Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is a pedologist?
Can predict the kinds of soils that develop in a certain landscape.
What is pedology?
The study of the formation, characteristics, and distribution of soil.
What is pedogenesis?
The process of soil formation
What do glaciers do?
Glaciers ground up rock into sands, silts, and clays and transported and mixed the materials
Lakes sediment and topography
Sediment is fine and topography is flat.
River sediment?
Sediment is coarser. High amount of gravel and sand.
wind sediment and topography
Sediment is sand or smaller and topography is dune.
What age are soils and sediments considered to be young?
10,000 years old.
How do old soils lose their original fertility?
erosion and leaching.
Glacial lacustrine parent material
Soil and clay deposited in glacial lake. flat topography.
Aeolian parent material
Wind deposited material.
what is Alluvium?
Mixture of sand, silt, and clay deposited by rivers and streams.
What controls the rate of weathering?
Precipitation and temperature.
what are types of microorganisms?
Bacteria & Fungi.
What is topography?
Modifies the effects of climate.
recent - topography.
Little profile development, weakly weathered, and little clay movement.
Old - topography.
well-developed horizons, secondary minerals and more time for pedogenic processes to take effect.
What does Anthropogenic stand for?
Human activity.
Four basic pedogenic processes:
- ) transformations
- ) translocations
- ) additions
- ) losses
what is a transformation?
Occur when soil constituents are chemically or physically modified or destroyed.
What are translocations?
Involve the movement of organic and inorganic materials laterally within the horizon or vertically between horizons.
what is an addition?
Inputs of materials to the soil profile from outside sources.
What are losses?
Loss of materials from the soil profile.
When do pedogenic processes operate?
Under the influence of the soil forming factors.