Lecture #6: Immunity Flashcards
What are pathogens?
Disease causing agents
What do immue systems do?
- recognize foreign cells
- destory pathogens
- produce immue cells and proteins
What are the 2 types of immunity?
Innate immunity and adaptive immunity
Innate immunity
- present in all animals from time of birth
- an immediate defense upon infection
- responds to broad range of pathogens; non-specific
Adaptive immunity
- Present in vertebrates
- develops after exposure to agents such as microbes, toxins, or other foreign substances
- involves a very SPECIFIC response to pathogens
- exoskeleton of insects serves as barrier (chitin) to entry
- lysozyme = enzyme that breaks down bacteria cell walls
- itemocytes = cells circulating within hemolyph that carry out phagocytosis
- immue cells recognize bacteria and fungi by structures on their cell walls
- various classes of pathogens elict immune response
What is phagocytosis?
Ingestion and digestion of foreign substances including bacteria
- Barrier defenses, phagocytosis, antimicrobial peptides (similar to invertebrates)
- Natural killer cells, interferons, inflammatory response (unique to vertebrates)
Barrier defenses
- skin and mucous membranes of respiatory, urinary, and reproductive tracts are physical barriers
- mucus traps and allows for the removal of microbes (cilia of respiatory tract)
- many body fluids including saliva, mucus, and tears are hostile to many microbes (lysozomes in respiatory tract and tears)
- The low ph of skin (oil gland secretion) and the digestive system (acidic ph of stomach) prevents growth of many bacteria
Cellular innate defenses
- groups of pathogens are recognized by receptors on phagocytic cells
- these receptors recognize fragments of molecules characteristic of a set of pathogens
What are the two main phagocytic cells?
- macrophages
- neutrophils
What do dendritic cells do?
Stimulates the development of adaptive immunity
- eosinophils discharge destructive enzymes, peptides, and proteins
What do peptides and proteins do?
attack pathogens or stop their reproduction
Interferon proteins
produced by virally-infected cells warning noninfected cells and activating macrophages
Complement system
Consists of about 30 plasma proteins which cause lysis (poke holes) of invading cells
- helps trigger inflammation by attracting phagocytes to the scene