Lecture 10 Flashcards
what are modern day olympics based off
ancient olympics that happened that over 2500 years ago in ancient greece
how long did olympics last in ancient greece
over 1000 years
what were ancient greek games based off
ideals, ideas of strong mind and body
what did greeks emphasize
sports and PA
what was greece at that time
collection of city states, no such thing as greece
what were city states in
constantly in wars, competing for pride and dignity, to say their better
what did the constant wars between city states lend itself naturally to
numerous sporting events happened not just olympics that pitted athletes from different states against one another
why did ancient games die out
largely because roman empire was christianized
christianity became official religion
what did christianity in ancient greece cause
church moved to stamp out pegan rituals
olympics were based off greek gods so stamped out
what does renaissance reintroduce
greco roman ideas in western europe
idea of olympics is reintroduced
who is primary figures in creation of modern olympics
Pierre de Fredy, Baron of coubertin
who was coubertin
french aristocrat
modern olympics is his brain child
what does coubertin do with olympics
brings aristocratic sporting ideals and imbed them in modern olympics
what were specific aristocratic ideas of how and why to play sports Coubertin brought to olympics
sports should be amateur, pure, gentlemanly (no ladies)
later when women were allowed to compete what sports could they do
only ones that werent considered dangerous to them
where was first modern olympics
athens, greece 1896
Where was ancient olympics held
who was spirydon louis
- greek
- competed in first olympics
- first winner of marathon
what was spirydon louis an example of
mix of nationalism, heroism, and sport, that is common at olympics
what did modern olympics include
classic sports like boxing, wrestling, discus
what was a new modern olympic sport
what was marathon based off
ancient greek story
race from marathon to athens
most people who ran it had never run that far before
what is spyridon louis known for
- wins prototypical greek event in the first olympics
- while he was running throught roads through villages he stopped had a glass of wine and won the race
what becomes a big part of olympics
what does olympics start off as
not very big, very niche, had other competing international competitions
what happens as olympics becomes more popular
starts to swallow up all other sporting events and become dominant
by 1930s olympics had
established itself as biggest sporting event in world
what did countries think hosting showed
putting your best foot forward
what was 1936 olympics in berlin used as
propoganda tool by Hitler and the Nazis
in 1936 what was happening in germany
Hitler had full control, was dictator, host of laws stripping jews of rights, jobs, property, land
what did world think of germany in 1936
did not care
canada sent a full team
what was canadian prime minister at time
King was an admirer of Hitler
impressed at what hitler has accomplished in germany
what do we try to forget about today
how world embraced nazi germany
controversy at 1968 mexico olympics
mexican army fired and killed a host of protestors before olympics
controversy at 1972 munich olympics
palestinian terrorists took hostages and killed them during games
controversy at 1980 moscow and US olympics
boycott in response to canada and US, because western teams didnt go to protest russian invasion of afghanistan
what controversy happened at 1984 LA
in response to 1980 boycott none of soviets of eastern block (poland, bulgaria, east germany, etc)
what are controversy surrounding beijing and russia olympics
questions of whether or not we should be protesting or sending teams because bad human rights record
- canada didn’t do anything
what did olympics stay as until late 1980s
basic format
- stayed amateur, limited who could compete and the prestige of winning a medal in many sports
- everyone made money except athetes
who made money from olympics
country who hosted
olympics themselves made so much
not athletes
what did athletes want the olympics to accept
that amateurism was a dead end
what started to happen to sport
sports that were strictly amateur became professionalized
height was not winning olympic medal anymore
pressure for olympics to change
what rule did olympics change
pass rule that every sport federation can choose whether their olympic sports should be amateur or professional
what has almost every sport accepted now
what sport was one of first to accept pros
what did americans always send to olympics
amateur collegiate players
1992 barcelona announced they would allow pros
what was every single player on american dream team in 1992
a hall of famer
1976 summer olympics
hosted by montreal
how many summer olympics has canada hosted
what happened with montreal summer olympics
cost of hosting was so high and montreal went into so much debt it took them 30 years to pay it off
what were montreal olympics known for
poor planning, particularly in terms of infrastructure usage
what was poor infrastructure usage
stadium still there, seats 66 000 people, montreal expos used to play but no one uses it anymore
sits empty and always huge cost but higher to get rid of
what was one of reasons montreal hosted
promoting canada became very big
effort to put canada on world stage
also hosted world fair in 1967
what was one of other problems in montreal
we sucked at sporting part of olympics
who hosted next in canada
people were terrified to host until calgary in 1988 hosted winter olympics
why was calgary more successful
infrastructure and economics
didnt lose money, made money
planned their infrastructure so they could use after olympics
what did olympic villlage sell as after
apartments for people
why was calgary successful in social way
putting canadas best foot forward
people came from around the world and it was organized
how did we do at winter calgary
still did poor
was worse because we were supposed to be good at winter stuff`
