amplifies as goes through pathway
Gs and Gi/o signaling pathway
-adenylate cyclate
Gs signaling
-stimulates adenylate cyclase
-in response to hormones or neurotransmitters
-inhbits adenylate cyclase
-couple to other GPCRs with different ligands
adenylate cyclase
-ATP to cAMP
-integral membrane
-many transmembrane segments and cytoplasmic domain
-second messenger
-activates PKA (protein kinase A)
-broken down by phosphodiesterases to 5’-AMP
Adenylate cyclase structure
- transmembrane domain
- helical domain inside cell
- catalytic domain
catalytic domain
-ATP conversion
-regulation of ATP conversion dependent on Ga subunit bound
Protein Kinase A (PKA)
-mediates most cAMP signaling
-binding of cAMP to R-subunits results in dissociation of C-subunits from R-subunits
-PKA regulatory subunits
-PKA catalytic subunits
PKA substrates
-enzymes in glycolysis and glycogenolysis
-ion channels
CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding)
-transcription factor
-phosphorylated form binds CRE and rapidly changes transcription levels
activated PKA
-can enter nucleus