Lecture 7: Eye Tracking I Flashcards
How can we interpret gaze / what gaze are indications for?
- Gaze signals attention and interest
- Eye movement depends on activity (for example reading)
- Gaze can reveal mental states (nervousness, sleepiness, alertness, relaxation, …)
- Gaze is non-verbal communication
Describe / Sketcht the anatomie of an eye
What do we need to see and what is the time period for the stable projection of a human brain?
To see we need a stable projection of light on our photo receptors for perception and cognition by our brain, so that we finally recognize what we are seeing.
Time period for the stable projection is in the range of 200 – 300 milliseconds.
Which many antagonistic pairs of muscles has an eye?
for horizontal, vertical, and rotational movements
Additionally one for the size of the pupil
What is age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and what is the size of the fovea?
Similar to the skin, the macula can get ‘wrinkly by age’. This is called age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
The size of the fovea is about 1° to 1.5°
Why is there the need for a individual callibration before eye-tracking?
As the pupillary axis is not identical with the line of sight a calibration to the individual is necessary (for best accuracy).
The retina has two types of photosensors, which ones?
rods and cones.
The rods only detect brightness (night vision).
The cones exist in three different types for three different color ranges (red, green, blue).
Briefly define “Eye Tracking”, “Eye Detection” and “Facial Expression Recognition”
Eye Tracking is the estimation of the gaze direction
Tracking the position of the eyes is called eye detection
Tracking the state of the eye (closed, open, angry looking) is part of facial expression recognition
List three types of eye-tracking
Measurement of the eye’s electrical field
Advantage: Works with closed eyes
Disadvantage: obtrusive
Scleral coils
Coil integrated into contact lens; measurement of orientation of coil in magnetic field
Advantage: High space and time resolution
Disadvantage: extremely obtrusive as the coil needs wires
Image processing of video stream
Advantage: unobtrusive
Disadvantage: depends on light conditions
Describe how Video-based Eye Tracking work
Many eye trackers use an infrared LED to create a corneal reflection.
There is a white and a black pupil method. The white pupil method requires an infrared light source in the camera’s optical axis (red eyes on flash picture effect).
What is a fast methods to calibrate eye trackers?
smooth pursuits
What is a typical calibration procedure for eye-trackers?
Typical calibration procedures present a number of calibration points, for example 9, and ask the user to fixate them.
The eye tracker estimates the vector from the corneal reflection to center of the pupil.
What means “accuracy” in terms of eye-tracking?
The average difference between the target center and the center of the gaze points
What means “precision” in terms of eye-tracking?
There are different definitions:
* Root means square of the distances of successive gaze points
* Standard deviation of gaze points
* Average distance of gaze points to center of gaze points
What are Remote Eye Trackers?
What is a disadvantage of built-in webcams?
Remote eye trackers are fixed at the display. The calibration is done with calibration points on the screen. The eye tracker reports screen coordinates.
The disadvantage of built-in webcams is a low accuracy.