Lecture 8 Flashcards
What creates meandering rivers?
The undertow spiral water pattern that pulls down on the outer bank of a river eroding that side
What does the term tortuos refer to?
A river working back in on its self
What is an oxbow lake?
A cut off meander
What is a scroll bar?
The ridges formed by multiple point bars
What is a point bar?
The build up of sediment at a rivers inner edge
What is a braided river and what causes it?
It is a river with multiple channels cause by a steep slope and high discharge and sediment loads
What is a alluvial fan?
Terrestrial feature where a steep stream leaves a narrow valley
What is a delta?
A subaqueous feature where a stream enters an ocean or lake
What four things can humans effect in a river system?
Amount of discharge and sediment
Slope and base level
Land use
True or false
It is impossible for a river to remain straight.
What are the four sources of river flow?
Base flow: provided by ground water
Stage and volume
Interflow: seepage above ground water table
Direct precipitation
What is a hydrograph?
A plot of discharge over time
Can a groundwater table change in depth?
Yes due to lack of or surplus of water
How does urbanization impact river flow?
Creates a less permeable ground surface leading to more run off
What causes flooding?
When discharge exceeds the stage height
Name the four types of floods.
Ice jam
Dam failure
What causes a regional flood?
High precipitation in the area or rain-on-snow events
What causes flash floods?
High precipitation in the mountains arid or urban landscapes