Lecture 6 Flashcards
What do unpaired vessels of the body serve as?
what do paired vessels of the body serve?
w/ the body wall somatopleure
what are the unpaired arteries of the abdominal gut?
foregut: Celiac Artery (3 main branches)
Splenic, Left gastric, Hepatic
mid: Superior Mesenteric Artery
hind: : Inferior Mesenteric Artery
what are the branches of the Internal Iliac Artery
1Iliolumbar 2Lateral sacral 3Superior gluteal 4Inferior gluteal 5Internal pudendal 6Obturator 7Middle rectal 8Inferior vesicle 9Superior vesicle
19The old umbilical artery connects to end of internal iliac.
be able to identify/know branches of the internal illiac artery?
study lmao and know picture in lab manual
most of the stuff from illiac artery going in, most stuff going out round back
goes to gut/bladder// goes to body wall/ limb stuff
rare instance where same tube for different sexes gets the same name in illiac artery
male: inferior vesicle artery
f: vaginal artery
rectal artery
goes to rectum
internal pudendal artery
goes to internal genitalia latin for “shame”
your internal illiac artery
supplier perional region, by the time you get to the superior and inferior vessicle
if it goes to the bladder
it is vesicular
always* when you were baby your internal illiac artery
your internal illiac artery was a big vessel and it didnt stop at the superior vessicular it went the inside of your belly went up your belly button and to the placenta, it was your umbilical artery your connection with mom went through your internal illiac artery-
the end of the internal illiac artery
used to hook up to mom
oxygen concentration in arteries are usualy higher or lower?
higher side
sending blood to the placenta to the mom
veins dont go away, only way to send something towards mom is towards an artery
fetal hemoglobin
when you were inside mom had greater infinity for oxygen than post natal
two other major arteries if the leg:
External Iliac Artery–>Femoral Artery once it goes past inquinal ligament it becomes known as femoral artery
femoral triangle bounded by
it is bounded by the abductor longus medially, sartorious laterally (apex facing down), inquinal ligament proximally, example of an artery that is close to surface usually deep
viens are higher or lower pressure?
lower pressure going to heart
femoral artery branches into what?
Profunda femoris
Medial femoral circumflex
Lateral femoral circumflex
further to popliteal fossa it becomes Popliteal and
Saphenous AA.
Profunda femoris
Medial femoral circumflex
Lateral femoral circumflex–> ?
Descending branch lateral femoral circumflex
popiteal becomes?
Peroneal A.,Anterior Tibial A.,Posterior Tibial A
Medial femoral circumflex Lateral femoral circumflex are located wear
they wrap around the head of the humerus
example of an astamosis
Anastomosing branches of Popliteal Artery:
Medial and lateral superior geniculate aa.
Medial and lateral sural aa.
Medial and lateral inferior geniculate aa.
Anterior Tibial Artery where is it located?
in anterior compartment next to tibialis anterior muscle.
Anterior Tibial Artery become?
Dorsalis pedis artery->Deep plantar artery
Subclavian Arteries
12 Intercostal Arteries
Superior Phrenic Arteries (to diaphragm from above)
blood vessels in your arm
blood is at slighly higher pressure because its closer to ya heart
BEFORE it passes the clavicle, the subclavian artery has 3 main branches what are they?
Vertebral a.
Thyrocervical trunk
Internal thoracic a.
the subclavian artery becomes the
axillary artery Sublcavian AA.
pass into each arm, becomin Axillary A. past clavicle.
axillary artery has how many branches
6 branches, organized relative to the pectoralis minor muscle
6 banches of AXILLARY ARTERY.
1 before pectoralis minor: supreme thoracic a.
2 deep to pectoralis minor: thoracoacromial a. and lateral thoracic a.
3 beyond pectoralis minor: subscapular a GOES FIRST, anterior humeral circumflex a., posterior humeral circumflex a., .
three major branches
Vertebral A.
Internal Thoracic A.
Thyrocervical trunk
what passes through transervere formmane/cervical vertbrae
the FIRST branch of the subclavian called the vertebral artery goes to base of skull jump thru the foramen magnum, go insided cranial cavity and give blood to brain its also carotids job
Internal Thoracic A.
Thyrocervical trunk
branches of subclavian
pretty much branch off the same level one is superior (thyrocervical neck-thyroid gland) one inferior or internal theoric artery, near ribcage very useful down inside of ribcage Anastomosis of Internal Thoracic Artery with External Iliac Artery
Anastomosis of Internal Thoracic Artery ??
branches of to the rib cage which form an anastomsis from the aorta.. actually hooks up with blood vessels from the inside of your abdominal cavity called the epigastric artery thats right above your guts
Ateries and nerves tend to
run more deeply – where it’s safer.
what is the first branch of subclavian
the vertebral arteries
axillary artery
goes through axilla (armpit) slightly vulnerable place, protected in the front by your pectoralis major muscle, behind by scapula, side by humerous, medial side by your ribcage, under protected by nothing loose connective tissue & fat
Brachial Artery
radial & ulnar
Ulnar Artery–>
Common Interosseous A
Common Interosseous A–>
Anterior Interosseus Artery.
