Lecture 8 Flashcards
what has happened in recent years with PE and sport
the blending of the two
historically what has relationship been between PE and sport
sharp divide
what type of sport are we discussing
where people play to win, for money, competitive sport (not u6 timbits)
what focus of competitive sport
always on winning
what is truth about focus of winning
true despite ideals, even amateur ideals always understood focus on winning
what is the problem we run into historically when it comes to developing youth
inability to separate sport development from winning
what is the worst thing to do when developing children in sports
emphasizing winning
- especially in team sports
if focus is on winning what happens
kids most often then not do not develop as players
example of negatives from focusing on winning when kids grow at different ages
- sticking tall 12 year old in post, stops developing in ball control (may have been really good at that)
- super fast 12 year old in soccer, kick ball long and tell kid to outrun everyone and score (in high level, everyone fast and may have been something special but development stalled because focus on one skill)
What is the dilemma between sport and winning
youth development cant be predicated on winning but sport is about winning
what is PE and sport in school supposed to be focused on
- develop people physically
what has their always been tension between
PE and sport
what have so many PE teachers or coaches internalized
winning message
- many played sports at high level
- must train brain not to think win, win, win with their team
- bit higher level you go more you obsess about winning
what has been very hard to solve
tension between sport/PE and winning
what has changed in last 30 years in PE
what is being taught
used to be how to learn sports
now emphasis on physical literacy, etc.
Where does the development of our education system start
ancient greeks, 2500 years ago
what is modern western civilization built off of
Greco roman ideas (greek roman)
up until last 70 years what has modern west idolized
Greco roman ideas
if in high school 70-80 years ago what was high likelihood they learnt
learnt how to read latin and speak ancient greek
- expectations to read ancient classics in original language
what are ideas of PE and ideals of what education is based off
greek ideas
what did greeks believe in
sound mind and body
what was ancient greeks idea of what physicality is
argued person needed to be strong physically as well as mentally
- to be physically strong had to have both
what were things that started in ancient greece
- gymnasiums in western context
- mixed martial arts
- olympics
- track, boxing, discus, javelin, marathons
- all played 2500 years ago in greece
what does huge chunk of ideas of sport and PE go back to
ancient greece
- also ideas of education
what did greeks prize
education, saw its value
what would greek rulers often hire
philosophers to teach their children
what went hand in hand
wisdom and education
where did the terms reading, writing, and arithmetic come from
ancient greece
who conquered greeks later on
romans but they adopted lots of greek traditions
how long did rome last
1000+ years and was the greatest empire europe has ever seen
what part of roman empire collapses
western part
what happens after western part of roman empire collapses
period of dark ages is ushered in
what happens with dark ages
education, information, and alot of stuff romans had gets lost
but after dark ages what did many people do
looked backwards to rome for hundreds of years
- idolized roman empire
what began to happen after years after roman empire fell but people idolized it
books and info from roman empire started to make way into western europe again
what kind of books began to flow into western europe
copies of plato and socrates, etc.
- lead to rebirth in classical literature
what did the rebirth of classical literature (plato, socrates, etc) create
renaissance period
what is reminder of renaissance period
- teenage mutant ninja turtles
- because of names (michaelangelo, donatello)
what did renaissance period lead to
embrace roman ideals, including PE and sport
- first ever manuals on PE
what did western europe start to implement in renaissance period
lots of ideas, especially ideas of education
what did they attempt to bring to PE in renaissance period
scientific vigor
In 19th century in britain, what did british aristocracy do
send their youth to very specific private schools to get proper education
- from there go to oxford or cambridge
what happens when canadian colonies are created
aristocrats copy british educatioon system
- create upper canada college, private school in ontario
- universities like mcgill, queens, dalhousie
what is the emphasis in these schools in canada
both body and mind
emphasis on PE
what happens when transition from elite education to mass education
emphasis on PE transitions with it
what caused mass education
social gospel movement
how did social gospel movement cause mass education
- trying to stamp out child labor
- viewed as wrong, work was dangerous and difficult
social gospel movemnet
19th century movement, trying to do good works and cleaning up canadian society
where did children work
coal mines
particularly appalled by child prostitution
what problem did getting rid of child labor create in urban areas
husband goes off to work, wife stays home but in many cases man couldnt get enough money and wife had to work
- if didnt have kids working in city, they were a burden
what was the answer to kids being a burden
send them to school
- could not work but had something to do
- keeps them out of trouble
- out of way of parents
what was the other reason for the birth of mass education
belief that education can benefit people
what was the economic motive behind mass education
want poeple have a little education so they can work in factories
Who created the mass education system
egerton ryerson
in canada west (ontario) 1844
what does ryerson model the education system after
visits many places but models after united states and prussia (germany)
what did prussia have
the largest and best army in the world (joke was army had a state)
What was designed around the army in prussia
everything, including education system
what was the prussian education system designed to do
take young german boys and train them so they’ll be able to fight in the german army
what was prussian education system focused on
discipline and obediance
what did United states have
not a huge army
at time becoming industrial giant of world
what was US education system focused on
turning young men into proper factory workers
what did skills in US schools focus on
ability to do simple, repetitive tasks for very long time, obediance, and ability to stand still
what was canadian education system designed to do
