Lecture 15 Flashcards
Mesonephric duct
Previously used by kidneys- tested take over
Mesonephric duct & paramesonephric duct are what germ layer?
Mesonephric duct derivatives?
Vas deferens, epdiymis, seminal vesicles
Anus-levator Ani-anal sphincter-obdurator fascia
Ductus deferens turns into the
Spermatic cord
The mesonephric duct was previously used by what organ
Kidneys-testes take it over
Like the kidneys the gonads develop?
Retroperiotoneal near the dorsal body wall
Gonads are derived from intermediate mesoderm
Testis take over the mesonephric duct for itself and winds up becoming the spematic duct or?
Ductus deferens
Paramesonephric female
Uterine tubes, uterus, cervix
Mesonephric duct does
Drain sperm from testis
Pouch protruding from body wall
What contained in spermatic cord
Vas deferens, testicular arteries, nerves veins
Muscle from penis come from
Abdominal muscle
Passes through body wall-all layers represented in scrotum
External oblique
External spermatic fascia
Internal oblique
Cremastic muscle
Transverse abdomen
Transversal is fascia
Skin layers
Skin -epididymis-dartos (superficial fascia)-external spermatic cord (external oblique)- cremaster muscle (internal oblique)- internal spermatic fascia (transversus abdominus)-tunica vaginalis (ceolm+peritoneium)-ductus deferens/testicular arteries
Why descend testes
Temperature regulation of sperm must be kept a bit cooler than standard mammalian body temp
Testes guided by
The ductus deferens/ ureter..?
Looped over each other
Ligament called gubernaculum
Descends on each side of abdomen from in gubernaculum descends on each side of abdomen from inferior pile of gonad
Split of gubernaculum does what?
Two pieces of connective tissue hold testes to ductus deferens
Gubernaclum give rise too
Testis, suspernsory ligament,ligament of ovary of uterus, ovarian ligament
Gubernaculum passed obliquely through
Developing anterior abdominal wall at site of future inguibal canal, attaches at internal surface of labioscrotal swelling
Anchor testis to scrotal wall
Labioscrotal swelling
Labia majora
Where is it possible to get heribation
Inguinal - sensitive spot
Where does the spermatic cord passes through opening to the scrotal pouch to reach the testis
opening to the scrotal pouch to reach the testis on each side
Since the testes descend it?
Places the ductus deferens in a position just VENTRAL to the ureter
Sperm are stored?
Distal end of the old meso duct @ distal end of the ductus deferens called the EPIDIDYMIS
The cadual ends of the R and L paramesonephric ducts fuse bear their entrance into the embryonic cloaca to become the?
Uterus and vagina
The remaining unfused parts that’s not the uterus and vagina from the paramesonephric duct is?
Uterine tubes aka Fallopian tubes
Ovarian ligament
Connective tissue stamp/band anchoring ovary to lateral uterine wall
Round ligament of the uterus
Remnant of the female gubernaculum connecting uterus to labia majora
Broad ligament
Sheet of connective tissue supporting uterus laterally as wall as Fallopian tube and ovary out to the lateral body wall
- mesosalpinx
- mesometrium
- mesovarium
- suspernsory ligament of ovary
Describe the descent of the ovary
Ovary descends following gubernaculum does not exit line testes
Ends descent just below rim of body pelvic girdle
Ovary a gubernaculum persists in the adult as a pair of fibrous cords that run through a vestigial inguibal cana, insets into the labia majora ( round ligament of uterus)
Is part of the lining of the abdominal cavity-portion of the broad ligament that stretches from the ovary to the level of the uterine tube
Mesentary of the uterus below ovary
Above ovary
Suspensory ligament of the ovary
Extends out from the ovary to the wall of the pelvis connects ovary to wall of pelvis
The division of the cloaca is divided by
Urorectal septum
It divided the cloacal opening off the urogenital opening from the Amy’s
More ventral of the two
Uterus and vagina
Recall the formation of the uterus from the midline fusion of the paramesonephric duct
Space left for the opening central to the rectum is the urogenital sinus
Midline outpocketing of the urogenital sinus grows dorsally toward uterus and forms a tubular VAGINA
The vagina opens at the dorsal end into the uterus and its ventral?
Into the uretheral part of the urogenital sinus
Three openings of the old cloaca
Just above cloacal opening in human embryo is a small thing called the
Genital tubercle
What does the the genital tubercle form, elongated what?
Cloacal rim
Elongated and comes to hang over opening
Specialized erectile tissue develops from mesoderm in the tubercle as well as rim of urogenital opening
The specialized erectile tissue form as two masses on each side of the midline 4
Closer to midline r/l bulb
More laterally r/l crus (plural-cruca)
Males have __ columns of erectile tissue
R/l bulb in male fuse in midline to form
Corpus spongin sum
Urethra emerges out of tip called
Glans penis
Corpus cavernosa
R/l cruces remain independent and firm that
R/l male sides are bound to one another by
Tunica albuginea-wraps around like banana peel)
Erectile tissue in female
Bulbs do not fuse in midline and do not enlarge as much
The top end of midline columns of erictike tissue
Sensitive, has homologous to penis
Upper end of urethera in male
Seminal vesicles
Out pocking of ejac duct
Bulb urethera glands
Postpelvic body wall male
Female glands of inner all of urogenital sinus
Greater vestibular glands - secrete muscous fluids that serve as lubricants
Musuluature of perinal region this mass of specialized hypoxial myacle
Ischiocavernosus muscle
Bulborpongiosus muscle
Ischocavernosus muscle
Arises from ischium behind crus of penis or clit
Wraps around corpora cavernosa to insert on either side of tunica albuginea
Bulbospongipsus muscle
Arises from central tendon of the urogenital diaphragm cover the bulb of penis/ vestibular bulb (females)
Males musculature of perineal region purpose?
Maintains erection of constricting venous return of blood
Bulbospongiosus May contract to aid in ejaculation
Females function of musculature of perineal region
Possible a sphincter like function around vaginal in females