Posterior Interosseus Artery
Ulnar & Radial AA
Superficial Palmar
Superficial Palmar
Common Palmar
Digital AA.
axillary artery..?“1 - 2 - 3” KNOW THIS IN ORDER
1 before pectoralis minor: supreme thoracic a.
2 deep to pectoralis minor: thoracoacromial a. and lateral thoracic a.
3 beyond pectoralis minor: anterior humeral circumflex a., posterior humeral circumflex a., and subscapular a.
Lumbar arteries (5) Renal arteries Gonadal (ovarian, testicular) arteries Common Iliac Arteries; Branches: External Iliac Arteries Internal Iliac Arteries
Body wall veins
parallel the??
what are portal systems
A circulatory system (set of tubes) with a capillary bed at BOTH ends.
what are example of portal systems?
Foregut: Splenic Vein (= Lienic Vein)
Midgut: Superior Mesenteric Vein
Hindgut: Inferior Mesenteric Vein
All dump into Hepatic Portal Vein, which goes to Liver.
Falx cerebri
The falx cerebri is also known as the cerebral falx, named from its sickle-like form. It is a large, crescent-shaped fold of meningeal layer of dura mater that descends vertically in the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres.
Tentorium cerebelli
The tentorium cerebelli or cerebellar tentorium (Latin: “tent of the cerebellum”) is an extension of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from the inferior portion of the occipital lobes.
Venus Sinuses
The dural venous sinuses (also called dural sinuses, cerebral sinuses, or cranial sinuses) are venous channels found between layers of dura mater in the brain.
Arterial Supply of the brain
Circulosus Arteriosus Cerebri
what are the tributaties of the Circulosus Arteriosus Cerebri?
- Right and Left Internal Carotid Arteries
- Basilar Artery formed from right and left Vertebral Arteries
Circulosus Arteriosus Cerebri
Major Branches
Anterior Cerebral AA.
Middle Cerebral AA.
Posterior Cerebral AA.
Basilar Artery Branches:
Superior Cerebellar AA.
Middle Cerebellar AA.
Internal Cerebellar AA.
which branches of the axillary artery are similar to which of the femoral
the circumflexes are similar
of the six branches of the axillary? which other ones form an anastomisis which four hook up in an astomisis besides the circumflex?
they hook up with each other lol
the supreme thoracicand lateral probably hook up with each other
the thoracacromion is part of what? the acromion so the thoracoacromial a. and the subscapular a. hook up too
there are branches of both the arm
sublclavian and axially
the internal thoracic hooks up with the
superior epigastric which hooks up with the inferior epigastric which comes off of the illiar thats nuts lmao
big vein that exits your head
jugular goes up jugular foramen same as vagus nerve
veins that drain your brain are
sloshy they are defined by spaces in the dura- venus blood sloshes around venus sinuses
one big sinus by the falx cerberi
called superior saggital, also inferior sagital sinus midline and unpaired
when the inferior sagital hits the Tentorium cerebelli
hits straight back the the supeior called the straight sinus, all the sinus converage together by the jugular foramen
know right and left transverse
go to the side curves back its called the sigmond goes right past the temporal bone the petrous portion the petrous sinus they all head to the jug foramen blood falls to head all converages by the jug foramen
all venus sinus converages by the jug foramen
the cavernous sinus penis of the brain looks like erectile tissue sort of spongy-
caverous sinus to the heart?
goes to jugular foramen, jugular vein , unite with the subclavian, becomes the brachiocephalic vein goes to the superior vena cava and then youre at the
major blood vessels that derive over the third aortic arch
the carotid eternal and internal(head)
loop artery that wraps around the pitutary gland, the base of the brain, sends all the branches to the underside of the brain
if its blocked one way can go the other
first branch of subclavian vertebral artery enter right and left into your skull by foramen magneu,
right and left verterbral artery unite to form?
forms the basillar artery dumps into the loop
circle artery is called?
Circulosus Arteriosus Cerebri
tributaries of Circulosus Arteriosus Cerebri
Right and Left Internal Carotid Arteries
Basilar Artery FUSION of right and left vertebral arteries formed from right and left Vertebral Arteries
whats a stroke
farther you go out the arteries less chance of an astomosis, brain tissue that is supplying doesnt get blood