take young boys and make them follow orders, sit still, and do lots of remedial tasks over and over again (still like this)
what is different now with education system
used to have more discipline
but core still in place
what were schools meant to impose
discipline, part of that was corporal punishment
what was corporal punishment
apart of military technique
what was the advantage of imposing discipline
young men already had jumpstart at military training
what was ryerson a big supporter of
sound mind and sound body
- believes young people should have PA and it should be provided in schools
what was ryerson’s beliefs of PA in schools influenced by
ideas of muscular christianity
what does ryerson create to train to be physically strong in schools
PE as part of mass education
what does ryerson hire to create PE
ex military officer
what did PE curriculum closely model
basic training
- changed enough most would not recognize it in modern PE
what were instructors for PE in beginning
all ex army officers
- imbedded in culture, PE teachers yelling and insulting
examples of what they did in PE
Military drills, marching in formation, running, push-ups, pull-ups
what does ryerson do with the teaching occupation
professionalizes it
how do you professionalize something
make college, standardization, control access
where was the first ever teaching college
in toronto, built by ryerson
standardization in teaching
everyone teaches the same curriculum
how do they control access of teaching profession
group gets to decide who can join their profession, must have teacherr degree and board of teachers decide whether you get license or not
How does PE become a standardized practice
produce manuals
manual given to PE teachers so they all know proper techniques
where did this mass standardized professional education start
why did government of canada nor appoint ryerson for rest of canada
provinces are in control of education
government of canada does not impose standard education system across canada, provinces create systems
what happens when provinces go to create education systems
everyone copies ontario system
standard model
what causes the swell of the school system at turn of 20th century
government across canada starts to impose mandatory attendance
what does mandatory atendance increase
number of teachers, students, and construction of schools
how are all teachers still taught the same way
many teachers retire and get doctorate and teach in college, so cycle
students get taught same way as 100 years ago
what remains when schools become mandatory attendance
value of movement and PE
what drives the slow evolution of PE into the 20th century
new info and knowledge about body
start to figure out importance of PA
what is the biggest change in the PE system
development of PE departments in universities
what slowly makes way into PE systems and changes way they do PE
The departments’ developing new standards and ideals
what shift happens when PE departments develop new standards
shift from militarism to play
- PE in 20th century morphs form doing military drills to playing more games (sometimes games still violent)
what was the emphasis on after shift
on play, especially in younger ages
what type of a split happens between PE teachers
old school PE teachers and teachers who want to play and have fun
post 1945 what do we also start to see
changes in understanding of nature of sport and its relation to PE
what did athletes not care about in sport
things associated with PE (nurtition, health)
towards end of 20th century what do we start to understand
body and nutrition
begins to bleed over into sports
up until 80s what were athletes not known for
what would pro athletes do
were really good at their sports and would do drills for their sports but that was it
what unhealthy things did pro athletes do
- common to drink before games
- smoked during breaks
- athletic but in very sport specific context
what did we see in 80s and 90s developing out of PE departments
athletes learning if they start to take care of body and nutrition they become better at their sport
what is interesting aspect of sport and educational institutions
way university sports interact with regular sports
way grade and high school sports interact with club sports
what are two interactions between school sports and club
completely separate
what is completely separate model
most common way educational sports interact with club sports is that they dont
treats educational sports separate from club
what is integrated model
- club system and education system are fully integrated
- same coach, coordinate games, almost same team
- educational team will play in club system as team
unlike in US where does sport focus in canada
at club level, not education level
- club has more training, lasts longer, more advanced
- some exceptions like football
what is new model that Canada is beginning to see
Schools specialize in certain sports
- like american model where schools are specifically designed to develop students in certain sports
as general rule what is not highest level of sport in canada
educational institutions
- even at university level, uni sports dont act as springboard into pro sports
in US what is primary vehicle to go pro
- university acts as place to develop sport
What do we keep university athletes as in canada
amateur athletes
when did scholarships begin to be allowed
- up until 90s no athletic scholarships in canada
- still cannot get payed to play
what is the problem with the government and sport
government doesn’t get involved in sport
what is the federal system and provincial system
separate but equal
government of canada cannot tell sask what to do in provincial areas
when constitution was written what did it never occur for anyone to put in it
what is a provincial responsibility
- federal government has no input
what is a vague thing that exists in both federal and provincial
- federal ministers of health and provincial ministers of health
what does sport have for ministers
federal ministers and provincial ministers of sport
what do federal governments do for sport
try not to get involved too much
- if something big or really bad happens then they get involved
what does federal government periodically step in for
in terms of health what do we not see
sustained effort from federal or provincial government
where has focus of health devolved to
what do schools focus on as the primary vocal point for health
nutrition, mental health, and physical fitness
- incredibly problematic
what is the problem with schools having to deal with health
too much of burden on them
- school counsellors, free lunches, more PA during day
- schools had to ban phones, why did they have to
what should there be outside of schools
separate social entities that ensure kids are eating and mental and physical health is good
why did schools have to step in
because governments havent