what did we win at calgary olympics
no golds
one silver and 2 bronze
what was part of problem of why we sucked
canadians didnt care
what happened in 1998 winter olympics
changed rules and allowed pro hockey players to compete for first time
what did we think when they allowed pro hockey players
we get to put our best athletes and steam roll the rest of the world, send a message`
what happened in 1998 with pro hockey players at olympics
got knocked out in semi finals, lost to Czech
only big thing that grezki never won
why did losing hockey in 1998 hurt for canadiasn
we didnt mind when we couldnt send best NHL players but now we cared
when did redemption come for olympics hockey
salt lake city 2002
both men and women won olympic hockey gold
expected women but for men it was big deal
where were 2010 olympics hosted
what did vancouver olympics follow
model of calgary
built smartly with infrastructure, make money, successful in terms of people coming to canada and loving it
what was the important difference with vancouver
we won alot and didnt suck
set record for medals by a canadian olympic tean
what was part of reason for winning in vancouver
government and private investors created a program called own the podium
picked canadian athletes who had shot at winning medal and directed funding towards them and it worked
what was own the podium for the country
controversial (everyone else does this)
not canada though, there was huge backlash, we dont focus on winning
although vancouver was successful what were controversies surrounding
- symbol of inukshuk
- shipped homeless out of downtown vancouver
what did they do with homeless after olympics
kicked them out of shelters
what was controversy around inukshuk
inuit stones symbol
they live up north
lots of indigenous in vancouver, 3 treated signed in vancouver itself
didnt pick any of these groups to be a symbol
protrayed startling lack of knowledge on indigenous
when did calgary bid for olympics again
for 2026 but voted no
what is happening in contemporary society today
major sporting events are struggling to find people willing to host
many events where theres one bidder
why dont people want to host
crazy expensive, so many things atttached, not worth it, cant justify the expense
what is sport washing
making country look good by hosting major sporting events
why are demoacratic countries less likely to host
in democracy you must go to voters
why can dictatorship host
if anyone says you spent too much, they are killed, they can spend however much they want
why is the olympics a tool of normalization
able to invite whole world, be seen with world leaders, seen by audiences watching, normalizes their participation in international affairs
what is the most successful summer olympic team in history
womens soccer team
only team to actually win medals
who is at center of huge scandal right now
bev priestman, woman who helped lead them to gold
current coach
what is scandal
in most recent olympics, canada assistant coach was caught spying on another teams practice
what happened after scandal came out to team
fined and deducted points
coach suspended, assistant coach suspended
what happened in canada after scandal
huge self flagellation
now have begun huge investigation in canadians womens soccer culture
what happens in soccer
everyone spies on other teams
relatively minor thing
coaches would watch, players never saw
biggest problem was that we got caught
contemporary issues
- violence, injuries and life expectancy
- gender
- race
- economics
- performance enhancement
what is violence becoming
more popular in certain contexts but at same time violence is being removed from many sports
what does UFC represent
far less violent form of martial arts then traditional boxing
boxing has 12 rounds and 10 secs to get back up so worse brain injuries
in UFC if knocked unconscious dont get back up
what is problem with pushing through pain
- still seen many people competing when they shouldnt be, especially at amateur level
- imbedded in sports culture
what are we seeing in adolescents with overuse injuries
young athletes competing in way too many practices and games each week
leading to bad overuse injuries
what is the contemporary issue with life expectancy
big part of purpose of sport was idea of being healthy and yet at highest level shown to be counter to health
live worse and shorter lives then people who dont compete
what are problems with sport hyper-masculinity
very negative masculine traits taken to extreme and becoming negative
what does nature of sport tend to reward
many negative traits
what is new huge problem with male sport
body image
huge spike in steroid use
what is still happening with female body image
women are still being judged more on their appearance then their athletic ability
what are we starting to see with female pro sports
starting to be compensated at much higher level
still long way until they get to level of men, but moving it right direction
draw more and more people watching
what is happening with money in sports
- moving in negative direction
- always been issues with gambling
- years ago it was not allowed
- now allowed to bet and access is super easy
what has athlete compensation started to become
positive, good thing, fairly compensated
issue of racism
- continues to be major problem
- different sports grapple with different aspects
examples of racism issue
- because not many visible minority players in sports like hockey, lots of push back to those players
- in football majority of players are black, most coaches are white and all owners are white
what has there been efforts to do with racism
efforts to stamp out
much less blatant then it used to be
much more subtle
performance enhancement issue
as long as huge financial and reputation reward for doing well, we will always see storoids and people trying to make performance better
what is one way to deal with cheating
- dont make it cheating
- logic is its their choice but problem is that anyone that wants to participate will have to partake in unhealthy activity to be able to compete