Lecture 6 Flashcards
Structure present in cytoplasm of animal cell important during cell division
Produces color in plant cells
A cellular structure varying genetic material
Hairs that project bacteria
Liquid surrounding organelles in cell
Network of microtubles that branch through cytoplasm to transport signals
Endoplasmic reticulum
Membranous network in eukaryotic cells composed of ribosomes
Extra cellular matrix
Substance animal cells are imbedded in
Tail the propels cells like sperm
Gap junction
Type of intercellular junction in animals that allows the passage of material between cells
Protein with one or more carbs covalently attached
Golgi apparatus
Organelle that modify and store products in endoplasmic reticulum
Intermediate filament
A component of the cytoskeleton that includes filaments intermediate in size between microtubules and microfilaments
Light microscope
Microscope that uses light to see object
A membrane enclosed sack of hydrolotic enzymes found in the cytoplasm of animal cells and some Protists
The cable composed of actin proteins in the cytoplasm of almost every eukaryotic cell
A Hollyrod composed of tubulin proteins that make up part of the cytoskeleton in all eukaryotic cells and is found in cilia
Produces energy and plant and animal cells
Nuclear lamina
A net like a ray of protein filaments lining the inner surface of the nuclear envelope
A specialized structure in the nucleus consisting of chromatin regions containing ribosomal RNA and jeans along with ribosomal proteins imported from the cytoplasmic site of RNA synthesis and ribosomal subunits assembly
And Adam Centercourt containing protons and neutrons the chromosome containing organelle over eukaryotic cell
Any of several membrane enclosed structures with some specialized functions suspended in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells
And organelle containing enzymes that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen producing and then degrading hydrogen peroxide
Plasma membrane
The membrane at the boundary of every sell the exes selective barrier regulating the cells chemical composition
An open channel in the cell wall of the plant through with strands of cytosol connect from an adjacent cell
Prokaryotic cell
Sell that does not contain a nucleus. Bacteria
Cell that creates protein
Rough ER
Endoplasmic reticulum that has ribosomes on it
Smooth ER
Endoplasmic reticulum free of ribosomes
Tight junction
A type of intercellular junction in animal cells that prerinse the leakage of material between cells
A membrane bounded vesicle whose function varies in different kinds of cells
Tubes inside cells small enough for food
A structure in the centrosome of an animal cell composed of s cylinder of microtuble triplets arranged in a 9+0 pattern